
  • 网络Ballers
  1. 游走球飞来蹿去,想把球手们从飞天扫帚上打落。

    The Bludgers rocket around , trying to knock players off their brooms .

  2. 他们不得不找替补队员上场,把球手们换下来睡一会儿觉。

    they had to keep bringing on substitutes so the players could get some sleep .

  3. 我的同行球手们-你们是我职业生涯的一部分。我非常感激和尊重你们所有人。

    To my fellow tennis players – for being a part of my journey all of these years . I have so much respect for all of you .

  4. 两人并排朝飞贼飞奔而去——追球手们似乎都忘记了他们自己应该做的事情,一个个悬停在空中,注视着。

    Neck and neck they hurtled toward the Snitch - all the Chasers seemed to have forgotten what they were supposed to be doing as they hung in midair to watch .

  5. 这些统计加上高尔夫奢侈运动的定位(打一局平均要40美金)使得球手们基本上都是富裕和成功人士。

    Those statistics coupled with the fact that golf is a luxury sport ( it 's about $ 40 on average to play one round ) makes its players generally affluent and successful .

  6. 在整个星期当中,在每一场个人实战当中,球手们都将获得拥有专业资格和经验丰富的专家们的指导和培训。

    Throughout the week golfers receive expert advice , dedicated tuition and coaching , in all areas of their individual game , from licensed professional golf instructors with a wealth of knowledge and experience .

  7. 截至目前,已经被发布到网上的内容包括尚未播出的《球手们》与《104号房间》的剧集资源,以及所谓的下周即将播出的《权力的游戏》第四集文字资料。

    So far , an upcoming episode of Ballers and Room 104 have apparently been put online . There is also written material that 's allegedly from next week 's fourth episode of Game of Thrones .