
tián chǎn
  • land;real estate;landed property;individual-owned or collective-owned field;farm product;land and estate
田产 [tián chǎn]
  • (1) [land and estate;real estate]∶旧指田地和产业

  • (2) [individual-owned or collective-owned field]∶旧指个人、团体等所拥有的田地产业

田产[tián chǎn]
  1. 宋廷采取了提供生产资料、归还田产、免除赋役等措施,引导流民复业。当时有不少农民转向工商业,致使农业劳动力在比例上相对减少。

    The government took measures of offering the means of production , returning the real estate , exempting from the taxes and corves etc. Many peasants turned to the industry and commerce at that timed , caused the agricultural labor to reduce relatively on the proportion .

  2. 他没有儿子来继承田产。

    He has no son to inherit his land .

  3. 用改进的AR(p)与指数平滑组合模型预测油田产油量商州产大马士革玫瑰精油研究

    To Predict Oil Production By The Developed Combined Prediction Approach of Auto-regressive and Exponential Smoothing

  4. 最后,将这两种模型结合起来构成新的改进的AR(p)与指数平滑组合预测模型,并用于预测油田产油量。

    A new combined prediction model which based on the developed Auto-regressive and Exponential Smoothing model is established to predict the oil production and a case is given .

  5. 结果:与其它缓蚀剂相比,IMC-3对文、马、卫油田产出水具有更好的缓蚀效果,抗H2S腐蚀性较好。

    Result IMC-3 has much better corrosion inhibitor effcet and corrosivity of H2S .

  6. (指田产或土地)用于生长农作物。

    ( of land or soil ) used for growing crops .

  7. 收取地租是田产管理人的负责。

    Collecting rents is the responsibilities of the land agent .

  8. 购置田产的事又要留给下一代去做了。他的姐妹们倒反而替他着急,希望早些购置产业;

    His sisters were anxious for his having an estate of his own ;

  9. 世界著名的西华山钨矿田产于西华山复式花岗岩体中。

    The famous Xihuashan-Dangping tungsten deposit occurs in the Xihua-shan composite granite body .

  10. 油气田产量递减率变化规律及其应用

    Research on the Variational Law of Decline Rate of Oil & Gas Fields ' Output

  11. 他有许多地(或田产)。

    He owns a lot of land .

  12. 有一个人,名叫亚拿尼亚,同他的妻子撒非喇,卖了田产。

    BUT A certain man named Ananias with his wife Sapphira sold a piece of property .

  13. 完善了油田产油量、产水量动态预报理论。

    But this method improved the theory of the dynamic prediction of oil production and water production .

  14. 寺院资本主要向房产和田产转化,寺院流动资金呈现出固定化趋势。

    Temple capital mainly to the transformation of property Wada production , showing a fixed temple liquidity trend .

  15. 加密调整后油田产油量增加,含水下降。

    After the infill drilling adjustment , the production has been increased and water cut has been declined .

  16. 油气田产量递减率分析是开发规划中的一项重要内容。

    Analysis of production decline rate is an important item in development planning of oil - gas fields .

  17. 宋代系官田产的定额地租剥削高于唐代,选择定额租是为了降低官府的经营成本、规避风险;

    The purpose of the choice of fixed land-rent was to reduce the cost and risk of the government .

  18. 一个是传统的诸子均分的财产继承制度,它决定了田产分散的速度。

    The other is the traditional inheritance system-equal sharing out of property among sons-a determinant for land property dispersion .

  19. 并且卖了田产家业,照各人所需用的分给各人。

    And sold their possessions and goods , and parted them to all men , as every man had need .

  20. 如果他是保皇党,他们可以名正言顺没收他的田产,据为己有。

    If he had been Loyalist they would have been able to seize his lands for themselves , under confiscation .

  21. 但田庄田产及其园艺业却随着主人的贫穷和城市的衰落而衰败了。

    The country estates and their gardens had been ruined through the impoverishment of their owners and the decay of the towns .

  22. 用累积产油量与剩余可采储量比预测油田产油量

    A new method of predicting production of an oil field by means of its cumulative production and the remaining recoverable reserves ratio

  23. 土壤养分测定值与目标产量、空白田产量均正相关;土壤养分测定值与化肥利用率负相关;

    Measured values of soil nutrients were positively related to target yield and yield in CK , but negatively to fertilizer recovery rate .

  24. 英国拥有土地最多的一位所有者在他的田产上进行一项关于先前未记录的古树的综合调查。

    One of the UK 's biggest landowners is embarking on a comprehensive survey to identify previously unrecorded ancient trees on its properties .

  25. 大部分津巴布韦高级政客以及公职人员,例如法官,包括主审这次诉愿的最高法院法官,都从被没收的白人田产中获利。

    Most of Zimbabwe 's top politicians and public servants , including judges , among them those presiding at the Supreme Court are beneficiaries of white-owned farms .

  26. 文献[51]提出了一种对油田产油量进行预测的方法,即多维时间序列神经网络组合预测模型。

    Paper [ 51 ] proposed a new method for forecasting the oil production , it established the combined prediction based on multi-dimensional time series model and neural network model .

  27. 从信息论角度出发,利用神经网络非线性时间序列预测模型,构造了油田产油量、产水量的多维时间序列神经网络预测器。

    In this paper , using neuron network models of nonlinear multidimensional time series prediction , neuron network predictors for the oil production and water production of oil fields were constructed .

  28. 彬格莱先生从他的父亲那儿只承继了一笔将近十万镑的遗产。他父亲生前本来打算购置些田产,可惜没有了却心愿就与世长辞了。

    Mr. Bingley inherited property to the amount of nearly an hundred thousand pounds from his father , who had intended to purchase an estate , but did not live to do it .