
diàn zǐ zá zhì
  • electronic magazine;E-zine
  1. 如何增加你的电子杂志和网站读者!

    How to increase your e-zine and web siteeadership !

  2. 你想让你的文章发表在著名的国际媒体公司的电子杂志上吗?

    Do you want to have your articles printed in an international media e-zine ?

  3. Web动态电子杂志的设计与实现

    Web Design and Implementation of Dynamic Electronic Magazine

  4. 分析了Web动态电子杂志实现的机理,以实例说明了Web动态电子杂志的设计与实现的方法和技术。

    Analyzes the implementation principle of web dynamic electronic magazines and demonstrates the design and implementation methods & techniques with practical examples .

  5. NextIssueMedia公司是一个集五大杂志和新闻报纸出版商为一体的公司,它今天发布了其电子杂志的预览片,其中包含了七家流行杂志。

    Next Issue Media , a consortium of five major magazine and newspaper publishers , launched a preview of its digital storefront today with app versions of seven popular magazines .

  6. 同时,简述了INTERNET化学化工资源的利用,如:学术机构、电子杂志、虚拟图书馆、化学数据库、化学教育等。

    It also indicates the ways to use chemical resources on the Internet , such as academic institutes , electric magazine , virtual library , chemical database , and chemical education .

  7. 法尔哈德•芒戈在时政电子杂志Slate撰文称,Google+现在只是苟延残喘,命不久矣。

    Over at slate , writer Farhad mango makes the bold statement that Google + is livingon borrowed time .

  8. 电子杂志是迄今为止最大程度上整合多种媒介功能的媒介工具,它利用多媒体技术,集动画、视频短片和背景音乐、声音甚至3D特效等各种效果于一体,内容丰富生动。

    E-magazine is so far the largest extent and the functional integration of a variety of media tools . It uses multimedia technology , set Flash animation , video clips , background music , sound effects or even 3-D effects such as integrated , rich content lively .

  9. 大量图片、音乐、Flash动画甚至视频的穿插应用,使得电子杂志与传统杂志相比具备了更多元的表现形式,并且省去了传统杂志巨大的纸张和印刷成本。

    The insertion and application of large quantities of pictures , music , flash cartoons as well as videos make the electronic magazine more diverse in its forms of representation than the traditional magazine and saves the huge cost in paper and printing of the traditional magazine .

  10. 在推出之时,iPad主要被当作一款媒体消费设备&用它来读书、看视频、或翻阅带有视频以及文字和图片的新型电子杂志,要比用iPhone的效果更理想。

    It comes , at launch , dressed mainly as a media consumption device – a better place than the iPhone to read books , watch video , or flick through new electronic versions of magazines that offer video as well as text and pictures .

  11. 然后我尝试在旧金山做电子杂志

    My attempt to start a digital magazine in San Francisco ,

  12. 那每周的电子杂志呢,做完了吗?

    How about the weekly newsletter , is that done ?

  13. 莫莉:要学习现在网体育电子杂志。

    Molly : We are going to learn about sports .

  14. 并预计在2010年,中国电子杂志用户数量达到10500万。

    By 2010 , we expected the user mount getting to 105 million .

  15. 网上电子杂志及其对图书馆发展的影响

    Electronic Journals and Their Effect on Libraries ′ Development

  16. 基于电子杂志2.0的个性化文献资源推送服务研究

    Research on the Personalized Push Service for Information Resources Based on E-magazine 2.0

  17. 最后一章则对电子杂志的未来发展趋势作出了展望。

    The final chapter on the future development of electronic journals has made prospects .

  18. 莫莉:我还没有从现在网的文化英语电子杂志里学到这个。

    Molly : I haven 't learned that yet from Xianzai 's Cutural English newsletters .

  19. 如何刺激你的电子杂志订阅!

    How to boost your e-zine subscribers !

  20. 对不起,我注意到您在看一本电子杂志。

    Mary : Excuse me , I noticed you are reading a magazine about electronics .

  21. 本文探讨了电子杂志的最新展示特点和对家具品牌推广的影响。

    The article discusses the new characteristics of E-journal and its effects on introducing furniture brands .

  22. 你可以通过电子杂志了解最新的信息,例如新闻,艺术和体育。

    Electronic magazines bring you up-to-date topics , such as news , arts , and sports .

  23. 莫莉:在本周的现在网体育电子杂志上,我了关于世界杯的数字。

    Molly : This week on Xianzai Sports I learned some wild statistics about the World Cup .

  24. 如同早年的业余无线电实验,电子杂志正在寻找通向大众传播的非主流途径

    Like early experiments with ham radios , electronic magazines are finding alternative ways of reaching the masses

  25. 电子杂志带给我们的究竟是什么?阅读方式的改变,还是生活方式的变化。

    What the E-magazine has brought us on earth ? The change of reading method or living method ?

  26. 而随着各大明星的加盟,电子杂志之后的发展更是春风得意。

    And join in as what star greatly each , the development after electronic magazine is more successful .

  27. 他和马克还在朋友的人,他们今天下午在明尼阿波利斯的电子杂志博览会在1985年。

    He and Mark are still friends with people they met at a Minneapolis zine fair in 1985 .

  28. 今天我有了一个新发现就是原来我也可以做出本电子杂志来的!

    My having a new detection was originally today I can also do an origin electronics magazine to come !

  29. 更为重要的是,将电子杂志看作一种媒介形态就能更清楚地看待它的现状和未来。

    More importantly , as a media , we can clearly look out the status and future of E-Magazine .

  30. 最近出版的设计哲学论文电子杂志也将设计教育作为它的一个主题。

    A recent edition of the web-based journal Design Philosophy Papers similarly took design education as one of its themes .