
  • 网络Bottleneck
  1. 电信企业拥有丰富的运营经验和充足的资金实力,在原有业务领域的发展进入一定瓶颈期后已经将IPTV视作未来发展的一个重要战略产品。

    Telecommunications enterprises with rich experience in the operation and adequate financial strength , the original business in the field of development into a certain period after the bottleneck has been the future development of IPTV as an important strategic variety .

  2. 然而另一方面,它仍处于一个发展的瓶颈期。

    However , it is also stepping into a bottleneck period .

  3. 基于传统CMOS技术的集成电路发展日趋瓶颈期,新兴纳米技术和量子计算带来了新的技术突破。

    The development of integrated circuits based on traditional CMOS technology will encounter bottlenecks in the near future . While emerging nanotechnology and quantum computing bring with a new technology prospective .

  4. 京晶:嗯,我是个护士,过去四年一直在ICU病房工作,感觉现在工作遇到了瓶颈期,每天无休止地重复一样的工作,夜班让我十分疲惫。

    Well , I 've been working as an RN at an ICU unit for the past four years , but I feel like I 've hit a plateau . It 's the same thing over and over , the night shift is really taking a toll on me .

  5. 这样的实证研究方法,为陷入瓶颈期的美学的思辨哲学研究带来生机。

    The empirical method of this study , bring vitality to the study of philosophy into the bottleneck period of aesthetics .

  6. 在中国,民众担心转基因食品可能会给身体健康带来不利影响,而这种担忧使中国的转基因产业进入了瓶颈期。

    China 's GM industry has been beset by widespread public concern that GM food may detrimentally affect people 's health .

  7. 但是,图书馆的发展也到了其瓶颈期,大规模的文献资源既是一种优势,也是一种缺点。

    However , the development of the library to its bottleneck massive literature resources is both an advantage and also a disadvantage .

  8. 近几年来,湘潭市进入了一个发展的瓶颈期,发展缓慢,产业发展问题突出。

    Since the " Twelfth Five-Year Plan " Xiangtan City has entered a bottleneck period with slow development and serious problems of industrial distribution .

  9. 黄牛奶树两种繁殖方式的瓶颈期不同,有性生殖的瓶颈期在种子到幼苗阶段,而克隆苗在幼苗到成株阶段。

    Bottleneck in sexual propagation appeared in the stage from seed to seedling , while clonal propagation appeared during the period from seedling to ramet .

  10. 对了还有这个消息也意味着,摩托罗拉也正处在瓶颈期,与中兴通讯的比赛将非常值得关注。

    And , yes , this news also means that Motorola is also now in a neck and neck race with ZTE , for what it 's worth .

  11. 我国酒店行业虽然在旅游业的推动下发展迅速,但是在国外知名品牌酒店的入驻以及产品同质化的巨大压力下,进入了瓶颈期。

    Driven by tourism , our hotel industry develops rapidly , but it enters the bottleneck because of the pressure from overseas well-known brand hotels and product homogeneity .

  12. 但是,发展达到高峰意味着即将进入瓶颈期,在这种背景下,微信试图依靠综合化、平台化发展应对即将到来的用户疲软。

    However , a bottleneck period begins when Wechat reaches a peak of users . Under such background , Wechat is trying to rely on comprehensive development to respond to upcoming user weak .

  13. 本文的研究主要期待为对语录现象的深层次研究提供一些参考依据,并尝试在理论上能够为处在瓶颈期的传统媒体找到一条突围之路。

    And this paper is expected to provide some reference for deeper study in this field , as well as to try to find a way for traditional media to break out of their bottleneck .

  14. 目前来看栏目剧从制作到传播,从播出效果到群众反映已经出现了不和谐的因素,栏目剧发展进入了一个瓶颈期。

    There are some disharmonious elements occurred in the procedures from program making to transmitting , and from transmitting effects to audiences responses , and the present development of opera program has encountered an obstacle .

  15. 目前,机构发展已进入瓶颈期,急需通过加强自身组织能力建设、提高服务能力以及优化外部环境系统的方式,突破瓶颈期,走上规范合理高效的发展之路。

    Institution needs to strengthen their own organizational capacity building , improve service capacity and optimize the external environment , to break the bottleneck in urgent , and finally embarks on the standard reasonable and effective development road .

  16. 在经历三十年的快速发展之后,目前我国城市进入一个发展瓶颈期,城市发展尤其是对各项基础设施建设的强劲需求和政府财政资金紧张之间的矛盾日益加剧。

    After three decades of rapid growing , the urbanization process is undergoing a bottleneck period for development . There is an increasing contradiction between the strong demand for urban development especially the quasi-public infrastructure and the strained government budget .

  17. 现阶段,中国的私人银行业务仍属于新兴事物,相关的法律法规尚不健全,其自身具有不成熟、不均衡的特点,已经进入发展的瓶颈期。

    But in current China , private banking is still belongs to the emerging things , relevant laws and regulations is not sound , itself has the characteristics of immature , uneven , has entered the bottleneck of development period .

  18. 同时,我国银行业以往靠信贷规模为主业务模式也将面临未来信贷规模整体增长空间受限而遭遇瓶颈期,银行业发展也将迎来信用空间转变的重要拐点。

    At the same time , our country banking past credit business model mainly by the scale will also face the future credit scale and overall growth in limited space bottleneck , banking development will also have an important change credit space turning point .

  19. 基于动态瓶颈的多交货期FlowShop分解策略

    A decomposition strategy for Flow-shop problem with multiple delivery time based on bottleneck

  20. 上个世纪中叶以来,随着世界性的产业结构调整,城市滨水空间的发展遇到了瓶颈,进入衰败期,这个时期,在经济效益的驱使下,环境遭到了极大破坏。

    Since the middle of the last century , with global industrial restructuring , urban waterfront development has encountered a bottleneck into the decline period , during this period , economic benefits result to the environment greatly damaged .