
  • 网络Player character;PLAYER ROLES
  1. 这个效果是细微的但是通常会在玩家角色上看到,尤其是如果相机跟随主角色。

    The effect is subtle but often visible on the player character , especially if a camera follows the main character .

  2. 对于第一人称射击游戏,你应该将相机作为玩家角色的子对象,并将其放置在与角色的眼睛等高水平上。

    For a first-person shooter , you would parent the Camera to the player character , and place it at the character 's eye level .

  3. 其他时候,我只需要编出一大堆非玩家角色(Non-PlayerCharacter,NPC)的名称。

    Other times , I just need a whole pile of names for Non-Player Characters ( NPCs ) .

  4. 但是基于有限状态机的AI引擎通常造成游戏角色的非智能行为,比如说:多个非玩家角色(NPC)占用同一路线,造成路径堵塞;怪兽不懂得协同作战等。

    But AI Game Engine that based on FSM usually make the unintelligence action , such as number of NPC occupy the same route , which cause path block ; Monsters cannot fight with a team .

  5. 它扩大了Cadwallon地下城中的隐藏房间,新增加了两个玩家角色可以探索的地点。

    It expands the dungeons hidden beneath Cadwallon , adding two more locations for your characters to explore .

  6. 普通的刚体插值用于玩家角色。

    Commonly rigidbody interpolation is used on the player 's character .

  7. 一个玩家角色每一轮只能读一次书。

    A character can only read one book each round .

  8. 玩家角色自己可以学习1种技能。

    There is1 ability you can learn by yourself .

  9. 玩家角色的激活状态结束。

    The character 's activation then ends .

  10. 玩家角色只有通过仪式大厅才能进出新的地下城房间。

    Characters can enter and exit the dungeon only through the Ritual Chamber ( download Cry Havoc !) .

  11. 当杜克特游戏结束后,玩家角色立即移动到旅店(不使用行动点)。

    When the Duquette game is over , the character immediately moves to the Inn ( for free ) .

  12. 当一个玩家角色完成阅读,他立即移动到魔法屋(不使用行动点)。

    When the character is done reading , he immediately moves to the Magician 's Chamber ( for free ) .

  13. 如果那里有一个民兵或另一个角色在这个房间,玩家角色可以移动穿越这个角色放置在旁边的空房间。

    If there is a militiaman or another character in this space , the character can move through them to reach an empty space .

  14. 提出了一个新颖的基于情感的非玩家角色模型,此类非玩家角色有人造躯体,生活在虚拟的游戏场景中,并且具有自主行为。

    This thesis presents a computational model of novel emotion-based NPCs , which live in a simulated world and have a synthetic body with autonomous behaviors .

  15. 如果在骰子的点数总和为7或更高:毒气没有效果!玩家角色忽略有毒气体影响,并继续正常移动。

    If the total on the dice is7 or higher : There is no effect ! The character ignores the toxic gas and continues moving normally .

  16. 该引擎的主要工作是进行游戏中的数字建模、碰撞运算、物体成像、玩家角色控制等操作,以及播放正确的音量和声音输出等必要的功能。

    The main task of this engine is to implement physical modeling , clash checking , object imaging , player controlling , music playing , sound outputting and so on .

  17. 所有提供任务的角色头上都一个黄色的惊叹号,而且所有提供的任务都与玩家角色的当前等级和技能相适应。

    All quest-giving characters have a yellow exclamation mark above their heads , and all quest-givers will provide you with quests that are appropriate for your character 's level and skills .

  18. 在目前备受欢迎的网络游戏中,群体NPC(Non-PlayerCharacter,非玩家控制角色)的智能性是不可或缺的。

    In the present fashionable online games , the artificial intelligence of group NPCs ( Non-Player Character ) is indispensable .

  19. 许多现代游戏包括非玩家控制角色行为的脚本化和使用执行bytecodes(比如Lua)的语言的其他游戏方面。

    Many modern games include scripting of nonplayer-character behaviors and other game aspects using languages that execute bytecodes ( such as Lua ) .

  20. 一个矮人玩家的角色将起始于战神铁砧的丹莫罗山。

    A dwarven player character will start under the Dun Morogh Mountains in the town of Anvil Marr ;

  21. 合理分配技能点数和具有强大技能的玩家人物角色将有能力在战斗中获得宝物。

    Player characters with the proper recipes and high enough skill will also be able to craft items .

  22. 每天通过学习和训练新技能,玩家的角色会提高,他们每一步都给予了新的挑战。

    By learning and training new skills each day , the player 's character improves and they are offered new challenges with every step .

  23. 这个部份提供了一系列的冒险连结,你可以利用它们让玩家的角色们卷进逐渐展开的事件当中。

    This section provides a serious of adventure hooks that you can use to involve the player characters in the events that are about to unfold .

  24. 《魔兽世界》中的一些神庙、游戏任务和非玩家控制角色都融入了暴雪对逝去玩家的纪念。

    World of Warcraft is filled with tributes to players who have died over the years , in the form of shrines , quests and nonplayer characters .

  25. 黑暗与光明提供了适合每个玩家的丰角色扮演。

    Dark and Light offers a gameplay that adapts to each player .

  26. 修正了在窃盗状态时,如果玩家是女性角色,偷窃的游标会消失的问题。

    Fixed issue where stolen items would lose their stolen status if the player character was female .

  27. 当然,还有其他一些原因让男玩家选择女性角色。

    There are other reasons that a guy will take up a female avatar , of course .

  28. 这些设计的目的是使玩家学会掌握角色的长处和短处并且利用周围环境&同时保留系列快节奏的特点。

    Jay Wilson-The goal is to make players use the specific strengths and weaknesses of a class and utilize the environment-while still retaining the series focus on fast action .

  29. 玩家可以自定义角色的外观,但在你还未深入游戏和未曾设立目标前,不需要对角色的状态和技能作太多的设定。

    You may customize your character 's appearance , but you don 't need to customize too many of their stats and skills until you 're further into the game and have developed some goals .

  30. 在实景RPG中,玩家扮演某个角色,利用特制的电子道具,完成基于真实环境的游戏任务。

    In Real RPG , player plays a role to accomplish some tasks in real game world using special electrical facilities .