
shēng biàn
  • happen;trouble arises (mutiny, etc.)
生变 [shēng biàn]
  • [trouble arises (mutiny, etc.)]产生变故

  • 因故生变

生变[shēng biàn]
  1. 改革开放以来的生育观念已悄然生变。

    The procreation conception had changed since the Chinese economic reform .

  2. 波士顿教士性侵害丑闻教会与受害者协议生变

    Church Pulled out Settlement with Victims over Boston Priest 's Sexual Abuse Scandal

  3. 而用火烹制食物,使食物由生变熟成为人类发展史的一个重要里程碑。

    Since the use of fire and cooking the food was an important milestone in the human history .

  4. 新“强势美元”政策深刻影响着世界经济地理格局,国际货币体系和金融格局也进一步酝酿生变。

    The new " Strong Dollar " policy leaves profound influence on worldeconomy , international currency system and financial pattern .

  5. 飞利浦也表示,因谈判陷入胶著,电视事业出售计画可能生变。

    Philips also said that because of the negotiations languished in the TV industry plans to be sold has changed .

  6. 此类温病具有起病较急,热象显著,易伤阴津,传变较快,易内陷生变的特点。

    They are characterized by acute onset , obvious fever , deficiency of Yin , fast progress and easiness to invagination and change .

  7. 他不愿再宣读此类文件以浪费国会时间,其出版皆于我国对华贸易生变之前。

    He would not detain the House by reading any more of these documents , the publication of which preceded the change in our trade with China .

  8. 近年来,针对通信运营业出台的诸多新政,让一直以来依靠惯性推进演化的运营生态陡然生变。

    In recent years , the introduction of Operation communications for the many New Deal , have so far been relying on promoting the evolution of the Inertia carriers ecological change suddenly .

  9. 《正门的门楼》整个皇城相府的建筑特征是:依山就势、随形生变、层楼叠院、错落有致、古朴庄严、浑厚坚固。

    Gateway at the portal The features of the whole Imperial city and Prime minister 's mansion : Leaning hills , different forms , floors and courtyards with good order , ancient and simple , strong .

  10. 处于盛唐、中唐两座文学高峰之间,大历诗坛像低谷中的涓涓细流,轻吟浅唱,悄然生变而不易为人所觉察。

    The poetry of Dali period is like a sluggish trickle of stream silently flowing in a valley between two literary peaks of the Prosperous Tang Dynasty and the Mid-Tang Dynasty , hardly to be noticed .

  11. 我尽量远离这朋友,好使自己冷静下来,找出友谊生变的缘由,因为我们几乎没有机会再彼此解释了。

    I kept myself as far as possible away from the friend to cool down my mind and to find out what had happened to us , because we had almost no chance to explain to each other .

  12. 象花朵一样,友谊也会生变,有时它们也充许死去,但只要你精心照料,他们将会在新的地方生根,开花,且带给我们快乐幸福时光。

    Like flowers , friendships also go through changes , sometimes they are allowed to die , but if you care for them well and tend them with a gentle touch , they will continue to build roots in new places and bloom for years of enjoyment .

  13. 研究生课程变分原理与有限元改革初探

    Reform in the Graduate Course Variation Principle and Finite Element

  14. 当生奶变酸和凝固时,形成的像水一样的部分。

    Watery part of milk produced when raw milk sours and coagulates .

  15. 对于生,变老与死亡没有任何人能够作任何事而使它暂停。

    It grows , becomes old and ultimately dies without anybody being able to do anything to arrest this process .

  16. 然而他们不听摩西的话,内中有留到早晨的,就生虫变臭了,摩西便向他们发怒。

    Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto moses ; but some of them left of it until the morning , and it bred worms , and stank : and Moses was wroth with them .

  17. 按照拉曼光谱特征峰1000cm-1左右的强度/半高宽比值和放射元素质量分数(wB)可以将锆石分为全晶质锆石、弱变生锆石、变生锆石、强变生锆石4类。

    They can be divided into 4 types according to the ratio of intensity and width in the middle of Raman absorption peak at 1000 cm-1 ( H / W ) and contents of radioelements ( wB ) .

  18. 埋伏多生牙囊变的临床与病理研究

    The Clinical and Pathologic Study of Embeded Supernumerary Teeth

  19. 东秦岭泥盆纪成矿海盆中一种(准)同生热水蚀变岩研究

    Study of syngenetic altered rock of hot water in metallogenic basin of Devonian period in Qinling

  20. 潜流带下部及滞流带表生作用逐渐变弱,表生成岩作用对储层物性的影响也逐渐降低。

    At the lower part of the underwater current belt and stagnant belt , hypergenesis became weaker and the effect of epidiagenesis on the reservoir physical properties be-came gradually poor , too .

  21. DNA-负性突变型(生)顶端突然变大呈球状。

    ( biology ) being abruptly enlarged and globose at the tip .

  22. 现在是一个在校研究生,专业是变分不等式。

    I am a postgraduate , and my major is'Finite-Dimensional Variational Inequalities and Complementarity Problems ' .

  23. (生)顶端突然变大呈球状。那块岩石的顶端猛然变得异常尖细。

    ( biology ) being abruptly enlarged and globose at the tip . The top of the rock tapers sharply .

  24. 结果精子活动度和活率降低,畸形率增高,生精小管上皮变薄;

    [ Results ] In the epididymis , the sperm activity and alive proportion rate decreased significantly , and the rate of malformation was raised .

  25. 失明原因也发生了明显改变,由以沙眼、角膜软化等传染性和营养不良1生眼病为主,变为由白内障、青光眼为主。

    In the past trachoma , keratomalacia and other infectious diseases and malnutrition were responsible for blindness , but now its main causes are cataract , glaucoma , etc.

  26. 这一代的时间里,大学已经变得全球化了,它们刻意增加了海外生源的比例,给本国申请生留下的份额变少了。

    Colleges have globalized over that time , deliberately increasing the share of their student bodies that come from overseas and leaving fewer slots for applicants from the United States .

  27. 目的通过100例埋伏多生牙的临床与病理分析,寻找埋伏多生牙囊变的规律及与错牙合畸形的关系,提出相应的治疗方法。

    Objective To analyse the clinic and pathologic features of 100 embeded supernumerary teeth , to find out the rule of cystic change of supernumerary teeth and its relationship to malocclusion , and to present the methods of therapy .

  28. 通过三个月转化学困生的实验发现,对策是有实效性和有效的,大部分的英语学困生变的对英语学习更感兴趣,更有信心,毫无疑问,英语学习内部动机增强了。

    After 3 months ' experiment the countermeasures of transforming English low achievers are proved to be practical and efficient , and most of low achievers become more interested and confident in English learning .