
  • 网络modern capitalism
  1. 伦敦谈话类电台主持人詹姆斯.奥布莱恩(JamesO'Brien)捕捉到了这种不友好的情绪,他说,优步就像是展现现代资本主义所有不对劲之处的‘弗兰肯斯坦的怪物’。

    That gnarly mood is captured by James O'Brien , a London-based talk radio presenter , who says Uber is like the Frankenstein 's monster of everything that 's gone wrong with modern capitalism .

  2. 现代资本主义与文化帝国的因果联系

    The Causal Relationship between the Modern Capitalism and the Cultural Imperialism

  3. 他又是怎样看待现代资本主义生产方式的;

    How did he approach the modern capitalist mode of production .

  4. 抱怨现代资本主义很容易。

    It is easy to complain about modern capitalism .

  5. 近现代资本主义与世界大战的起源

    Capitalism of Modern Times and Origins of World Wars

  6. 新技术革命与现代资本主义经济的新特点

    The New Revolution of Technology and The New Characteristics of Modern Capitalist Economy

  7. 有限责任、私人所有的股份公司是现代资本主义的核心机构。

    Limited-liability , privately owned joint-stock companies are the core institutions of modern capitalism .

  8. 现代资本主义国家思想统治初探

    Investigation of Ideological Rule in Modern Capitalist Countries

  9. 尽管近年来许多人谈论趋同论的热情很高,但现代资本主义仍具有有限的多样性。

    Despite claims to convergence , modern capitalism still comes in a limited variety .

  10. 现代资本主义经济机制比较研究刍议

    Comparative Study of the Modern Capitalist Economic System

  11. 现代资本主义发展的外部环境

    External Circumstances for the Development of Modern Capitalism

  12. 在现代资本主义社会中,土地私有者的土地产权并不是绝对完整的。

    In modern capitalism society , the right of land owners is not absolutely complete .

  13. 美国过去享有至少知道如何管理现代资本主义的声誉。

    The US had the reputation of knowing at least how to manage modern capitalism .

  14. 要颠覆现代资本主义,就需要颠覆现代自然观。

    Modern capitalism cannot be subverted without the subversion of the modern concept of nature .

  15. 从其形成原因来看,现代资本主义经济的新特点是资本主义生产方式变革的结果,归根到底是新科技革命的产物。

    In the final analysis , it is the product of the new technological revolution .

  16. 对于西方现代资本主义而言,新教伦理发挥着道德规范的职能。

    Speaking of the West modern capitalism , protestantism ethics is displaying the moral rule function .

  17. 有效需求问题是市场经济或现代资本主义经济的核心问题。

    The problem of effective demand is the core of market economy or modern capitalist economy .

  18. 弥散的景观与商品的丰裕相联系,与现代资本主义不受干扰的发展相联系。

    The diffuse spectacle accompanies the abundance of commodities , the undisturbed development of modern capitalism .

  19. 晚清现代资本主义幻灭的制度经济学分析

    The System Economics Analysis of Failure of the Modern Capitalism in the End of Qing Dynasty

  20. 从现代资本主义的发展情况来看,并没有表现出其垂死性和腐朽性。

    In view of its development , it does not show its decay and approaching death .

  21. 主要表现为既受现代资本主义文明的影响,又保留着民族传统审美趣味。

    In spite of the influence of the capitalist cultures they still keep a traditional esthetic taste .

  22. 现代资本主义经济的发展经历是一种有节律的周期往复,相似得令人恐惧的危机是其中间插的切分符。

    The story of the modern capitalist economy is a rhythmic repetition of cycles , syncopated by eerily similar crises .

  23. 一些批评人士承认,交易员或许是有用的,但他们抱怨现代资本主义产生了太多交易员。

    Some critics concede that traders may be useful , but complain that modern capitalism creates too many of them .

  24. 后来英国又率先开始和完成了工业革命,到19世纪30&40年代,英国第一个进入了现代资本主义工业社会。

    Later , England finished Industrial Revolution . Between 1930S and 1940S , England first strode forward contemporary technical society .

  25. 战后现代资本主义国家,由于缓解了社会经济矛盾和阶级矛盾而使经济继续增长。

    Modern capitalist countries make their economy grow continuously because of remitting social economic contradictions and class contradictions after World War .

  26. 现代资本主义的基本矛盾运动,仍然是资本主义走向灭亡,社会主义走向胜利的根本原因。

    The basic contradiction of modern Capitalism is the basic reason why Capitalism is certainly doomed and Socialism will be succeeded .

  27. 首先,18世纪启蒙运动是现代资本主义体系获得自我意识的开端,在这个意义上,它就是我们今天所说的现代性的开端。

    First , Enlightenment is a beginning when modern capitalism attains its egoism , which is also the beginning of modernity .

  28. 据达蒙表示,这一次伯恩将会“行走在现代资本主义的瓦砾中”。

    According to Damon , this Bourne outing will find him " rolling around in the detritus of modern-day capitalism . "

  29. 社会主义不是幻想家(乌托邦者)的臆造,而是现代资本主义社会发展的必然产物。

    Socialism is not the invention of dreamers ( Utopians ), but the inevitable outcome of the development of modern capitalist society .

  30. 西方马克思主义乌托邦思想是乌托邦理论的新形态,是对现代资本主义各类社会矛盾深刻批判后的理论结晶。

    The Western Marxism utopian thinking is new forms of utopian theory that it profoundly criticizes various social contradictions of modern capitalism .