
  • 网络Glass Tableware;Tableware Glass;GLASS WARES
  1. 陶瓷、不锈钢、玻璃餐具中砷、铅、镉溶出量的测定

    Determination of arsenic , lead and cadmium release of ceramic , stainless steel , glass tableware

  2. 这套玻璃餐具非常昂贵。

    The dinner glass was very expensive .

  3. 我们有一套玻璃餐具。

    We have a set of table glass .

  4. 骑自行车抵达山谷(总长八英里)尽头的一座小山头,那儿的旅馆已为我们备好了便当(桌子铺了桌布,上面放着玻璃及瓷器餐具)。

    We cycled to a hilltop at the far end of the eight-mile valley , where the lodge had prepared a picnic lunch served on a table laid with linen , glass and china .