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  • germinal layer
  1. 虽然大多数的观点倾向于包囊生发层产生学说,但是到目前仍然缺乏结论性的证据。

    Most viewpoints are in favor of the hypothesis that laminated layer of the cysts is produced by germinal layer , but lacking any conclusive proof .

  2. 对照组泡球蚴结构基本正常,角质层、生发层清晰,育囊内有数量不等的原头节。

    The structure of cysts was normal in control group , laminated layer and germinal layer were clear , and there were many protoscoleces in the brood capsule .

  3. ER主要分布于软骨的生发层细胞中,且在髁突软骨的生长处于增生旺盛时分布较多。

    More ER positive chondrocytes were found in the germinal and transitional layers of the cartilage .

  4. 结果发现,颊粘膜上皮生发层中Fas抗原间断性弱表达,其它层细胞广泛表达;

    The results showed that Fas antigen was intermittently expressed on the stratum germinativum of buccal mucosa epithelium , but consistently around the cell membrane of the other stratum ;

  5. 骺软骨内生发层细胞附近的血管源于Ranvier氏沟顶部的血管,是随骺软骨外加生长被包埋进骺软骨内。

    With histological-appositional growth of bone , vessels at the top of Ranvier 's groove are enclosed and changed into blood vessels adjacent to the layer of germinal cells in the epiphyseal as the growth processes go on .

  6. 研究结果表明,泡球蚴包囊角皮层极有可能是由包囊生发层产生而来的。

    The results showed that the laminated layer is produced by germinal layer .

  7. 结论:细粒棘球蚴生发层细胞系已经建立。

    CONCLUSION : A germinal cell line of Echinococcus granulosus was successfully established .

  8. 细粒棘球蚴生发层细胞的体外培养

    Studies on the Continual Cultivation of Germinal Cells from Hydatid Cysts of Echinococcus granulosus

  9. 人体髌前骨膜生发层未分化间充质细胞分布较密集。

    The anterior periosteal undifferentiated mesenchymal cells of human patella were denser than that of the upper tibias .

  10. 细粒棘球蚴囊经甲苯达唑、阿苯达唑或阿苯达唑亚砜作用后其生发层的形态学变化和药物含量

    Morphological Alteration and Drug Content in Cyst Wall of Echinococcus granulosus Exposed to Mebendazole , Albendazole or Albendazole Sulfoxide

  11. 肉瘤成分可能是横纹肌肉瘤,因为正常上皮下方见到特征性的生发层和可疑“带状细胞”。

    I raise the possibility of rhabdomyosarcoma with characteristic cambium layer under normal epithelia and possible " strap " cells .

  12. 阿苯达唑亚砜和吡喹酮长疗程对细粒棘球蚴生发层超微结构的影响

    Ultrastructural alteration of secondary cysts of Echinococcus granulosus harbored in mice treated with albendazole sulfoxide or praziquantel in longer course

  13. 经免疫组织化学检测发现,该单克隆抗体与棘球蚴的生发层,棘球蚴原头节虫体呈阳性反应。

    By immunohistochemical assay , it was found that the antibody reacted with the antigens in the germinal layer and protoscolex .

  14. 骺软骨生发层细胞可能来自骨皮内侧的一层梭扁平细胞。

    The germinal cells in epiphyseal cartilage may originate from the layer of flattened cells on the medial side of the bone bark .

  15. 骨包虫囊继续生长,囊肿表面光滑,色清亮,形态正常,病理切片观察包虫囊生发层和角质层无改变,但角质层偶有钙化。

    The bone hydatid cyst continues to grow , the cyst surface is smooth , the color is clear , the shape is normal .

  16. 育囊内表面结构与母囊生发层表面相似,仅突起的宽度和高度小于母囊,未见囊泡等;

    The fine structures of the inner surface of brood capsules is similar but smaller than the germinal layer surface of mother cysts and no vesicles .

  17. 4周生发层朝向骨组,新生骨小梁较另外两组显著增多。

    Four weeks after operation , the newborn trabecular in the group of the cambium layer facing toward the bone was more than the other two groups .

  18. 结论高强度聚焦超声能破坏小鼠体内棘球蚴,使棘球蚴的生发层损伤,但角皮层仍然完整。

    It is evident that HIFU is effective to damage the hydatids of granulosus , and cause breakage of the germinal layer but the laminated layers appears as normal .

  19. 骨膜在骨发生及生长过程中起着重要作用,骨膜成骨功能主要在于骨膜的生发层,具有骨折愈合所需的细胞。

    Periosteum the occurrence and growth process in the bone plays an important role in periosteal bone is the periosteum of the main function of the germinal layer of cells needed to have a fracture healing .

  20. 光镜:术后7天见真皮乳头及网状层,表皮较薄但见柱状排列整齐的生发层细胞,有较多毛囊、皮脂腺。

    Optics microscope showed : On the seventh day after operation dermic papillary and reticular layer existed , the epidermis was thinner but germinative layer cells arrayed tidily like pillar , and there were many hair follicle and sebaceous gland .

  21. 从骨膜的解剖生理功能和骨膜再生软骨能力两方面进行分析,并阐述了关节内营养环境、关节活动、骨膜生发层不同朝向、年龄及手术技巧等因素对移植修复的影响。

    To analyse the method in terms of periosteal anatomy and regeneration ability . To elaborate the factors of influencing the repair effect , including nutrition in joint , joint motion , different direction of periosteal germinal layer , age and operation skill .

  22. 皮肤感受器皮肤与一般皮肤结构有明显区别,其表皮中β-角质层极薄,生发层由1层高柱状细胞构成。

    The skin structure of the skin sense receptor is markedly differently from the normal skin . In the skin sense receptor area , the β - layer clearly becomes thin and the germinal layer is a layer consisting of some tall columnar cells .

  23. 结果①离心管内生成的骺软骨外周组织结构类似于骺软骨的生发层,由多层细胞构成,培养3周时有6~8层细胞,随时间的延长而减少;

    Results ① The periphery of epiphyseal cartilage formed in a centrifuge tube resembled the germinal layer of a growth plate and consisted of several cellular layers , 6 ~ 8 layers of cells existed at the 3rd week after cultivation , and decreased with time .

  24. 在实验室条件下,给幼犬吞食一定量的原头蚴和含生发层的包囊,经51~109天可在犬粪便中查出孕节或在小肠里检出成虫,感染成功率为77.3%。

    Under laboratory conditions , after the dog ate a certain amount of Protoscolexes and capsules with germinal layers , gravid segment could be found in dog 's excrements and the mature worms identified in 51 ~ 109 days , the rate of infection 77.3 % .