
shēnɡ cún dòu zhēnɡ
  • struggle for survival
  1. 日复一日的生存斗争压倒了其它一切。

    The day-to-day struggle for survival overrode all other things .

  2. 我厌倦了这日复一日的一成不变的日常工作。日复一日的生存斗争压倒了其它一切。

    I 'm Bored with the same old routine day after day . The day-to-day struggle for survival overrode all other things .

  3. 生存斗争是近代中国思想世界一个非常重要的核心观念。

    Survival Struggle was a key concept in modern Chinese Thought Field .

  4. 只要生命持续就有生存斗争。

    As long as life lasts , there is the struggle of existence .

  5. 生态学在为维护世界进野生动物生存斗争中可能会起重大作用。

    Ecology many be the big gun in the battle to keep the world 's wild animals alive .

  6. 一切生物都有高速率增加的倾向,因此不可避免地就出现了生存斗争。

    A struggle for existence inevitably follows from the high rate at which all organic beings tend to increase .

  7. 我的教育观点是生活不应当被看作一场生存斗争;生活应当看作一个庆祝。

    My view on education is that life should not be considered as a survival battle but a celebration .

  8. 生活即生存斗争,唯适者(即最富有或最强壮者)生存。

    Life is a struggle for existence ; only the fittest ( meaning the wealthiest or most powerful ) survives .

  9. 我应该先说明我应用生存斗争这个名词是广义的,比喻的,包含有生物的相互依赖性。

    I should promise that I use this term in a large and metaphorical sense including dependence of one being on another .

  10. 在小说中,自然是一个充满缺陷,衰落,死亡和血腥的生存斗争的世界。

    In this novel , nature is a world of defect , full of decay , death and the bloody survival battle .

  11. 所有这些挣扎都含有达尔文主义的因素,对于相关个体来说,它们可能象征着一种生存斗争。

      there is something Darwinian in all these struggles and to the individual they can represent a kind of battle for survival .

  12. 人类经历了200万年与自然和其他生物的生存斗争终于脱离了大自然。

    The human being seems to have already broken away from nature after 2 million years ' surviving fight with nature and other living creatures .

  13. 现代发展过程中疯不可避免被赋予另外的身份,即可内化为自己的生存斗争刺激和差异的保留地。

    Madness is given another identity inevitably in the modern development , which can be internalized into reservation for their own survival struggling and differences .

  14. 但其生存斗争远未结束,与通用汽车75年来一直不断争执(不断矛盾)的工会也面临同样的挑战。

    But its fight for survival is far from over & and the same applies to the union it has locked horns with for75 years .

  15. 日复一日的生存斗争压倒了其它一切。生态学在为维护世界进野生动物生存斗争中可能会起重大作用。

    The day-to-day struggle for survival overrode all other things . Ecology many be the big gun in the battle to keep the world 's wild animals alive .

  16. 各种鱼类种群被迫在日益严峻的环境条件下进行生存斗争,产生了一系列表型性状的变化,主要体现在鱼类小型化方面。

    All kinds of fishes are now struggling in the severe environmental conditions and have change a lot in phenotypic traits , especially the miniaturization of fish resources .

  17. 这些法令对那些为生存而斗争的家庭农场来说是有帮助的。

    Such laws aided family farms in their struggle for existence .

  18. 穷人为了生存而斗争。

    The poor had to struggle for a living .

  19. 自古至今创造性的精神都反映了艺术家不同时期生存的斗争。

    The creative spirit always reflects the life struggles of artists at different times in history .

  20. 黄在回忆录中讲述的是一个在奥兰多某富裕社区中生存和斗争的故事。对他来说那是一个充满敌意的环境。

    The story Huang tells in his memoir is one of survival and struggle in a hostile environment & a prosperous neighborhood in Orlando .

  21. 人类在社会生活、生存与斗争中产生了原始崇拜、原始宗教和原始艺术。

    Human beings ' early gregarious existence , food production and struggle for survival gave birth to forms of primitive idol-worship , religion , and art .

  22. 小说《四世同堂》是他的代表作之一,是一篇表现北京普通市民在日本铁蹄践踏下顽强生存和斗争的长篇巨著。

    His masterpiece Four Generations under One Roof is a magnum opus depicting the lives and struggle of ordinary people in Peiping under the trample of Japanese army .

  23. 只要身体还在呼吸,就要为生存而斗争;当身体不能自己呼吸时,有必要制定出不同的规则。

    Rather than fighting for life as long as the body is breathing , and even when it cannot breathe on its own , different rules will evolve , by necessity .

  24. 神话的形象,必须是肉眼不见,但无所不在的护守神灵:在神鬼的庇佑下,年轻的心灵逐渐长成;凭鬼神的指点,成年人明白了自己的生存和斗争的意义;

    The images of the myth have to be the unnoticed omnipresent demonic guardians , under whose care the young soul grows to maturity and whose signs help the man to interpret his life and struggles .

  25. 除了饮水,家住云南的农民何中才还要同另一项生存需求做斗争,那食物。

    Besides thirst , Yunnan farmer He Zhongcai has to battle another basic need-hunger .

  26. 纳粹需要通过家庭获得有种族价值的雅利安孩子,不断充实雅利安种族的人口数量,并不断改善雅利安种族的质量,确保雅利安种族在同其他劣等种族争夺生存空间的斗争中取得胜利。

    The Nazi needed to enrich the Aryans ' population and improve the Aryans ' quality by getting valuable Aryan children from families , in order to ensure that Aryans could win in the fight for living space against other lower races .

  27. 他所做出的每一个决定和行动都直接关系到他为生存而进行的斗争。

    His every decision and act impinge directly upon his struggle for physical survival .

  28. 加勒特开始在监狱里为自己的生存与事业奋力斗争。

    Garrett starts the season fighting for his life and his career in jail .

  29. 一旦生病就很难治疗,人们为了生存而不懈地斗争。

    Diseases could not easily be cured , and there was a continuous battle for survival .

  30. 在这个无法最终确定他将来的时刻,我发现我已经陷入了他为生存而进行的斗争中。

    There was no definitive prognosis his future , and I found myself caught up in his struggle for survival .