
xiàn dài huà zhàn zhēnɡ
  • modern warfare, push-button warfare
  1. 微机电系统(Micro-Electro-MechanicalSystems,MEMS)的发展和应用能够为引信智能化、小型化创造条件,将新型的智能引信运用到现代化战争中去。

    The application of MEMS ( Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems ) could create conditions for intelligentized and miniaturized fuze in the current war .

  2. 为了加强全球定位系统(GPS)对美军现代化战争的支撑作用、保持其在全球民用导航领域中的领先地位,美国提出了GPS现代化计划。

    In order to enhance the performance of Global Position System ( GPS ) in modern warfare and keep to be the leader in global civil navigation , American proposed the plan of GPS modernization .

  3. 军事地理信息系统(MGIS)在现代化战争中的作用及其发展

    MGIS-Its Functions and Development in Modern Warfare

  4. C3I系统已成为现代化战争必不可少的重要组成部分,其效能分析也越来越受到人们的重视。

    C 3I system has been an important part of modern war and its effectiveness analysis is given with more and more emphasis .

  5. 本文研究GIS与IDSS结合起来,充分利用GIS对空间信息的管理能力,和IDSS强大的辅助决策功能,同时结合航空管制方面的知识,发展适合现代化战争需要的航空管制系统。

    Our dissertation combines IDSS with GIS . Taking advantage of the ability of managing spatial information of GIS and associate decision of IDSS , and integrating the knowledge of ATC ( Air Traffic Control ), we develop a new ATC system , which is adept to modern war .

  6. 我们必须装备军队打现代化战争。

    We must equip the army for the modern war .

  7. 现代化战争对飞机的要求越来越高。

    Aircraft performances are becoming more and more important in modern military affairs .

  8. 军方必须重新研究现代化战争究竟该如何进行。

    The military have had to reconsider how modern warfare should be waged .

  9. 未来战争将是以信息化、电子化为基础的现代化战争。

    The war in the future will be the information-based and electronic-based modern war .

  10. 电子战是现代化战争中敌我双方在电磁频谱领域中一种特殊的作战方式和手段。

    Electronic warfare , which war with electromagnetism , is a special war mode and measure .

  11. 空空导弹是现代化战争中夺取制空权,取得战争胜利的重要武器装备之一。

    Air-to-air missile ( AAM ) is one of the key weapons to win a modern war .

  12. 指挥现代化战争,包括我们老同志在内,能力都不够。

    None of us , including the veteran comrades , is sufficiently capable of directing modern wars .

  13. 现代化战争的复杂性

    The Complexity of Modern War

  14. 试论媒体在现代化战争中的角色&从美国媒体在伊拉克战争中的作用谈起

    On the Role of Media in the Modern War & From Functions of American Media in Iraq War

  15. 现代化战争非常复杂,连通信联络都不容易。

    Modern warfare is very complex , and even maintaining communications and liaison is by no means simple .

  16. 目前,以信息技术为核心的高新技术在世界范围内引发了新军事变革,现代化战争给未来野战卫勤保障带来了新的要求。

    At present , information technology as the core of high-tech in the world sparked a new revolution in military affairs .

  17. 现代化战争条件下多源信息融合系统高度依赖于一个庞大、复杂的网络,为系统的可靠性带来很大的风险。

    The multi-source information fusion system under modern warfare conditions is based on a network , which is huge and complicated .

  18. 现代化战争的实践证明,武器装备维修质量的保障是维系军队战斗力的保证。

    The practice of modern warfare proved that the quality of military equipment maintenance is to assure the military battle power .

  19. 而今天的现代化战争中,更是把无线通信放在了首要考虑之列。

    In the present time sky modernize warfare , Still more is placeeing the wireless communication file firstly consider being living .

  20. 第二,认真学习现代化战争知识,学习诸军兵种联合作战。

    Second , they should help the cadres to conscientiously study modern warfare and combined operations involving various services and arms .

  21. 对于计算机技术的高速发展,部队的信息化建设必须为打赢高科技的现代化战争做好坚实的基础。

    Facing the high-speed development , the army normalization construction must lay a strong foundation to win in this high-tech modernization battle .

  22. 对提升野战弹药库战场生存能力的研究,有助于增强我军战斗力、打赢现代化战争。

    The study of reinforcing the field magazine battlefield viability contributes to increase our army fighting strength and to win modern war .

  23. 部队训练还包括现代化战争知识、诸军兵种联合作战的内容。

    Study of modern warfare and of combined operations by the various services and arms should also be included in the training .

  24. 随着现代化战争各种作战车辆性能要求的提高,对作战车辆的试验技术也提出了更高的要求。

    With increasing requirements of military vehicles for the modern war , the requirements of test technologies of military vehicles are also increased .

  25. 这方面的研究工作,为反恐,防恐和现代化战争对神经类毒气快速探测提供了一条新的途径。

    This research work will provide a novel way to quickly detect the nerve agent gas in order to fight against terrorism and chemistry war .

  26. 它的抗毁性、自组性、机动性等特性,决定了它成为现代化战争中战场信息基础设施的必然性,受到了越来越多的关注。

    Its inherent characteristics of self-organization , mobility and anti - destruction settles its inevitability of being battlefield information infrastructure , and holds more and more attention .

  27. 每个阶段的晋升都必须经过学习,掌握现代化战争的知识。

    At each step , a man should be promoted only after he has been through a period of study and increased his knowledge of modern warfare .

  28. 不但高级干部要学,连排干部也要学,都要懂得现代化战争。

    Not only high-level cadres , but also cadres at company and platoon levels , should study so that they will all know what modern warfare is .

  29. 提高间瞄面射击火炮的射击精度,特别是首发射击精度,对现代化战争的炮兵作战具有重要意义。

    The increase of firing accuracy of indirect aiming firing gun , especially first-round hit accuracy , has the important meaning for artillery combat in modern war .

  30. 希望在受教育程度方面,通过新的战略来提高军队结构,在应对现代化战争中有更好的表现。

    The new strategy has been expected to improve the military structure in terms of the education level for a better performance in dealing with modern warfare .