
  • 网络Environment Label;environmental label
  1. 从WTO规则角度探讨我国环境标志制度的完善

    On the Improvement of Environment Label in China from the Standpoint of WTO Rules

  2. 产品环境标志制度研究

    A Study on Product Environment Label Legal System

  3. 我们应大力发展和完善我国的环境标志制度,充分利用WTO的现行规则,在WTO的法律框架内寻求相应的法律对策。

    Responding to it , great efforts should be made to develop and improve our country 's environmental label system , and the existing norms of the WTO should be made full use of , so that the relative legal countermeasures are raised from the legal framework of the WTO .

  4. 中国环境标志制度若干法律问题初探

    On the Legal Issues about Environmental Labeling System in China

  5. 从伦理学层面上讲:环境标志制度超越了人类中心主义,走向生态中心主义。

    On the Natural View of Eco-centrism from layer of ethics , it transcended environmentalism and went to eco-centrism .

  6. 本文则将国际贸易与国际市场营销结合起来,研究环境标志制度对二者的共同影响。

    This article bands the international trade and marketing together , and studies the mutual influence on them of the ELS .

  7. 环境标志制度作为一项新兴的环境管理手段,已经在世界许多国家建立并逐步走向成熟。

    Environmental labelling system as a rising environmental managing method has been established in world around and gradually come to maturity .

  8. 尽快完善我国环境标志制度,强化进出口商品环境标志的认证工作;

    Perfect our system of environment marker as soon as possible and strengthen attestation of environment marker of import and export goods ;

  9. 必须制定和完善环境标志制度及环境保护法律,以便保障绿色市场营销战略的实施。

    The environmental mark system and environmental protection law must be enacted and consummated in order to guarantee the implementation of the green marketing strategy .

  10. 环境标志制度为越来越多的国家接受和采用,对国际贸易和国际市场营销产生了重大影响。

    Environmental Label System is being accepted and adopted by more and more countries , and has had great influence on the international trade and marketing .

  11. 对此,中国应借鉴国外环境标志制度的先进经验,进一步完善自己的环境标志制度,以应对未来可能遇到的挑战。

    China should learn from foreign environmental label the advanced experience of the system to improve the environmental label all the system to cope with future challenges .

  12. 笔者在分析我国环境标志制度存在的问题后,提出了进一步完善的建议和应对环境标志壁垒的法律对策。

    The author puts forward proposals to improve the environment label and respond to barriers to the legal response , after analysising the problems of environmental labeling system .

  13. 同时,企业应主动采取出口国使用的环境标志制度,加强对环境标志壁垒的识别并坚定其立场。

    Meanwhile , enterprises should take the initiative taken by exporting countries to use environmental labeling system , strengthening of environmental labeling and identification of barriers to firm its position .

  14. 着重建议我国树立正确合理的立法原则,从应对环境标志制度的实施和管理层面进行专门立法,制定我国环境标志制度的立法体系。

    Focus on proposed legislation of the principle of establishing correct and reasonable , from the flag system to address environmental aspects of the implementation and management of specialized legislation , the legislative system of environmental labeling system .

  15. 由于环境标志制度摆脱了传统的行政管理手段的强制性,通过诱导性的经济刺激方式,实现了对环境的有效保护并取得了较好的社会效果,因此成为了各国所广泛关注的制度。

    Since the environmental labeling system goes without the mandatory which traditional means of administration have but achieve effective protection of the environment and good social effects through the way of inductively economic incentives , it becomes a wide concern by countries .

  16. 这就首先需要明确其定位:环境标志制度属于生态消费法律体系中的一个具体制度,同时,其在生态消费法律体系中处于核心地位。

    Then first of all its position should be made clear : environmental labeling system is a specific system of the ecological consumption legal system , at the same time , it is at the heart of the ecological consumption legal system .

  17. 环境标志制度属于消费者义务,正确理解这一点,将有助于建构人与环境的友好关系,实现人与人之间的和谐共处,真正体现人的存在价值。

    Environmental labeling system is the consumers ' obligation . A correct understanding of this point will help to build a friendly relationship between human beings and the environment , to achieve harmony between people , and truly reflect the value of human existence .

  18. 环境标志制度作为一种兼有贸易保护和环境保护双重性质的手段,其产生的根本原因也在于环境保护与国际贸易的内在一致性,在保护环境的同时难免会影响到国际贸易的发展。

    Environmental labeling system as a combined dual nature of trade protection and environmental protection means , which produces the fundamental reason is the environmental protection and internal consistency of international trade , while protecting the environment will inevitably affect the development of international trade .

  19. WTO下构建我国环境标志法律制度之分析

    Analysis on Founding of the Legal System of Environment Label of Our Country under WTO

  20. 生态消费视野下的环境标志法律制度研究

    A Study on the Legal System of Environmental Labeling in the View of Ecological Consumption

  21. 论文的第二部分论述环境标志法律制度的理论基础。

    The second part of this paper analyses the basic theories of environmental labeling legal system .

  22. 无论从理论还是从实践的角度上看,都有必要对环境标志的法律制度进行深入的研究。

    Not only from the academic aspect but also from the practical aspect , it is necessary to study the legal issue of environmental labeling .

  23. 笔者认为构建环保产业法律制度的内容应包括环境税收制度、环境标志制度、押金制度、环境影响评价制度以及环境产业责任制度。

    Construction of environmental protection industry , I think the legal system should include the environmental tax system , environmental labeling system , the deposit system , environmental impact assessment system and environmental industry accountability .

  24. 随着人们对经济发展认识的加深和环境保护意识的提高,环境标志制度在国际贸易市场的影响力也不断增强,越来越多的环境标志产品通过了认证。

    With people on the environment , economic development , deepen understanding and environmental awareness , environmental labeling system on the market in international trade growing influence , more and more environmental label products through the certification .

  25. 可行性转变为现实性必须有完备的法律保障,文章主要从环境标志的确定标准、环境标志认证制度、监管制度、法律责任制度构筑了环境标志制度的法律框架。

    Feasibility converts into reality should have legal guarantee , and the legal framework of environmental mark system will be constructed by environmental mark determinate standard , testified system , supervisory system and legal liability system .

  26. WTO中有关环境的协定、国际环境公约、ISO14000、环境标志制度等有关条款,本身并非绿色贸易壁垒。

    Description on WTO environmental agreements concerned , international environmental conventions , ISO14000 , and environmental label etc , which are not green trade barriers , were presented .

  27. 环境标志产品的种类和数量日渐增多,环境标志制度日益规范化、系统化。

    Environmental labeling products range more and more , environmental labeling system grows more standardized and systematic .

  28. 绿色壁垒主要产生于国际贸易协议中有关环境的条款、国际环境公约、国际环境管理体系系列标准ISO14000和环境标志制度。

    Green barrier tracks from environmental regulations in international trade agreement , international environmental convention , international environment management system standard series ISO 14000 and environment label system .

  29. 随后,世界各国纷纷推出自己的环境标志,韩国、新加坡、澳大利亚等越来越多的国家和地区相继建立了环境标志制度。

    Countries around the world have launched their own environmental labeling , Korea , Singapore , Australia and more and more countries and regions have established the environmental labeling system .

  30. 为了顺应消费者日益关注环境保护的客观要求和环境管理方式发生重大转变的客观情况,在上世纪中后期产生了环境标志制度。

    In order to meet the objective requirements of consumers ' increasing concern about environmental protection and to meet the situation that major changes have happened to way of environmental management , environmental labeling came into being in the latter half of last century .