
  • 网络The Church of Ireland;Ireland Church
  1. 都柏林直到1152年才向爱尔兰教会屈服。

    Not till 1152 did Dublin give in to the Irish church .

  2. 爱尔兰教会的修道院体制与罗马主教区体制相比,更适合于早期英吉利北部的散居式的乡村社会。

    Compared with the Diocese of Rome , Irish monastic institutions were more suitable for rural community in the early northern Anglo-Saxon England .

  3. 苏格兰演员兼导演彼得梅伦,细致严谨地执导了一出有关六零年代中期爱尔兰天主教会的电影。

    Scots actor director , Peter Mullan , has made an expertly-crafted but grim film about the Catholic Church in Ireland in the mid-60s .

  4. 不过一个世代多一点的时间,爱尔兰不仅与教会疏远了,还强化了自己的世俗身份。

    In a little more than a generation , Ireland has both distanced itself from the church and sharpened its secular identity .