
  1. 改革计划生育制度;

    Reforming the family planning system ;

  2. 非法进行节育手术罪的客体应是“国家的计划生育制度”;

    The object of crime of illegally conducting operations against birth control should be " national birth control system ";

  3. 第二,随着计划生育制度的推行,农村家庭逐渐小型化。

    Secondly , as the policy of planned parenthood extending , the scale of rural family becomes smaller gradually .

  4. 同时,对社会保障制度的改革和完善是实行科学、有效的生育制度的基础,加强配套设施的建设刻不容缓。

    Meanwhile , reform and perfect the social security system is a scientific and effective to birth system foundation and strengthening the construction of facilities is urgent .

  5. 最后从生育制度的高度探讨了博弈政策分析的内容、过程与结论。

    At last , this paper confers the contents , the course and the deduction of policy analyses with the game theory from the viewpoint of the birth institution .

  6. 第三章:我国生育保险制度存在的问题。

    Chapter 3 : The problem of our maternity insurance system .

  7. 现行生育保险制度亟待解决的问题及改进对策

    Problems in Current Birth Insurance System and the Solutions

  8. 加快推进工伤保险与生育保险制度建设。

    Development of the industrial injury and childbirth insurance systems shall be accelerated .

  9. 我国企业职工生育保险制度可持续发展展望

    Outlook for the Sustainable Development of the Maternity Insurance System for Workers in Chinese Enterprises

  10. 1988年以来,中国的一些地区开始进行企业生育保险制度的改革。

    Reform of the childbirth insurance system started in some enterprises in China in 1988 .

  11. 实施生育保险制度的社会学和经济学双透析

    Exploring the Necessity of Building Maternity Insurance System & from Sociological and Economic Visual Angle

  12. 深圳市生育保险制度存在发展缓慢、体系不完善等问题。

    Childbearing security system in Shenzhen seems lagging behind the social and economic development and causes many problems .

  13. 生育保险制度改革中强化男性生育角色,对于促进男女平等,全面维护妇女合法权益具有重要意义。

    It is important to improve men 's role in reproduction by reforming the reproductive insurance system of China .

  14. 在这种背景下,为了生育保险制度重构而进行的基本理论问题研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Against this background , the basic theoretical research in maternity insurance system for reconstruction has important theoretical value and practical significance .

  15. 因而要完善相关的企业法律制度,如反垄断法律制度、计划生育法律制度、财税法律制度、立法制度等。

    Hence we should perfect the relevant business laws , anti monopoly laws , financial laws , tax laws and legal system .

  16. 本文从法律和政策构造两方面,对我国的生育权制度进行了较为全面的归纳梳理。

    The article takes Chinese reproductive system as an exordium , concludes the reproductive system comprehensively form the perspectives of law and policy .

  17. 近年来,许多地方还建立了生育基金制度,用于哺乳期妇女休假期间的生活补贴。

    In recent years , a special fund has been established in many places to offer living subsidies to women during breast-feeding and leave .

  18. 同时政府采取积极措施,包括通过加大执法监察力度,完善生育保险制度等,保障妇女的就业权利。

    The government also seeks to guarantee women 's employment rights by taking such active measures as strengthening law-enforcement supervision and perfecting child-bearing insurance system .

  19. 为了寻找这些问题解决的方案,使我国的生育保险制度与经济、社会发展水平相适应。

    In order to find the solution to these problems , make our country of birth insurance system and to the development of economy and society .

  20. 另外,工伤保险制度、生育保险制度等,也都朝着进一步保障劳动者权益的方向进行了改革。

    Reform measures have also been enacted in the system of insurance against injury at work and birth insurance system so as to better protect the rights and interests of the workers .

  21. 我国生育保险制度改革依据的《企业职工生育保险试行办法》10年来一直处于试行地位,滞后于经济社会发展。

    Over the past 10 years of its release , Program for Implementation of Enterprise Staff Birth Insurance has been in the state of trial , lagging behind economic and social development .

  22. 而由于生育保险制度的特殊性,其改革和发展也应当遵循科学的路径,对社会性别需求的考量,在生育保险的改革中显得相当重要。

    Due to the particularity of the maternity insurance system , its reform and development should follow the scientific path . Considerations of gender needs in the reform of the maternity insurance is very important .

  23. 生育保险制度的改革,应该纳入社会性别视角,对女性生殖健康、就业性别歧视、劳资矛盾、女性传统角色回归等一系列由生育引发的问题给以回应,对整个社会加以引导。

    The reform of the maternity insurance system should give a response to a series of problems caused by the fertility , such as female reproductive health , gender discrimination in employment , labor conflicts , and women traditional roles regression .

  24. 完善基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、城市居民最低生活保障制度,普遍建立职工工伤保险和生育保险制度,分散职业风险。

    We will consummate the basic insurance for the elderly , health care , unemployment insurance and the system of insuring basic living standard for city residents ; widely set up working safety insurance and reproduction insurance to relieve the working risks ;

  25. 随着中国人口老龄化程度日益加剧,社会结构老化特征日益明显,加上城乡二元经济结构、土地产权制度和计划生育等制度的制约。

    Along with the deepening of aging degree in china , the character of an older socialism is more and more obvious , adding the restriction of urban and rural economic structure of two elements , Land property system , and the system of family planning and so on .

  26. Excel在水稻生育期灌溉制度计算中的应用

    Application of Microsoft Excel Software in Irrigation Scheduling Calculation of Rice in the Growth Period

  27. 现代生育社会保险制度发展初探

    Probing into the Development of the Social Insurance System of Modern Fertility

  28. 中国传统家训研究论传统家庭模式对生育文化的制度影响

    Study on the Influence of Traditional Family Pattern on the Fertility Culture System

  29. 农村部分计划生育奖励扶助制度的有效性研究

    Research into the Validity of the Rural Family Planning Reward and Help System

  30. 在生育权法律制度的构建方面,本文论述了我国民法典亲属编中专设生育一章的必要性与可行性,主张从丁克和非婚生看夫妻权与生育权分设两章。

    This chapter will include two parts , the couple 's right and the reproductive right .