
  • 网络ecological breeding;ecological culture
  1. 保护环境,积极发展生态养殖;

    Protect environment and actively develop ecological breeding ;

  2. 实行轮休轮养、资源保护与增殖的生态养殖方式:③发展生态种植业;

    Carrying out the ecological breeding mode of " fallowing and protection " together with resource protection and multiplication . ③ Growing ecological plantation .

  3. 总而言之,河蟹生态养殖池塘PVC底层增氧机使用规律为:晴天中午开,日出前夕勤开;阴雨天夜间长开;闷热天气延长开,大风天气可少开。

    In short , ecological aquaculture pond bottom crabs PVC aerator rule is : sunny noon open , before sunrise frequently open ; rain night always open ; Hot weather extended open , windy weather may be less open .

  4. XXX“赛扶”团队2007年优秀项目负责人兼策划人,设计的生态养殖项目现发展为2008年参赛项目。

    XXX " Rotary 's " team in2007 for outstanding projects and planning , the design of the project is the development of ecological farming for the project in2008 entries .

  5. 池塘河蟹生态养殖对水体环境的影响

    Effect of river crab eco-culture in ponds on water environment

  6. 生态养殖产业链发展模式探讨

    Probe Into the Mode of Development of Ecological Cultivation Industrialization

  7. 东太湖网围轮种轮养生态养殖技术研究

    Ecological rotation culture technique in net pen in East Taihu

  8. 欧鳗黑仔阶段生态养殖初报

    An initial report on ecological culture of black fry of European eel

  9. 奶业现状及规范化生态养殖模式的讨论

    The Actuality of Milk Industry and Discussion on Standardized and Zoological Husbandry Mode

  10. 水库网箱仿生态养殖大规格鳙鱼技术

    Technique of Big Head Raising in Net-cage in Reservoir

  11. 滩涂海水种植养殖系统是一种新型的生态养殖模式。

    Ng system in inter tidal zone is a new type eco culturing model .

  12. 稻田生态养殖田螺研究

    Paddyfield entironment breed aquatics field snail of study

  13. 封闭式对虾池生态养殖系底质的生物改良方法

    Biological mend of sediment in shrimp culture ecosystem

  14. 辽宁西安生态养殖模式中碳钾物流研究

    A Study of Carbon and Potassium Flows in Xi an Eco-animal Breeding Model , Liaoning

  15. 红树林区经济动物及生态养殖模式

    Mangrove Commercial Animals and Ecological Maricultural Models

  16. 生猪生态养殖模式实证研究

    The Study of Hog Ecosystem Raising Model

  17. 构筑海洋生态养殖大平台加快渔业经济产业化进程

    To Establish a Large Platform for Ocean Ecological Aquaculture and Accelerate Progress for Fishery Industry

  18. 西安生态养殖模式能流特征分析

    Energy-Flow Analysis in Xian Eco-Animal Breeding Model

  19. 陕北丘陵区生态养殖模式分析

    Analysis of the Ecological Raising Model in the Hill and Gully Area of the North Shaanxi

  20. 生态养殖技术对加州鲈生长及养殖环境的影响

    Effect on the Growth of Largemouth Bass ( Mcropterus Salmoides ) and the Cultural Environment Factors by Eco-culture Technology

  21. 西安生态养殖试验场农牧渔复合生态系统的结构与功能

    Structure and function of the compound ecosystem of agriculture , animal husbandry and fishery in Xi'an experimental farm of ecological cultivation

  22. 生态型养殖小区模式探索&以义乌市畜牧生态养殖特色小区规划为例

    Discussion on the Pattern of Ecological Breed Aquatics Small Areas - With the Planning of Yiwu Farming Ecological Breed Aquatics Small Area as an Example

  23. 国家海洋局强调,在公园某些区域开展旅游、生态养殖等活动的同时,还需要加强海洋环境的保护。

    The SOA has stressed the need to improve protection of the marine environment when tourism and aquaculture activities are conducted in certain zones of the parks .

  24. 研究结果表明,由于大鲵仿生态养殖环境基本上完整地提供了自然生境中大鲵所需的各种元素,使得该环境接近于原始自然生态环境条件,因此使得大鲵表达出其固有行为。

    This study demonstrated that imitated-natural habitat of the Chinese giant salamander was similar to natural environment because of imitated-natural habitat provided the approximate element needed in natural environment .

  25. 陕北丘陵沟壑区种植业的结构调整陕北丘陵区生态养殖模式分析

    Structure Adjustment of Plant Farming in Loess Hilly Region of North Shaanxi Province Analysis of the Ecological Raising Model in the Hill and Gully Area of the North Shaanxi

  26. 鳄龟箱式高密度高产生态养殖技术研究网箱养鳜对环境的影响及水体承载力研究

    Study on the Technology of Intensive Cage Culture of Chelydra serpentina Effects of the Mandarin Fish Cage Culture on the Environment and the Carrying Capacity of the Water Body

  27. 本文阐述了鳝鱼养殖中存在的问题,指出生态养殖、健康养殖与无公害动物产品生产的区别。

    The paper expounds the questions existing in the rice eel 's culture , pointing out the difference among ecological culture , healthy culture and publically harmless production of animals .

  28. 近年来,在“清洁生产”和“生态养殖”理论的指导下,将对虾与其他不同生态位的养殖种类进行合理搭配混养的综合养殖模式已成研究的热点。

    In recent years , guided by the " Cleaner Production " and " Ecological culture ", integrated culture pattern of shrimp and other species was paid great attention to .

  29. 本文采用前锋线比较法对项目的进度进行动态控制,是这一方法在生态养殖基地项目中首次应用。

    This thesis has applied the vanguard line comparison in the dynamic process control of the project . This is the first time for this method to be used in eco-breeding base projects .

  30. 为了从根源上解决以上问题,本课题组研制了适于种养结合生态养殖的可便携装拆迁移式环保型猪舍(可拆迁式猪舍)。

    In order to resolve the above problems from their root , the studying team has developed the migration portable and environment-friendly pigsty ( removable pig house ) which is suitable for crop-animal combined production .