
xiàn jīn zhànɡ hù
  • cash account
  1. 只有当初次设置备用金时,才借记零用现金账户。

    The petty cash account is debited only when the fund is first established .

  2. 我们接着看公司的现金账户,该账户涉及到和资产负债表和现金流报表。

    If we consider a company 's cash account , it interconnects the balance sheet and the cash flow statements .

  3. 产权基金糟透了,即使是现金账户,这个曾被认为是最安全存钱地点的地方,也因为Icesave的崩溃经历了糟糕的一周。

    Property funds are doing badly and even cash accounts , which used to be regarded as the safest of safe places to put your money , have had a bad week with the collapse of Ice save .

  4. 产权基金糟透了,即使是现金账户,这个曾被认为是最安全存钱地点的地方,也因为Icesave的崩溃经历了糟糕的一周。

    Property funds are doing badly and even cash accounts , which used to be regarded as the safest of safe places to put your money , have had a bad week with the collapse of Icesave .

  5. 数字现金账户类似于传统银行账户;

    Digital-cash accounts are similar to traditional bank accounts ;

  6. 巴西的现金账户仍然经常为负。

    Brazil still habitually runs a current-account deficit .

  7. 如果开现金账户,您要用钱的时候必须来银行取钱。

    With a savings account you have to come into the bank to get your money .

  8. 这些支票是由存户签发并从其现金账户中扣除,但尚未向银行兑付。

    Checks issued and recorded by the company but not yet presented to the bank for payment .

  9. 财政预算已经亏空,现金账户几乎为零,而且比索已经估值过高了。

    The budget is in deficit , the current account is near zero , and the peso is overvalued .

  10. 在去年秋天削减现金账户收益之后,一些银行正再次提高利率以吸引新的储蓄客户。

    After trimming yields on cash accounts last fall , some banks are bumping up rates again to lure new deposits .

  11. 然而,所有这些现金账户的总额都将作为现金这一个项目列示于资产负债表上。

    On the balance sheet , however , the entire amount of all cash accounts will be shown under a single heading , cash .

  12. 政府为缓解目前的危机而实施的政策很可能会带来通货膨胀,从而加速现金账户实际价值的下降。

    Government the policy which implements for the alleviation present crisis will possibly bring the inflation , thus acceleration money account actual value drop .

  13. 大多数银行的现金账户的利率都会高一些,前提是你能承诺每月花费一定数额的钱。

    Most Banks offer current account 's with higher rate 's of interest if you can commit to paying in a certain amount a month .

  14. 目前,这次下降已被企业储蓄的大幅增长弥补了,因此日本政府的现金账户仍持有不少盈余。

    For now this decline is offset by the strong rise in corporate savings , which is why Japan continues to run a comfortable current-account surplus .

  15. 当购入股票时,应按股票的购入成本借记权益性证券账户,贷记现金账户。

    When stocks are purchased , the entire cost of purchasing stocks should be debited to the marketable equity securities account , credited to the cash account .

  16. 他算出自己所需的必要支出是800英镑,所以他把剩下的700英镑存进了现金账户。

    He works out that he pay 's £ 800 in bills so leaves this where it is and moves the other £ 700 to a regular current account .

  17. 发行债券,借入贷款当债券在付息日购入时,应按债券购入成本借记债务性证券账户,贷记现金账户。

    When bonds are purchased at interest date , the entire cost of purchasing bonds should be debited to the Marketable Debt Securities account , credited to the Cash account .

  18. 该消息导致瑞士法郎遭到大规模抛售。由于投资者猜测流向瑞士现金账户的流动将被阻止,瑞士法郎遭受了3个多月以来最大盘中跌幅。

    The news caused a sharp sell-off in the Swiss franc , which suffered its largest intraday move in more than three months as investors speculated that inflows into Swiss cash accounts could be stemmed .

  19. 应用间接编制原理从分析非现金账户入手来揭示企业现金流量增减变动原因,可确保调整项目列示的完整性;

    With the application of indirect development principle , the reasons for the cash flux fluctuation can be explored from the analysis of non cash accounts , which helps ensure the integrity of the item list .

  20. 这支ATM机车队由Idea银行运营。他们表示,这种服务目前仅限于想在当天营业结束后把大笔现金存入账户的商业客户。

    The Idea Bank , which is running the fleet of cars , says the service is currently limited to business customers who want to deposit large amounts of money at the end of a working day .

  21. 我们开办了现金到账户的即时业务,而且不收加急费。

    We providethe in Stan tremittance from cash to account , and don 't charge the urgent fee .

  22. 最常见的是储蓄账户、定期存款账户、外汇账户、现金治理账户、货币市场账户和支票账户。

    The most common are savings accounts , time or term deposit accounts , foreign currency accounts , cash management accounts , money market accounts and checking accounts .

  23. 调用SEI操作来创建一个账户,提取现金,检查账户余额

    Invoke SEI operations to get create an account , withdraw money , and check the account balance

  24. 转售商Gazelle则允许人们邮寄二手电子产品,以换取现金或亚马逊账户金额。该公司表示,在iPhone6和6Plus于周五上市的那一周,他们每分钟会完成180笔交易。

    Gazelle , a reseller that allows people to mail in their used electronics for cash back or credit on Amazon , said it was making 180 offers a minute in the week leading up to the release of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus on Friday .

  25. 小额采购如何不走现金而走账户?

    How the small quantity purchase transaction through account while not through cash ?

  26. 现金溢缺账户在现金短缺时被借记,在现金溢余时被贷记。

    Cash over and short account is debited with shortages and credited with overages .

  27. 基本存款账户是指企业办理日常转账结算和现金收付的账户。

    A basic deposit account is refers to the enterprise to handle the daily debit clearing and cash account .

  28. 许多投资者选择将现金存入人民币账户和短期人民币存单&这些账户的收益率比美元账户高,但没有债券的价格波动。

    Many investors have chosen to park cash in renminbi accounts and short-term certificates of deposit that offer higher returns than their dollar-based equivalents , but come without the price fluctuations of bonds .

  29. 当资本成本为10%的时候,把现金放在储蓄账户里赚取1%的收益,绝对不是股东友好型举措,会招致糟糕的决策。

    Leaving cash in a savings account earning 1 per cent , when the cost of capital is 10 per cent , is absolutely not shareholder friendly and an invitation to bad decisions .

  30. 国库集中收付制度改革后,大量的现金集聚于国库账户上,从而使国库现金管理成为了一个新的问题。我国的国库现金管理目前还处在初步阶段。

    Since our country implemented Treasury Single Account System ,, a lot of cash " gathering " on the treasury account , so that the treasury cash balance management has become a " new " problem .