
  • 网络Glass paint;paint for glass
  1. 影响聚氨酯水性玻璃漆附着力因素的探讨

    The Discussion of Factors Affecting Film Adhesion of Waterborne PU Glass Coating

  2. 公共走廊:地面铺地砖;墙面贴面砖、玻璃、乳胶漆;天花为复合板天花。

    Public corridor : The ground is laid with ground bricks , the wall is bonded with face bricks , glass and latex paint and the ceiling is of laminated board .

  3. 中空聚合物乳液和中空玻璃微球对乳胶漆对比率的影响

    Effects of Hollow Polymer Emulsion and Hollow Glass Spheres on Contrast Ratio of Latex Paint

  4. 我们向右边看去,便会看见在窗子对面,有一扇上端嵌了一个玻璃框的灰漆玻璃门。

    One then perceived on the right , facing the window , a glass door surmounted by a frame glazed and painted gray .

  5. 伊斯塔布尔这座欧洲城市横跨欧亚两个大洲,这家精品店位于该市的边缘,如果想感受店里玻璃盒中和黑漆货架上异域风格的香料和糖果,必须具备功能正常的嗅觉和味蕾。

    Functioning olfactory passages and taste buds are essential for appreciating the exotic scents and sweets stacked in glass cases and on black lacquer shelves around this boutique on the European side of the city , which sits astride two continents .

  6. 我公司主要生产玻璃丝包机,销售玻璃丝包线和漆包铝线为一体的公司。

    Our company mainly produce glass charter , sales and enamelled glass envelope aluminum company as a whole .