
  1. 企业物流资产的分类、来源及其基本核算和管理

    Classification , Origin of the Enterprise Logistics Assets and its Basic Accounting and Management

  2. 物流资产:内涵及其几个管理问题

    Connotation and Management of Logistics Assets

  3. 阐述了我国城市物流资产的基本构成以及城市物流资产管理中的主要问题,在分析其成因的基础上,提出了对我国城市物流资产建设与管理的对策与建议。

    The paper discusses the structure of China logistics assets and main problems existing in urban logistics assets management and puts forward the countermeasures on how to construct and manage them .

  4. 简述了企业物流资产的分类,并对企业物流资产的来源及其与其他资产的关系进行了分析,最后给出了对物流资产进行必要的经济核算的具体建议。

    The paper briefly introduces the classification , analyzes its origin and the relationship with other assets and gives out some concrete suggestions on carrying out necessary economic accounting to the logistics assets .

  5. 农产品是一种特殊的商品,农产品的易腐烂特性,生产上的季节特性、区域特性,高程度物流资产的专用性,对农产品物流提出了很高的要求。

    Agricultural product is a special kind of goods for its characteristics of perishable , seasonal and regional production and high level of logistics assets specificity , which made an advanced requirement for agricultural products logistics .

  6. 在对公司内部分析中,重点分析了铁路传统关系、物流资产、组织及人力资源、信息化建设,以此揭示公司发展物流存在的优势和劣势。

    When it came to the internal analysis of the company , the article 's emphasis turned to the railway system 's traditional relations , the logistic property , the organization and the human resources , and the information construction .

  7. 本文将企业分为初始状态为无物流资产和初始状态为有物流资产两类分别进行了自营与外包的决策讨论,引入了物流外包阶段和外包转换成本的概念。

    This paper divided the enterprises into two types for the decision-making of logistics self-employed or outsourcing , one is the initial state without logistics assets , and another is with logistics assets , and introduced the two phases of logistics outsourcing and the concept of switching costs of outsourcing .

  8. 在此基础上提出了物流信息资产管理的思想,并阐述了把物流信息作为企业的一项资产来管理的重要意义。

    And on this basis , the idea of LI asset is proposed and the importance of LI asset management is discussed .

  9. 物流网络的资产属性与管理政策研究

    Studies on Property Attributes and Managerial Policies of Logistics Network

  10. 从物流角度实现资产精细化管理

    Fulfill Property Lean Management from the Angle of Logistics

  11. 而经济的快速增长反过来更能提高物流业固定资产投资额,促进物流基础设施的完善。

    The rapid economic growth in turn will enhance the investment in fixed assets in the logistics industry and promote the improvement of logistics infrastructure .

  12. 这些经济区会与当地的企业建立伙伴关系,但中国企业将联合控制生产,品牌,物流和渠道资产。

    These zones will be partnerships with domestic companies , but Chinese enterprise will have joint control of production , brand , logistics and distribution assets .

  13. 从反映长期的协整方程来看,物流与固定资产投资对经济增长带动作用显著,物流的发展是分工深化的结果。

    The long term co-integration equation proved the prominent of drive ability logistics and investment of fixed assets exert on economic growth , the development of logistics it 's the result of deepened labor-division .

  14. 与本地区物流企业的优良资产一起成立一个具有跨区域竞争优势的现代化物流企业。

    Cooperate with good properties of local logistics enterprises , to form a modernization logistics enterprise which has strong trans-regional competitive advantage .

  15. 由于物流运输企业生产经营的特殊性,决定了物流运输企业资产具有高风险性的特点。

    Due to the specialty of logistics enterprise production and management , the logistics enterprise assets has high risks .

  16. 为有效解决传统库存管理模式中物流、信息流、资金流相互脱节和信息传递不对称的的问题,提出在移动通信企业内部建设“物流-资产”一体化信息系统的设想。

    This paper investigates the information of the supply chain management , presents the VMI model based on information-integrated , and introduces the framework and functions of the system .

  17. 农民合作社介入农产品物流的组织对提高农产品物流的组织化程度具有重要意义。农产品加工企业产-物一体化组织模式的效率取决于其物流业务的规模和物流资产专用性程度的高低。

    The involvement of the agricultural cooperatives union in Logistics is of great significance . The efficiency of the agricultural product processing enterprises integration model depends on the size of its logistics and extent of the logistics assets tied level .