
  • 网络Realistic model;real model
  1. 第二,关于未成年人国家监护责任的理论基础和现实模型。

    Secondly , it narrated the theory basis and real model of national monitoring responsibility for juveniles .

  2. 为了提高填挖方计算精度,采用构建不规则三角网法,构建设计模型与现实模型。

    To improve the accuracy of cut & fill earthwork volume calculation , triangulate irregular network ( TIN ) was adopted to build the design model and real model .

  3. 虚拟现实模型语言在Web仿真中的应用

    Virtual Reality Modeling Language Use for Web-Based Simulation

  4. 基于Web的虚拟现实模型创建工具

    Virtual Reality Model Builder Based on Web

  5. 介绍了虚拟现实模型语言(VRML)、VRML编程以及它在Web仿真中的应用,并分析了它未来的发展前景。

    The Virtual Reality Modeling Language ( VRML ), VRML programming and its application to Web-based simulation are introduced . And VRML / Java future developments are also examined .

  6. 利用VRML语言构建三维土体电导率虚拟现实模型,实现三维土体电导率的可视化表达,有利于更好的分析土壤电导率的空间分布特征和变化趋势。

    Virtual reality model of EC was built by the VRML , and it is helpful for analyzing of the spatial distribution characteristic and the change trend for soil EC .

  7. 运用虚拟现实模型语言(VRML),网络编程语言Java和Java3d,设计基于Web的3D虚拟现实的教学模型,解决远程教学过程中教学模型实时交互的关键技术;

    The paper applies VRML and Java to designing a three - dimensional virtual reality teaching model based on the web , and solves the real - time interactive key technology of the teaching model for remote teaching .

  8. 然后在简要介绍VRML的基础上,详细论述了用VRML构造3D虚拟现实模型及动态虚拟场景的方法及其关键技术,并举例对各应用进行了比较说明。

    Based on introducing briefly VRML , it discusses in detail the ways and crucial techniques of constructing three dimensional virtual reality models and dynamic virtual scene , and some examples are given to explain how to use them .

  9. 介绍了虚拟现实模型建立的基本理论,指出了虚拟现实模型与传统的CAD模型的区别,提出了两种模型转换的方法,利用TIN算法和多分辨技术有效地改善了建模效果;

    The differences between VR model and conventional computer-aided design ( CAD ) model are pointed out . The method of converting CAD model to VR model is presented , and irregular triangle net ( TIN ) algorithm and multi-resolution technique are employed to improve the quality of modeling .

  10. 最后给出了连续采煤机虚拟现实模型实例。

    In the end , an application on VR model of continual shearer was provided .

  11. 论数字图书馆的现实模型

    On the practical model of digital library

  12. 这能够让我们在一个小环境中简单地复制步骤,然后将其应用到现实模型中。

    This allows an easy reproduction of the steps in a small environment before applying them to a real world model .

  13. 在理论分析的基础上,以昆明铁路局的具体应用实际为例,开发了现实模型,并投入使用。

    Based on the theoretics analysis , the realistic model was developed and used in KunMing railway administration actual as an example of concrete application .

  14. 初步研制了火炮发射动力学仿真器,实现了自行火炮虚拟现实模型在三维实时场景中的驱动,构建了非常逼真的虚拟环境,初步实现了漫游功能。

    The VR model of a self-propelled gun is driven in the software environment for virtual reality and real-time simulation applications . Virtual environments are created and the navigation functionality is primarily realized .

  15. 数据结构一向以它的抽象性和理论深度成为学习或编程的难点,结合现实模型进行案例分析式教学与编程训练是教学改革的趋势。

    Data structure have been a difficult part in studying or programming because of its abstraction and theory profundity , and case-studying teaching and programming training with realistic model is the trend of teaching reform .

  16. 在理论指导下,本研究提出了班级文化建设的预期目标,创设了一套具体的行动实施方案,为相关的研究提供了可供操作的现实模型。

    Under the direction of theory , this research raises the expected purpose of class culture construction , and creates a series of practical program on action in order to provide opera table real models for relevant research .

  17. 基于机器视觉NI平台的图像摄影测量,是用图像来创建和恢复现实世界模型,然后认知现实世界的过程。

    Image photogrammetric is a process based on NI platform which use images to create and restore the real world model , Then understanding the real world .

  18. 利用数字高程模型生成可交互的虚拟现实三维模型.将虚拟现实建模语言与Java脚本相结合,模拟了动态交互的三维河道水流场景。

    Combining the Virtual Reality Modeling Language and Java script , the interactive 3D scene of flow is simulated by using a 3D interactive virtual reality model based on the Digital Elevate Model .

  19. 最后提出应根据现实场景模型定制合适的路由协议参数,可以提升车载adhoc网络性能。

    Finally , The author of this thesis provides that parameters of routing protocol should be properly customized according to real-life scenarios model thus to enhance Vehicular Ad hoc network performance .

  20. 在毁伤模型的基础上,采用将现实世界模型化的面向对象研究方法,对一些相关细节进行了可视化仿真,通过VC++及OpenGL技术实现了图形仿真与计算仿真的并举。

    Based the above theory model , using the technique of OOP ( Object Oriented Programming ), numeric simulation and figure simulation come true together by the programming tool of VC + + and OpenGL .

  21. 提出了基于AutoCAD和VRML的虚拟现实演示模型的设计方案,对演示模型的建模方案和开发过程进行了分析,完成了设计实例&减速器演示模型的设计。

    This paper proposes the design plan of virtual reality demo model based on AutoCAD and VRML , analyses the modeling scheme and developing the course of the model , finishes the instance of design of the decelerator demon-stration model .

  22. 本文提出装备保障C~3I系统模型的一种划分方法,并在此基础上对装备保障C3I系统本征模型中的面向现实的模型、面向过程的模型和面向对象的模型等3种模型进行了研究。

    This paper puts forward a distinguished method of model of equipment guarantee C3I system . And we research three models such as oriented-realized model , oriented-processed model and oriented-objected model in essential model of equipment guarantee C3I system .

  23. 但是,如果考虑到实现内部、外部共同平衡,则根据现实M-F模型,汇率取决于政府支出、实际货币供给量、本国总产出和主要贸易伙伴国总产出,利率为中间变量。

    This paper also conclude that the exchange rate depends on government expenditure , real monetary supply , home GDP and main trade partners ' GDPs , and interest rate is a medium variable .

  24. 军用油库油罐火灾消防虚拟现实仿真模型研究

    Study on Fire-Fighting VR Simulation Model for Military Fuel Depot Tank

  25. 虚拟现实城市模型的快速生成算法研究

    The Algorithm Study of Fast Production of VR City Models

  26. 机械制图虚拟现实网络模型室的建立

    Establishment of Virtual Reality Model Library of Mechanical Drawing

  27. 耳蜗核神经元的简化现实性模型

    Simplifying realistic model of neurons in the cochlear nucleus

  28. 现实神经元模型以及其复杂行为表现

    Complex behavior of neural network with realistic neurons

  29. 通过纹理处理来生成虚拟现实城市模型,从而获得真实感图像。

    Afterwards , virtual reality city models are generated by texture procession , i.e. by mapping of terrestrial images .

  30. 第三,经济学家应采用更为现实的模型,解释是什么使人类感到幸福,是什么推动市场运转。

    Third , economists should adopt a more realistic model of what makes humans happy and what makes markets function .