
  • 网络Love the Earth;caring Earth
  1. 我们要共同珍惜和爱护地球家园。

    We should cherish and take good care of mother Earth .

  2. 请做一个爱护地球的朋友。他说。

    ' Please be a friend of the Earth , 'he said .

  3. 我们只有一个地球,爱护地球就是爱护自己。

    We have only one earth , caring for the earth is love itself .

  4. 只要我们爱护地球,地球就活得很久。

    If we take care of the earth , it will last a long time .

  5. 在到达目的地之后,它将在悉尼展出,以提醒更多的人们爱护地球。

    It will go on display in Sydney to warn more people about preserving our earth .

  6. 想要我们的下一代享有美好的环境,由爱护地球开始!

    We all have the responsibility to protect our earth , where our next generation living with .

  7. 爱护地球,保护生态环境,已成为关系到人类自身安全的大问题。

    Reverence for the earth and protecting ecological environment have related to the safety of human being .

  8. 人类懂得运用智慧和天然草本作为疗法是表现我们爱护地球和大自然的一种表达。

    Herbalism instills in a person a deep appreciation for Mother Earth and The knowledge for natural healing and well-being .

  9. 我们也希望将这个信息传递给大家,在爱护地球上也有这般的执着和情怀。

    We hope this information can pass down to everyone . Let 's take care of our environment with the same dedication and feelings .

  10. 图为学生同老师教地理平日来表达他们对全球人类珍惜和爱护地球的手。

    The picture shows the students hold hands with teachers to teach geography weekdays globe to express their planet of human beings cherish and care .

  11. 最绿色的环保产品&我们非常自豪能将环保和奢华统一,爱护地球!

    The best environmentally-friendly products & Ganbor proudly to be able to provide products taking environmental , comfortable and luxury into one solution , to protect our planet .

  12. 地球是我们共同的母亲,我们不能容忍任何伤害母亲的行为,让我们共同携手,爱护地球,保护母亲。

    The earth is our common mother , and we can not tolerate any harm to the mother , let us join hands and love the earth , protecting the mother .

  13. 除了符合环保法规、我们更要本著爱护地球、节能减碳的方针,制造高质量、低成本的产品,让我们的客户有更多的选择、创造更高的利润。

    Except for obeying environmental ordinances , EVERLONG provides high quality UL wires and cables of hook-up wire , computer cable , DC power cord , flat ribbon cable , coaxial * for more choice .

  14. 我们应该更注重环境保护,并尽力好好爱护我们唯一的地球。

    We should pay more attention to environmental protection , and try our best to take good care of our unique earth .

  15. 近几年气候改变与新疾病频发,社会公众日益强调爱护我们唯一的地球。

    The public emphasize to take good care of our unique earth day by day with climate changing and new disease spreading recently .

  16. 最近我们举行了一个类会议来讨论这个问题的“爱护环境,保护地球”我们可以看到,气候异常的空气、水、土壤和其他严重污染。

    Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the problem of " Good care environment , protect the earth " . As we can see , the climate anomalies in the air , water , soil and other serious pollution .