
  • 网络aquarium;glass jar
  1. 珍妮特和西蒙看玻璃缸鲨鱼。

    Janet and Simon are at the Shark Aquarium .

  2. 为改进绿芦笋常温贮运保鲜技术,将采后绿芦笋用1甲基环丙烯(1MCP)和乙烯分别在密闭的玻璃缸内常温下处理24h,测定其品质指标变化。

    The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene ( 1-MCP ) on the quality of green asparagus after harvesting .

  3. 我祖父以前有一个像这样的玻璃缸。

    My grandfather used to have a glass bowl like that .

  4. 屋子里多放些整理柜、玻璃缸和书架都是不错的办法哦。

    Stacking baskets , glass jars , and open shelving can promote organization .

  5. 那它们会用玻璃缸做什么呢?

    What 's thatgot to do with it ?

  6. 在玻璃缸中养热带鱼

    Keep tropical fish in a glass tank

  7. 后来呢,还是把她们,想办法留在了小玻璃缸里。

    Afterwards , or to them , try to stay in a small glass tank inside .

  8. 透过玻璃缸,我发现富贵竹的底部有许多细小的小须须,原来这是它的根。

    Through , I found the bottom of many of the small minke have to , it was the root of it .

  9. 如果那玻璃缸里面装的是水,很快他就会坐在电池酸液里面。

    Detective Eric Box : If that 's water in that tank , pretty soon he 's going to be sitting in battery acid .

  10. 不难想象,如果一只野球发现自己被关在辛辛那堤市一个13岁小破孩的卧室的玻璃缸里,那种打击是什么样的。

    It is not hard to imagine the shock of a wild snake that finds itself in an aquarium in the bedroom of a13-yearold in Cincinnati .

  11. 日本冲绳县“美丽之海”水族馆的一只名叫“库鲁”的海豚竟然练就了一身“跳高”的本事,从巨大的玻璃缸中翻出。

    A dolphin named Kuru at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan took a valiant leap over the edge of a viewing tank during a performance .

  12. 保罗的家在德国西部奥伯豪森的一个海洋馆里。海洋馆工作人员将两个塑料盒子放进保罗所在的玻璃缸中,一个盒子上贴着德国国旗,另一个盒子是对手的国旗,每个盒子里装有一小块食物作为诱饵。

    Two plastic boxes , one with a German flag and one with their opponent 's , are lowered into Paul 's tank at Sea Life in Oberhausen in western Germany , each with a tasty morsel of food inside .

  13. 他在大玻璃烟灰缸里磕净烟斗。

    He knocked out his pipe in the big glass ashtray .

  14. 全部用亚克力玻璃筑成的大圆缸,直径有11米,水深13米,高达三层楼体,水体达1000吨。

    The huge round urn of all Acrylic glass is 11 meters in diameter and 13 meters in depth , with water body totaled 1000 metric tons .