
  1. 王璐:自我的精彩

    Wang in The Wonderful Self

  2. 中国疾病预防控制中心的王璐说,基于艾滋病新增趋势,卫生官员正重新调整预防工作。

    Wang Lu from the Chinese CDC says health officials are also adjusting their prevention campaigns based on the new trends .

  3. 王璐就是通过音乐和歌曲学习英文的,通过反复地学歌、听歌来学。

    Wang Lu learned her English from music , from songs , from studying songs and hearing the songs again and again .

  4. 投影到麻布上的视频清楚地展示了极具异国情调的乐园,美猴王(笔者评论的这一版本中由王璐饰演)在这个乐园里快乐地嬉戏。

    The scrim on which the video is projected then clears to reveal an exotic playground where Monkey ( Wang Lu at the reviewed performance ) frolics merrily .

  5. 王璐扮演的美猴王十分调皮好玩,他穿着一身黄色的运动服,拖一条松垮垮的尾巴,散发着有点难以驯服的动物野性。

    As portrayed by the impishly funny Mr. Wang , wearing a yellow track suit and a floppy tail , Monkey exudes animal spirits that are more or less untameable .

  6. 中国疾病预防控制中心的研究员王璐表示,这个数字相对总体来说不大,但这个数字背后的发展趋势令人担忧。

    While the number is a relatively small portion of the total , Wang Lu , a researcher with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention , says certian trends behind the figure are worrisome .