
  • 网络Witch Hunt;Witch-hunt;witch hunting
  1. 这些血腥的审判构成了被我们称之为猎巫的历史事件。

    These bloody trials have been the historical event what we call witch-hunt .

  2. 为了解释欧洲的大猎巫为何得以发生,历史学家们对它的社会背景和法律基础进行了大量的研究。

    To explain why the great European witch-hunt took place , historians have done a lot of research on its social context and legal foundations .

  3. 浅析16、17世纪西欧猎巫运动及其原因

    The Analysis on West European Witch-hunting Movement in the 16-17 ~( th ) Century and Its Cause

  4. 但社会和法律因素仅仅只是猎巫的必要条件而不是充分条件,不足以激起和维持这样一场运动,从这些角度出发,很难完全解释产生猎巫的原因。

    However , social and legal factors are only necessary conditions of witch-hunt but not sufficient conditions of witch-hunt , not enough to arouse and sustained such a movement . From these points of view , it is difficult to fully explain the reasons of witch-hunt .