
  • 网络Independent Suspension
  1. 基于I-deas的双横臂独立悬架运动分析

    Kinematical Analysis of the Double-Wishbone Independent Suspension of Wheeled-Vehicle Based on I-deas

  2. 基于R-W方法的独立悬架和转向系统性能仿真及优化研究

    A Study of Simulation and Optimization of Performance of Independent Suspension and Steering System Based on R-W Method

  3. 将有限元分析结果与理论公式计算结果相对比,为钢板弹簧的设计和改进提供依据和建议。(2)在ADAMS软件中建立双横臂式前独立悬架模型。

    We can compare the finite element analysis and the theoretical calculation . The paper provides basis and suggestion for improvement of leaf spring . ( 2 ) build the double wishbone front suspension in the ADAMS software .

  4. 利用ADAMS建立了某轻型车完整的双横臂独立悬架运动学仿真模型,为反映车辆的真实行驶工况,对左、右车轮测试平台分别创建了随机激励。

    The whole double-wishbone independent suspension model of a light vehicle was built by using ADAMS software , in order to reflect the actual running condition of the vehicle , the random excitation of the test platform of the left and right wheel was created separately .

  5. 高品质长行程全独立悬架,油压避震。

    Long-travel all-independent suspension with quality , oil-filled pressure shock absorbers .

  6. 后双横臂独立悬架的下控制臂有限元分析

    FEA of Lower Control Arm for Rear Double Wishbone Independent Suspension

  7. 汽车独立悬架中扭力杆的特殊功能分析与研究

    The Special Function Research of Torsion Rod Spring in Independent Suspension

  8. 基于ADAMS/Car的双叉臂独立悬架优化设计

    Optimum design of double-wishbone independent suspension based on ADAMS / Car

  9. 独立悬架中的橡胶减振元件对汽车性能的影响

    The Influence of Rubber Elements in Independent Suspension on Vehicle Performance

  10. 电动小车开发中前麦弗逊式独立悬架匹配设计

    Matching Design on the Front Macpherson Suspension for the Motor Car

  11. 双横臂独立悬架汽车驱动轮动力学特性研究

    The Dynamics Study of Driving Wheel of Double-wishbone Independent Suspension Vehicle

  12. 轻型汽车前独立悬架设计分析

    Design and Analysis of Front Independent Suspension of Light Duty Vehicle

  13. 扭转梁式半独立悬架建模与动态特性分析

    Modeling and Dynamic Character Analyzing of Twist Beam Rear Suspension on ADAMS

  14. ADAMS/Insight在双横臂扭杆独立悬架中的应用

    Application of ADAMS / Insight in Double Wishbone Torsion Bar Independent Suspension

  15. 麦弗逊式独立悬架导向机构的运动特性

    Kinematic Characteristics of Guiding Mechanism in a McPherson Independent Suspension

  16. 矢量代数在双横臂独立悬架运动分析中的应用

    Vector Algebra Applied in Kinematics Analysis of the Dual Wishbone Independent Suspension

  17. 独立悬架动力学仿真的通用笛卡尔模型

    The Dynamic Simulation Model of Independent Suspension Using Cartesian Coordinates

  18. 全地域越野车转矩套管式悬架系统性能分析非独立悬架式驱动桥

    Performance analysis on the torque tube-typed suspension system of all-terrain cross-country vehicles

  19. 非独立悬架载重车辆摆振的仿真研究

    A Simulation Study on the Shimmy of Heavy Vehicles with Dependent Suspension

  20. 双横臂独立悬架的前轮主销内倾角算法研究

    Calculation on Front Wheel Kingpin Inclination of Double-wishbone Independent Suspension

  21. 双横臂独立悬架线刚度的非图解法计算

    A Non-graphic Method of Calculating Line Stiffness of the Double-wishbone Independent Suspension

  22. 双横臂独立悬架导向机构的运动特性

    Kinematic Characteristics of an Independent Suspension Guiding Mechanism with Double - wishbone

  23. 前、后悬架均采用多连杆螺旋弹簧非独立悬架结构形式。

    Front and rear suspensions are both helical spring muti-link dependent suspension .

  24. 汽车独立悬架簧载质量的分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Sprung Mass of Automobile Independent Suspension

  25. 扭杆式双横臂独立悬架车辆悬架状态与空车高度的控制

    State of Torsion Bar Spring Double-Wishbone Independent Suspension and Unloaded Vehicle Height Control

  26. 四连杆式独立悬架性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Four Link Rods Type Independent Suspension

  27. 基于多体动力学的双横臂独立悬架线刚度的计算

    Stiffness Calculation of an Independent Suspension with Double Wishbone Based on Multibody Dynamics

  28. 非独立悬架和独立悬架三轮汽车特性计算与比较

    Character Calculation of Dependent and Independent Suspension of Tricar

  29. 右图所示为一种典型的独立悬架结构。

    The right figure shows a typical independent suspension .

  30. 多体运动学在双横臂独立悬架分析与设计中的应用

    The Application of Multibody Kinematics in Double-wishbone Suspension System