
  1. 与内蒙古规模以上制造业企业GDP的关联度大小排序依次为焦炭、电力消费量、汽油、煤油、燃料油、天然气消费量、原煤、柴油、原油。

    The association degree decreases in the sequence about the GDP about manufacturing enterprises is coke , electric consumption , gasoline , kerosene , fuel oil , coal , natural gas consumption , diesel oil , crude oil .

  2. 指数回归-ARMA模型在我国人均生活电力消费量预测中的应用

    The Application of Exponential Regression and ARMA Model in Annual per Capita Electricity Consumption of Households Forecast

  3. 此外,陕西省电力消费量同比增长309.91%,电力消费增长巨大。因此,在国内特别是在陕西省发展光伏发电行业有着广泛的市场发展前景。

    Therefore , it has a broad market prospect on the development of photovoltaic industry with the tremendous growth in electricity consumption in Shanxi .

  4. 电力工业煤炭消费量的计量经济模型预测研究

    Forecast and research of the econometric model for electric power industry 's coal consumption

  5. 本文首先对各区域及省市电力消费的绝对量进行了横向和纵向的比较,之后使用不同方法对我国东中西部及东北地区电能利用效率及节能潜力进行计算,并进行区域比较。

    This article starts from the comparison of the electric consumption in different regions . Then the electric power efficiencies and energy-saving potential of 30 administrative regions in China are calculated using different methods for comparison .

  6. 从电力和生活能源消费两个角度,分别建立了城市气候变化对电力消费量和生活能源消费量影响模型,全面考察了城市气候变化对能源消费影响的重点敏感领域的损失程度。

    From the perspective of living energy consumption and power consumption , respectively establishing two influence models , this paper makes a comprehensive study on the degree of loss in sensitive areas .

  7. 依据电力消费与经济发展要素数据自身的变化规律,预测了中国十一五电力消费量;

    According to regularity of electric demand and economic development , power consumption in 2006-2010 is forecasted .