
  • 网络logistics cost
  1. 但是,企业财务数据计算的物流费用只能反映物流成本的部分,有相当数量的物流费用是不可见的。

    But the logistics cost that is calculated throng corporation finance data only can reflect the part of logistics cost . Quit logistics cost is invisible .

  2. 在我国,物流费用占了货品总成本的30%,运输成本比西方发达国家高出3倍。

    In China , logistics cost accounts for 30 % of the total cost of goods , transportation cost is three times higher comparing with Western countries .

  3. 谈企业物流费用的管理

    Discuss About the Management of Enterprise 's Logistics Expenses

  4. 韩国节省物流费用的战略

    The stratagem of korea 's saving logistic expenses

  5. 本文希冀从物流费用核算模式上的优化来实现成本节约。

    This article hoped to realize cost saving by optimizing logistics expense calculation pattern .

  6. 通过物流费用计算,如实地反映各项物流作业的实际耗费。

    The actual cost of logistics activities is accurately reflected by calculating the logistics costs .

  7. 物流费用的确认和付费安排。

    Confirm services fees and reimburse .

  8. 该文根据车间物流费用和车间面积2个优化目标,建立车间设备布局多目标优化模型。

    A multi-objective optimization model based on workflow cost and workshop acreage of facility layout is proposed .

  9. 我国蔬菜的物流费用高达50%左右,搞好蔬菜物流,降低物流成本,具有十分重要的意义。

    The logistics rate of vegetable is 50 percent , so it is significant to reduce logistics cost .

  10. 本文从如何节约物流费用的角度论述了物流的价值。

    The article sets out the value of logistics by discussing how to saving the cost on it .

  11. 于是,企业便将物流费用的节约视为企业减少成本,增加利润的一个重要途径。

    So companies consider the logistics as a way to economize the cost and make more other profits .

  12. 成品油采用配送制可提高劳动效率,大幅降低物流费用,增强企业的竞争能力。

    Rationing system can be used in refined oil distributions to cut logistic costs and improve competitiveness of producers .

  13. 中石化湖南分公司成品油物流费用高居不下。

    The logistics of the refined oil of Hunan Branch of China Petroleum and Chemical Company , Ltd is too costly to occupy .

  14. 科学地确定配送范围,引入专业化管理,在配送运输中应用高新技术,合理地利用业务外包,将会降低公路配送的物流费用,增强企业的竞争能力。

    The introduction of professional management and high technologies are useful to ascertain objects scientifically and then cut logistic costs and improve the competitiveness .

  15. 产品平均直接劳动成本所占比例不到总成本的10%,而物流费用占总成本的比重约为30%-40%。

    The average direct labor cost occupies less than 10 % of the total cost while logistical expenses occupies 30-40 % of the total cost .

  16. 要能提出涉及散装水泥各环节的不同投资组合策略,降低其他行业参与该项工作的投资风险,提高整体供应链效率,降低整体物流费用。

    And put forward the policies of investment combination in all aspects , reduce the investment risk , improve the efficiency and debase the goods-flow cost .

  17. 利用物流费用管理审计成果,提出四川烟草商业企业物流费用管理的具体实施措施。

    By use of the results in logistics cost management audit , this paper gives the detail measures of managing logistics activity-based costs of Sichuan tobacco business enterprises .

  18. 同时研究了物流费用的规模经济问题,给出了仓储费用和运输费用的非线性计算公式,并成功应用到多阶段物流网络设计中。

    The paper also presents a nonlinear expression for the storage and transport costs for optimizing the logistics economics which is successfully applied to a multi-stage logistics network design .

  19. 然而,现行的财务会计制度和会计核算方法不能准确地掌握物流费用的实际发生情况,基于此,本文提出运用作业与时间相结合的方法进行物流成本核算。

    However , the existing financing cost system and accounting method cannot control the actual logistic expense . So , we use the accounting method based on activity and time .

  20. 在此基础上,引入作业成本计算和分析方法,按作业成本项目,通过将四川烟草商业企业物流费用进行归集与分配,从而计算出各环节物流作业成本计算对象的实际总费用和单位费用。

    The actual total costs and unit costs of logistics cost object in all sectors of the logistics operation can be calculated by collection and distribution of logistics cost though activity cost item .

  21. 为了降低物流费用,提高运输效率,发展自动化装卸的专用车辆必将成为铁路货运发展的方向。漏斗车是自动化装卸的专用车辆之一。

    In order to reduce logistics costs , improve transport efficiency , the development of automated handling of special vehicles will become the direction of development of rail freight hopper car is dedicated automated loading and unloading vehicles .

  22. 运输系统是配送系统中最重要的一个子系统,运输费用占整体物流费用的50%左右,所以降低物流成本首先要从降低物流配送的运输成本开始。

    As the most important subsystem in distribution , transportation accounts for fifty percent of the whole expense of the logistic system . So , it must begin with the reduction of transportation cost to reduce the total cost .

  23. 研究表明,在生产成本中,中间投入、沉没成本和环境成本所占比例较大。在流通费用中,绿色物流费用和绿色包装费用占流通费用支出的主要部分。

    The research shows that the intermediate inputs , sunk cost , environments cost make a larger proportion in the cost of production and green logistics , green packaging cost accounts for the main part of circulation in the circulation cost .

  24. 如今社会的信息化和运输技术的发展,已使远程生产及物流费用进一步降低,供应链管理系统已经取代了原有的生产纵向一体化管理流程,成为现今企业核心竞争力中不可或缺的组成部分。

    Nowadays , the development of social informatization and transportation technology further reduced the cost of remote production and logistic . Supply chain have already changed the vertical integration production system and become an indispensable part of nowadays companies ' core competence .

  25. 本文分析了企业物流费用的构成和分类,以及控制企业的物流费用的基本原则,提出了降低企业物流成本的几种途径。

    In this concept , the composition and classification of enterprise 's logistics has been analysed first , then basic principles of controlling logistics expenses of enterprises are referred . Finally , we proposed several ways about reducing the logistics cost of enterprise .

  26. 在审计调查过程中,我们以物流费用为标尺,引入作业成本法研究物流费用管理,通过界定物流费用的内涵与外延,确定各环节实际物流耗费。

    When auditing and investigating , Activity-based costing has been introduced to study how to manage logistics costs . With logistics costs as the standard , and it determined the logistics costs in each link by defining the connotation and denotation of logistics cost .

  27. 作为汽车售后服务保障的配件供应就是整个售后服务网络的核心资源,而如何在满足客户一定的需求下尽量地降低配件物流费用成为赢得售后市场的关键。

    The supply of auto parts as the basis of after-sales service is the core resource of the entire network . How to meet the certain needs of customers and try to reduce the cost of auto parts logistics has become the key to winning the aftermarket .

  28. 下层规划(L)模型是以最小化顾客承担的第三方物流服务费用为目标,确定第三方物流企业选择方案。

    The lower programming model with minimum outsourcing cost of customer as the optimization objective is adopted to determine service plans of third-party-logistics enterprises .

  29. 我国降低社会物流总费用的难题及策略

    Our country to reduce the total cost of logistics problems and strategies

  30. 为节约物流配送费用,提出一类多约束条件下的多车场车辆路径问题。

    In order to save logistic distribution costs , a multi-depots vehicle routing problem with multiple constraints ( MDVRPMC ) was proposed .