
rán jìn
  • Burnout;burn out;after-combustion;after-flaming
燃尽[rán jìn]
  1. 本文以600t/d预热器窑中三通道喷煤器的煤粉燃烧过程为研究对象,采用CFD模拟分析技术,预测了窑内燃烧不同煤质时的烟气温度、火焰长度、煤粉燃尽率等的变化规律。

    The pulverized coal combustion of different coal in 600t / d preheater kiln by three-channel burner was studied with CFD method . The flue-gas temperature , the flame length and the burn out ratio of coal were predicted .

  2. 并且随着压力的增加,着火点、最大燃烧速率点、燃尽点温度逐步下降。

    And with increasing pressure , the ignition point and maximum burning rate point and burn out point were gradual decline .

  3. 油灯因油燃尽而熄灭了。

    The oil lamp burnt out .

  4. 碳氢化合物(HC)像一氧化碳一样,为未燃尽的和被浪费掉的燃料

    Hydrocarbons ( HC ) , like carbon monoxide , represent unburned and wasted fuel .

  5. 在另一边有一堆快燃尽的篝火。

    But on the other side , a large fire had almost burned itself out .

  6. 燃尽风率变化对电站锅炉NOx排放特性影响的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the effect of over-fire air rate on NO_x emission in utility boiler

  7. 不同煤种混煤燃烧时NOx生成和燃尽特性的试验

    Experimental Research of the NO_ x Generation and Burnout Characteristics During the Combustion of Blended Coals

  8. W火焰双拱燃烧锅炉燃用无烟煤燃尽率低的原因分析

    Cause analysis of lower burn-up ratio in anthracite firing boilers with W-shaped flame and twin-arch combustion

  9. 影响福建无烟煤在CFB锅炉中燃尽的若干因素

    Factors Influencing the Burn-Out Rate of Fujian Anthracite Coal in CFB Boilers

  10. 细颗粒无烟煤焦在CFB锅炉燃烧室内的燃尽特性研究

    Modeling Research on the Burnout Characteristics of Fine Anthracite Char Particle in CFB Combustor

  11. 碳氢化合物(HC)像一氧化碳一样,为未燃尽的和被浪费掉的燃料。

    Hydrocarbons ( HC ), like carbon monoxide , represent unburned and wasted fuel .

  12. 颗粒停留时间对福建无烟煤在CFB锅炉中燃尽的影响

    Influence of Particles ' Lingering Time on the Burn-off Rate of Fujian Anthracite in CFB Boilers

  13. W火焰锅炉因具有着火条件好、火焰行程长、煤粉燃尽率高等特点,是目前燃用无烟煤的主要炉型。

    Down-fired boiler is the main furnace burning anthracite , owing to good fire conditions , longer flame journeys , fuel and air classification .

  14. 根据热重分析试验结果。初步提出了混煤的挥发分释放特性指数P及燃尽指数Cb这两个集合判别指标。

    Based on the test results of a thermogravimetric analysis , the authors have tentatively proposed two comprehensive discrimination indexes , i. e. mixed coal volatile matter release characteristic index p and burn up index C_b .

  15. 煤质特性和锅炉运行工况是影响福建无烟煤在CFB锅炉中燃尽的主要因素。

    Coal quality and the boiler 's operational condition are the main factors that influence the burn-out rate of Fujian anthracite coal .

  16. 利用化学反应动力学机理研究了甲烷-空气预混火焰添加H2的着火和燃尽特性。

    This paper studied ignition and burnout characteristics of methane air premixed flame with H 2 added , using chemical reaction mechanism .

  17. 预报结果表明:采用作者研制的弱旋煤粉浓缩器后,可以大大地降低燃烧器出口区域燃料NOx的生成,同时可以保持煤粉颗粒较高的燃尽率。

    The results indicate that the pulverized-coal concentrator with weak swirl can remarkably reduce fuel NO x formation and simultaneously can keep a higher burn-out rate .

  18. 且生物质复合型煤(BCC)具有着火温度低、燃尽率高等特点。

    It is revealed that BCC has a low ignition point , low ash contend and good sulfur fixation quality .

  19. 对于燃用贫煤和劣质烟煤的中小型煤粉锅炉,在分级燃烧条件下其NOx排放和煤粉燃尽之间存在互相制约的问题。

    For medium and small-sized lean and bum bituminous coal boiler using staging combustion , NOx emission and coal burnout are two problems which restrict each other .

  20. 通过对莱阳煤、长广煤、太平煤三种煤种的着火温度、燃尽温度、及燃烧特性指数的分析,表明O2/CO2气氛下的燃烧优于空气,并从反应动力学数据得到证实。

    The ignition temperature and burnout temperature of the pulverized coal are significantly lowered under O2 / CO2 conditions , so the burning characteristics are improved greatly . The conclusion is confirmed by dynamic analysis .

  21. MikeSutton用在燃尽图上加注解的方式记录更多信息,于是对回顾更有帮助。

    Mike Sutton uses annotations to capture more data on the burn-down chart , making it even more useful during the retrospective .

  22. 从系统NOX还原效果,主燃区,再燃区和燃尽区内NOX的分解几方面对煤粉再燃效果进行半工业炉试验研究。

    NO_Xreduction efficiency and NO_X reduction characteristics in primary combustion zone , reburning zone and burnout zone were studied during reburning of pulverized coal in a semi-industrial furnace .

  23. 生物质添加比例、氧气浓度和升温速率增加,都可以减少燃烧气态产物中CO所占比例,提高燃料可燃成分的燃尽率和能源利用率。

    Increasing biomass addition ratio , oxygen concentration and heating rate can reduce the CO percentage in the burning gaseous products and improve the burnout rate of fuel combustible substances and the utilization rate of energy .

  24. 对水泥生产中广泛使用双喷腾分解炉系统进行了3D数值模拟研究,深入研究和分析了分解炉中气体成分来源对煤粉燃尽率和碳酸钙分解率之间的影响关系。

    A 3D numerical simulation study was performed to simulate the physical and chemical processes in two-spray pre-calciner widely used in cement production . The relation between gas components distribution and rates of coal combustion and carbonate decomposition was studied .

  25. 以一种典型福建无烟煤&龙岩煤为对象,从理论和试验两方面较为系统地研究了与影响福建无烟煤在CFB锅炉中洁净燃烧问题特别是燃尽问题有关的若干因素。

    Taking Longyan coal-a typical Fujian anthracite as an example , these factors which effect on the clean combustion of Fujian anthracite , especially its burnout in CFB boiler , was experimentally and theoretically studied in this paper .

  26. 当温度为673K和723K时,凝胶中的C没有完全燃尽,以C&O和CO形式存在于薄膜中。

    While the annealed temperature is at 723 K and ( 673 K ), the carbon is not burnout and exists in the form of C & O and CO groups in the film .

  27. 此外,在考虑SR2对降低NOx排放效果的同时也应综合考虑燃料的燃尽程度以及飞灰的排放质量。

    In addition , the influence of selection of SR_ 2 on the burnout of fuels and unburned carbon on ash should be considered besides the effect of SR_ 2 on NO_ x reduction .

  28. 超细煤粉燃烧不仅有降低NOx排放的作用,在燃烧特性方面也表现出着火温度低、燃尽率高、减弱或消除飞灰在炉内受热面上的沉积与结渣等特点。

    Combustion of micro-pulverised coal has not only the function of decreasing NOX emission , but also represents some combustion characteristics such as low ignition temperature , high burn-off rate , reduction or removal of settling and slag-off made of fly ash on heating surface in furnace .

  29. 采用分级燃烧技术后,点火时间缩短,燃烧剧烈区出现较晚,CO和O2浓度降低,有利于可燃气体的燃尽,减少了主燃烧区NOx的排放。

    Shortened ignition time , delayed appearance of violent combustion and reduced concentration of CO and O_2 were attained after the technology was adopted , which were all profitable for burn out of combustible gases . In addition , a reduction of about 20 % NO_x emission was obtained .

  30. 然而由于无烟煤燃尽时间长,CFB锅炉燃烧温度较低,运行中大多存在飞灰含碳量偏高、锅炉效率低于设计值等问题。

    But due to long burnout time of anthracite and low combustion temperature in CFB boiler , there is a problem that the carbon content of fly ash is so high that the combustion efficiency is lower than the designed efficiency when burning anthracite in CFB boiler .