
  1. 压力是现代生活中的主要问题。

    Stress is a major problem of modern life .

  2. 那是困扰我们现代生活方式的最棘手的其中一个问题。

    It 's one of the most difficult problems besetting our modern way of life .

  3. 离婚在现代生活中一直存在、无法改变。

    Divorce is a permanent , ineradicable fact of modern life .

  4. 电话是现代生活中让人最反感的必需品之一。

    The telephone is one of the great tyrannies of modern life .

  5. 这些陈旧的观念与现代生活格格不入。

    These old concepts are irreconcilable with modern life .

  6. 现代生活的压力很大。

    The pressures of modern life are great .

  7. 现代生活的附带产物之一就是压力。

    One side effect of modern life is stress

  8. 我祖母对现代生活的看法落伍了。

    My grandmother has an antiquated idea of modern life .

  9. 他感觉到现代生活的压力。

    He felt the press of modern life .

  10. 我们无法想象没有熟食和汽车的现代生活。

    We can 't imagine modern life without cooked food and cars .

  11. 生活不再像以前那么艰难了,但是许多年长的因纽特人讨厌现代生活,想回到过去。

    Life is not as hard as it used to be , but many of the older Inuits hate modern life and want to go back to the old days .

  12. Just-in-timelifestyle是一种现代生活方式,指人们花最少的精力完成一项任务,然后匆匆忙忙从一个约会地点赶往下一个地点。

    Just-in-time lifestyle is a modern lifestyle in which people expend only the minimum effort to complete a task and rush from one appointment to another .

  13. 无可否认,智能手机已经成为现代生活不可分割的一部分。

    There 's no denying that smartphones have become an integral part of modern life .

  14. 现代生活的苦恼

    the tribulations of modern life

  15. 实际上,现代生活方式确实加大了男女寿命差别的鸿沟。

    In fact , modern lifestyles are actually exacerbating the gap between male and female life expectancies .

  16. 目的:在高热量低活动量的现代生活方式影响下,代谢性疾病糖尿病(DM)和糖耐量减低(IGT)的发病率不断攀升。

    Objective : The morbidity of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and impaired glucose tolerance ( IGT ) is increasing with the effect of modern life style of high calorie and low activity .

  17. 氧化氮(NO2)气体和氨气(NH3)是现代生活中重要的污染气体,及时准确地探测污染气体浓度对环境监测和环境保护意义重大。

    NO2 and NH3 are main pollutant gases in modern life , so it is imperative to detect them rapidly and precisely for protecting the environment and the health of human being .

  18. 标志符号是现代生活中不可或缺的信息载体。

    Signs are information carriers which indispensable to the modern life .

  19. 大多数人都感觉现代生活的压力和紧张。

    Most people feel the stresses and strains of modern life .

  20. 从某些方面看,弗里曼似乎与现代生活有些脱节。

    In some ways Freeman seems out of phase with modernity .

  21. 现代生活方式转型的人格化效应

    Marginal personality effect in the process of modern life style transformation

  22. 现代生活特有的那种价值观和思想的不确定性。

    The indeterminacy of thought and values that characterizes contemporary life .

  23. 问题就在现代生活制造了很多压力。

    However , modern living often creates a great deal of stress .

  24. 新闻舆论监督的内容与现代生活紧密相关。

    Second , the contents of press superintend hold tightly with modern living .

  25. 奥林匹克与现代生活教育关系探讨

    The Relationship between Olympic Movement and Modern life Education

  26. 在我看来,同人们接触在现代生活中是很重要的。

    Eg. in my eyes , meeting people are very important in modern life .

  27. 体育发展与现代生活方式的提升

    Sports Development and Promotion of Modern life style

  28. 参照汉语普通话词汇系统描述了它在现代生活中的使用情况。

    Refer to Chinese Putonghua glossary system to describe its usage in modern life .

  29. 现代生活有时会让你感到非常有压力。

    Modern life can be sometimes very stressful .

  30. 运河岸上的院子,倡导现代生活方式下的田园居士生活。

    Courtyard on canal bank , proposes countryside hermit life under modern life mode .