
  • 网络philosophy of biology
  1. 生物学哲学:科学哲学的新视野

    Philosophy of Biology : A New Horizon for the Philosophy of Science

  2. 我的生物学哲学研究&在普遍性与特异性之间的两极张力

    My Research on Philosophy of Biology & Polarity Extension between the Universality and the Specialty

  3. 大卫·霍尔的生物学哲学

    David Hull 's Philosophy of Biology

  4. 最后,我们用玻尔的互补性思想分析了生物学哲学中的其他几对相互竞争的研究纲领。

    The authors , with N Bohr 's complementarity principle , analysed some other pairs of research programme of mutual competition .

  5. 为了把生物学与哲学联系起来,皮亚杰又进入到心理学研究的领域。

    Piaget studies psychology in order to connect philosophy with sociobiology .

  6. 生命本质问题是生物学、哲学、物理学等各领域科学工作者共同关心的问题。

    The essence of life is an important problem that many scientists such as biologists , philosophers and physicists share same interests .

  7. 大部分是实验与社会心理学,相关主题包括生物学、哲学、语言学、经济学、人类学、以及艺术。

    Largely experimental and social psychology , with relevant ideas from biology , philosophy , linguistics , economics , anthropology , and the arts .

  8. 它的研究也促进了航天学、宇宙化学、天文生物学乃至哲学等其他学科的发展。

    Not only in astronomy , but also in other sciences , like spaceflight , astrochemistry , astrobiology , even in philosophy , it plays an advance function .

  9. 20世纪的生物学革命及其哲学意义

    The Biological Revolution in 20th Century and It 's Philosophical Significance

  10. 这种理论不仅在生物学并且在哲学、甚至意识形态上都有其不可低估的影响力。

    Its influence on biology , philosophy , most ideology is not underestimated .

  11. 虚拟生物的研究促进了理论生物学和生物学哲学的发展。

    The research of virtual organisms promote to the developments of Biological theory and Biological philosophy .

  12. 从一开始,人们对进化的理解就是把其生物学意义和哲学、社会学意义相混淆的,尤其是在斯宾塞那里。

    From the beginning , people comprehend evolution with the confusion of the meaning of biology and of the philosophy > sociology , especially in Herbert Spencer .

  13. 自然选择机制是所有从事生物学以及生物学哲学理论研究的研究者所无法回避的问题,也是充满概念误导与哲学争论的领域。

    The topics of Natural selection are inevitable to researchers who engaged in theoretical research in Biology and Biological Philosophy . This filed full of the conceptual misleading and philosophical dispute .

  14. 华盛顿大学艺术与科学学院生物学副教授,哲学博士ErikHerzog;

    Erik Herzog , Ph.D. , Washington University associate professor of Biology in Arts & Sciences , Sara Aton , Ph.D.

  15. 关注理论生物学创新的基础&生物学哲学的地位及学科建设

    Pay Close Attention to the Foundation of Innovation in Theoretical Biology