
  1. 区域特色竞争战略的理论解读

    The Theoretical Connotation of Competitive Strategies with Regional Features

  2. 发挥优势,突出特色,竞争中求发展&办好我院计算机科学与信息工程系的几点思考

    How to Develop Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of Tianjin Agricultural College

  3. 大学的特色、竞争优势和学术声誉,关键是通过重点学科的水平来体现。

    The characteristics , competitive predominance , and academic reputation of a university are all exerted through its key disciplines .

  4. 供应链文化对提高供应链运行绩效及形成其鲜明特色的竞争优势会产生深层的影响。

    Supply chain culture can have a deep-seated influence on supply chain in both advancing its performance and forming its characteristic advantage for competition .

  5. 财经院校如何发挥自身资源优势,建设具有财经特色和竞争优势的品牌学科是一个新课题。

    It is a new task for finance and economics university how to make full use of itself advantage of source to build a characteristic and competent project management specialty .

  6. 因此,要发展农产品加工业,必须对农产品加工业竞争优势进行评估,结合地区特色分析竞争优势的来源,针对性地采取政策措施。

    Therefore , to develop the agricultural processing industry , we must evaluate its competitive advantage and combine the regional feature to analyze the source of competitive advantage in order to take countermeasures .

  7. 这种人才的竞争,不仅仅是学校办学条件、待遇、设施、特色的竞争,重要的是传统、机制、氛围、精神的竞争。

    The talent competition , has not only conditions for running schools , treatment facilities , characteristics of the competition , the important thing is the traditional , mechanism , atmosphere , spirit of competition .

  8. 作为中央保健基地,该院保健临床部在制度建设、硬件设施、人才队伍、流程管理等方面形成了非常突出的特色和竞争优势。

    As the health base of the central government , the clinical division of the large army general hospital has formed its characters and strengths in systemic establishment , hardware equipment , talent groups , procedural management and so on .

  9. 中等职业教育借鉴CBE模式,可以加强职教特色,提高竞争能力,适应学生素质变化,保证教学计划与目前社会需求一致。

    Secondary vocational education using CBE model for reference can reinforce features of vocational education , enhance competitive abilities , adapt to the change of students ′ quality , make sure teaching plan consist with present social demand .

  10. 给中国的门店添加更多的本土特色,是竞争取胜的另一个必要条件。

    Giving their Chinese stores a more local flavour is another must .

  11. 特色农产品竞争优势培育的技术创新机制分析

    Mechanism Analysis of the Technological Innovation of the Competitive Advantage Cultivate of Characteristic Agricultural Product

  12. 世界银行贷款项目的采购方式及具中国特色的招标竞争机制

    On Purchase Modes of Projects Supported by the World Bank 's Loan and the Competitive Bidding Mechanism with Distinctive Chinese Feature

  13. 高校管理中政府与学校责权明确,大大促进了高校办出特色和有序竞争;

    In the higher school management , the explicit responsibilities and powers between government and schools greatly improved the schools ' characteristics and orderly competitions .

  14. 我国产品出口市场过于集中,不利于凸现我国产品的特色,同行竞争也无法显现产品独特的竞争能力。

    The export markets of Chinese products are over-centralized , which is not helpful to highlight the product characteristics , even intertype competition can 't show the unique product competitiveness .

  15. 这一问题的解决要求我们通过地区产业组织创新,形成独具特色的既竞争又合作的产业集群体系。

    The settlement of this problem requires us to use the innovation of regional industrial organization to form a distinctive industrial cluster system , which has both competition and cooperation .

  16. 然而,在各地各类产业区快速开发的过程中,也出现了模式趋同、缺乏特色、恶性竞争等现象。

    However , during the course of rapid development of industrial zones throughout , mode convergence , vicious competition , lack of features and other phenomenons like this have also emerged .

  17. 高校如何经营管理,才能适应新形势的变化,在发展中办出特色,在竞争中得以生存,这是高等学校管理者必须思考的问题。

    It was one issue that must be considered by college managers on how to manage colleges can adapt the new changes in the situation , do special features in development and survive in competition .

  18. 在遵循原则的基础上可从区位特征、特色资源、竞争优势、支柱产业、历史文脉、政策引导等几个视角进行城市品牌定位。

    Based on the following of the principles , the orientation of a city 's brand may be carried out from several angles , such as position characteristics , special resources , competitive advantages , main industries , history and culture , policy guidance .

  19. 把握市场机遇,通过对企业的核心资源整合、弥补和提升,形成独具特色的可持续竞争优势的能力,就能帮助企业提高综合竞争能力,防范和化解企业危机,促进企业的健康发展。

    It can help enterprise advance colligation competition ability , keep away and remove enterprise crisis and accelerate enterprise develop healthily if the manager can hold market opportunity , conformity , remedy and advance enterprise key resource , forming characteristic and continuance ability to competition superiority .

  20. 特色战略&大学竞争的基本战略

    Special Feature Strategy : The Fundamental Competitive Strategy for Universities

  21. 综合排名前四名的学校,都拥有本校特色的具有较高竞争效益的优势项目群。

    The top-4 colleges and universities have their own characteristic of strong track events group with higher competitive benefits .

  22. 文章认为旅游资源品牌化是使旅游资源形成独一无二的品牌识别和品牌特色,以便与竞争对手及其提供的产品与服务区别开来的过程。

    Branding is a process creating unique brand recognition and brand characteristic , in order to distinguish from competitors and their products and services .

  23. 电动汽车依靠软件和计算能力驱动,它们可以通过无线升级推出新的特色功能,在竞争中保持领先。

    Electric vehicles , which rely on software and computing power , use wireless upgrades to introduce new features and stay ahead of the competition .

  24. 在这种各类商品极大丰富,差异不明显的买方市场条件下服装企业如何让自身企业产品树立自身的特色,以区别竞争对手,如何以鲜明的个性吸引用户呢?

    In the market abundant in similar products from different manufacturers , how to make the enterprise stand out from its competitors and attract the customers with its distinctive characteristics ?

  25. 建议:体育院校利用综合体育特色,转变同质竞争观念,革新传统教学模式,改革考试方法,培养综合性的体育人才,从整体上解决其专业设置与市场需求的矛盾。

    Suggestion : The institutes of physical education develop " multiple athletics " characteristics , transform identical competition , reform traditional teaching pattern , change exam method , and cultivate comprehensive sports talents , totally resolve the contradiction on speciality establish and market-demanded .

  26. 对研究对象兴业银行的业务特色进行了分析,发现兴业银行在资金业务、同业业务和公司业务上创建了自己的特色品牌,具有竞争优势。

    I analyze the business characteristic of the Industrial Bank and found the bank created its own brands and has competitive advantage on treasury business , institutional banking and wholesale banking business .