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  1. 未来战争是海、陆、空、电、天五位一体的高技术战争,机动战、火力战和信息战将贯穿于作战的全过程。

    The future war is high technology war of integration of sea , land , sky , space and electromagnetism , maneuvering battle , firing battle and information will run through all the operation process .

  2. 在日常生活中如果不使用电,一天也过不了

    Not a day pass but we use electricity in our daily life

  3. 然而电还要几天才能恢复。

    However electricity would take days to restore .

  4. 而且核能明显有更高电产量。一天24小时,一周7天。

    And nuclear obviously provides a lot of power -- 24 hours a day , seven days a week .

  5. 本文对若干实际变电所的一天24小时负荷电流、电压数据进行记录整理,作为实际负荷过程。

    The twenty four hours ' current and voltage data of the some transformers in one day are noted and used as the actual load .