
  • 网络Love it;SONY;EIKI;EZKZ;EIK;Elki
  1. 使婚姻中的一个伴侣停止爱其配偶

    Make one of the partners in a marriage stop loving the other

  2. 不用说,没有不爱其子女的母亲。

    Needless to say , there is no mother but loves her children .

  3. 鸟均爱其巢;人皆爱其家。

    Every bird likes its own nest .

  4. 具有魔力的饮剂;可以使饮用者爱其提供者。

    A drink credited with magical power ; can make the one who takes it love the one who gave it .

  5. 如果你爱下了两个人,选择第两个。由于假如你实爱第一个,便不会来爱其别人。

    If you love two persons , select the second ; Because you will not love someone else if you truly love the first .

  6. 6.男人爱其引以自豪的女人,他们会向家人和朋友介绍她们。

    he will be looking to make love to you . 6.Men fall in love with women whom they will be proud to introduce to their friends and family .

  7. 爱其子,择师而教之;于其身也,则耻师焉,惑矣。

    It is absurd that a person would choose a teacher for his son out of his love for him , and yet refuse to learn from the teacher himself , thinking it a disgrace to do so .

  8. 他又深深倾慕古代侠士慷慨悲歌、豪迈不羁的生活态度和他们所奉行的“以武犯禁”、“不爱其躯”、“羞伐其德”的游侠精神,因此敢于蔑视封建秩序和礼教,冲击传统偶像。

    On the other hand , he adored the bold and unconstrained mien of ancient errant knights , who would sacrifice their lives for righteousness and never brag about their exploits . Furthermore , he was an iconoclast against feudal principles and etiqueues .