
  • 网络Inside-out;inside out;from within
  1. 推销观念采用一种由内而外的视角。

    The selling concept takes an inside-out perspective .

  2. 所有的成绩表现都是由内而外的-你的信念、注、绪及信心都是决定你成功或失败的基础。

    All performance operates from the inside-out & your beliefs , focus , emotions , and confidence form the foundation from which you will either succeed or fail .

  3. 火参果富含维生素A、C、天然抗氧化剂和丰富有机化合物,是能让人由内而外保持年轻的好东西。

    Between vitamin A , C , natural antioxidants , and abundant organic compounds , kiwano is wonderful for staying young , both inside and out .

  4. 在对420t/h锅炉的规范检查当中发现,再热器集汽箱管座及其附属管道外壁出现由内而外发散的放射状裂纹,并且有不断扩大的趋势。

    In 420t / h boiler inspecting , the collecting-steam box of reheater and correlative pipelines are detected to appear diffuse crack , which has expansive trend .

  5. 如此美丽的体验,亲临由内而外的美丽。

    You 're invited to experience such beauty , Unique beauty from within .

  6. 我们开始由内而外的设计,我们所有的座椅。

    We start by designing all of our seating from the inside , out .

  7. 从头到脚都要展现出自己的自信,记住了,自信是由内而外散发的

    Possess a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe

  8. 学生德性或德行能由内而外的生成吗?

    Can the Virtue and the Moral Behavior of Students Be Developed by Means of Externalizing ?

  9. 由内而外的呼吸过滤器呼吸孔关闭,使空气清洁和干燥。

    From the inside Breath hole closed by Breath filter to make air clean and dry .

  10. 真正的幸福是由内而外的。

    True happiness comes from within .

  11. 爱情最忌讳装饰,它需要的是由内而外散发的本真情感!

    Love is the most taboo decoration , it is needed by the true feelings inside !

  12. 写作是主体由内而外的倾吐、创造。

    Writing is the out - pour and creation of the inner mind of the writing person .

  13. 幽雅是由内而外的清香,冷淡也成为了一种

    Elegance is pure odor , which breathes from inward . Then , cold look seems somewhat warm

  14. 随着时间的推移,整个大圆石由内而外风化直到最近的遗迹形成。

    Over time , entire boulders are weathered from the inside out until just a shell remains .

  15. 我们的大多数产品的设计由内而外,由我们高度配合的挪威设计师和工程师队伍。

    Most of our products are designed from the inside out by our highly integrated team of Norwegian designers and engineers .

  16. 该应变救济要点远离耳挂两种方式,是由内而外的锚定得很好。

    The the strain relief nub hangs away from the ear either way and is anchored pretty well from the inside .

  17. 精油能迅速被脐部吸收从而逐步调节内环境,由内而外达到美容养颜的效果。

    The oil could be absorbed quickly by navel area , thus regulate incretion and other organs in coelom , realize beautifying effect .

  18. 配合正确的瑜伽呼吸法,从体内排除毒素,真正由内而外塑造完美体态。

    With the correct yoga breathing , elimination of toxins from the body , the real perfect body shape from the inside out .

  19. 生活在这样一个持续发展的社会中,由内而外发自内心的真正做自己,这一点很重要。

    Living in a society that is constantly developing , it 's important for you to always be yourself from the inside out .

  20. 另外还要多喝水,最好每天八杯,这样可以由内而外保持皮肤水分十足。

    Also , drink water - try for eight 8-ounce glasses a day - to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out .

  21. 过去十多年里思想分化、国内对立、由内而外在自我毁灭的轨迹上快速前行;

    That for the last decade has ideologically divided , polarized the nation , and set it on a fast track of self destruction from within .

  22. 独特的闪亮调色配方,能深入肌肤对抗暗沉,肌肤由内而外散发透白光辉,如美钻般闪耀迷人。

    With particular formula for brightening , it infiltrate into skin to fight against darkness , and let your skin glow luster completely , make you show your charming beauty .

  23. 同时也通过他笔下的事物,人物与也由内而外的将哥特文学的恐怖之美推向了一个新高度。

    In the meantime , he also used the events and characters in his stories to bring the beauty of horror of gothic literature to a new high from inside out .

  24. 法律论证合理性的标准是由内而外和由外而内相互融合的整体,体现在内在标准和外在标准的结合上。

    Reasonable standards of legal reasoning embodied from the inside and the outside to inside of mutual integration of the whole , including in the combination of standards and external standards .

  25. 高台县土地利用类型的空间布局大致以黑河为界呈轴向对称分布,由内而外依次是湿地农用地荒漠。

    The defence county land use type space layout is bounded extend in heihe big axial symmetric distribution , by inside and outside ordinal it is wetland - agricultural land - desert .

  26. 稀有的植物美白元素,由内而外的分解色素,可改善皮肤因疲劳和压力而产生的晦暗、粗糙现象,使肌肤呈现了一种健康自然的美。

    Rare plants whitening element from the outside decomposition pigment , can improve skin fatigue and stress due to the Huian , rough phenomenon , the skin has a healthy natural beauty .

  27. 从广义上说,意识形态由内而外具有五层结构,分别是价值观念、理论体系、社会意识形式、政策主张、日常生活观念。

    Say from broad sense , ideology by inside and outside has five layer structure , respectively is value idea , theory system , social consciousness form , policies and daily life concept .

  28. 生物科技的终极理想不仅在于搞清楚基因表达的方式,还要能够实现新型基因的创造,从而实现由内而外、完全治愈疾病的目的。

    The real dream of biotechnology is not only to understand how our DNA expresses itself , but also to write new DNA that heals disease and repairs bodies from the inside out .

  29. 如何在住宅设计中将户型合理与外型美观完美地结合在一起,如何创造由内而外舒适宜人的居住空间,是住宅设计需要解决的问题。

    Perfectly combining the rationality of dwelling unit type with beautiful appearance and creating the amenity of living space from the inside to the outside are problems needed to be resolved in housing design .

  30. 绿茶可以由内而外帮助你的皮肤。绿茶中含有大量抗氧化剂,可以修护导致皱纹,瑕疵和斑点的受损细胞。

    Green tea can serve your skin from the outside as well as the inside . Its full of antioxidants , these heal damaged cells that could lead to wrinkles , blemishes , spots .