
  • 网络coal conversion
  1. 煤转化过程中多环芳烃排放的研究现状

    Progress in formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during coal conversion process

  2. 煤转化技术领域内过程模拟的发展动态

    Development Dynamic of Process Simulation in Coal Conversion Technical Field

  3. 应用量子化学从头计算法,在QCISD/6-31G水平上对在煤转化等离子体反应器的工作气体Ar和H2进行了量子化学计算。

    By using ab initio method at QCISD / 6-31G level , working-gas .

  4. 提高反应压力可以促使煤转化率和气体产率升高。与KOH添加量和温度相比,停留时间对H2产率的影响较小,随着停留时间的延长,CH4产率略有增加。

    Higher reaction pressure favors the conversion of coal and the formation of H_2 and CH_4 . The effect of residence time is less significant than KOH / coal ratio and temperature .

  5. 第二代PFBC-CC技术是在第一代PFBC-CC技术的基础上发展起来的一项重要的洁净煤转化技术。

    The second generation PFBC-CC , which was developed on base of the first generation , is a significant clean-coal conversion technology .

  6. 鉴于我国拥有丰富的煤炭资源,甲醇、二甲醚(DME)这类可由煤转化制取的燃料的研究与使用,对我国解决能源短缺问题具有重大战略意义。

    As China has abundant coal resources , the research and use of methanol and dimethyl ether ( DME ) which can take by the coal conversion to fuel , has great strategic significance to solve the energy shortage in China .

  7. SNG(替代性天然气)是一种可能将内陆煤转化为可运输燃料(即甲烷,天然气的主要成分)的方式。

    SNG ( Substitute Natural Gas ) is a possible way to convert land-locked coal into a transportable fuel , i.e.methane , a major component of natural gas .

  8. 液电效应反应器的研制及其在煤转化上应用的试验

    Development of liquid-electric effect reactor and its application to coal-gasification

  9. 日本煤转化技术的进展

    Progress in coal conversion technology in Japan

  10. 超声技术在煤转化应用基础研究中的应用

    The application of ultrasound on coal conversion

  11. 煤转化过程反应的控制与分级定向转化;

    The reaction control in coal conversion and the grade , directional conversion of coal ;

  12. 这座1.8亿美元的工厂,将成为迄今美国最大的煤转化设施。

    The $ 180-million plant will be the largest coal-conversion facility yet built in the United States .

  13. 阐述了煤转化过程所产生的污水的特性以及在深度净化上存在的问题。

    Features of wastewater from coal conversion process and existing problems in its deep purification were described .

  14. 提出了在煤转化过程的研究中应开展煤的基础研究。根据我国煤炭资源情况还提出今后有关煤的研究项目。

    The projects in coal science and coal conversion are suggested according to circumstances of coal resources in China .

  15. 煤电转化过程是将化石燃料煤转化为洁净的二次能源电的过程。

    The process of coal changing into electricity is the process of making fuel fossil into cleanly secondary energy sources .

  16. 随着原油重质化问题日趋严重,煤转化油和生物质燃油成为理想的可代替能源。

    With the problem of using more heavy crude oil , the oil derived from Coal and biomass can be an ideal substitute energy .

  17. 煤转化为热、电及在铝冶炼过程中的高效利用,体现在总能系统效率升高上。

    The conversion of coal into heat and efficient usage of power in aluminum reduction reflect the increasing of efficiency of the whole energy system .

  18. 未来发电将成为一个近零排放的电厂,将煤转化为氢气,为发电机提供动力,同时产生二氧化碳,将被埋在地下。

    FutureGen would be a near zero-emissions plant that converted coal into hydrogen , to power electric turbines , and carbon dioxide , to be pumped underground .

  19. 山东明水大化集团的工厂,庞大的锅炉正把煤转化成三聚青胺,,用来制造塑胶和化肥。

    Here at the Shandong Mingshui Great Chemical Group factory , huge boiler vats are turning coal into melamine , which is then used to create plastics and fertilizer .

  20. 介绍了由煤转化为汽车燃料技术上可行的主要路线煤的直接液化,煤的间接液化和煤基合成含氧醇、醚燃料等;

    The technically feasible routes for coal to be converted to vehicle fuel are introduced . That is direct / indirect coal liquefaction and coal-based oxygen containing alcohol and aether .

  21. 随着能源消费总量的增加,世界范围内的石油短缺已经显现,将煤转化为石油产品的煤炭液化技术已引起工业界的高度重视。

    With energy consumption increase and following petroleum shortage all over the world , much more attention has been paid to the coal liquefaction technology in the process of coal-oil conversion .

  22. 焦化作用是将煤转化为焦炭的热处理过程,涉及到将煤在焦炭炉中隔绝空气高温加热数小时。

    Carbonisation is the thermal process for the conversion of coal into coke , involving heating coal at high temperature for many hours in the absence of air whilst contained in ovens .

  23. 结果表明,在反应初期,煤转化速度较快,氢初压和反应温度的提高对加快煤转化速度是有利的。

    The results showed that during the initial stage of reaction , conversion rate was larger and the content of " oil "( include gases and water ) in the product increased quick-ly .

  24. 发现加氢裂解催化剂和加氢精制催化剂按1:1混合使用,可获得较高的煤转化率和油产率,氢耗也较低。

    It is found that if the hydrocracking catalyst and the hydrorefining catalyst are used in ratio of 1:1 , both high coal conversion and oil yield can be obtained , and the hydrogen consumption is low .

  25. 这些把煤转化为液态燃料的工厂将在2011至2013年间投产,届时中国的石油需求将翻一番,甲醇燃料将供应10%的市场。

    By the time the plants , which convert coal to liquids , start producing in 2011 to 2013 , China 's oil demand will have doubled , allowing methanol to supply about 10 per cent of the market .

  26. 煤可以转化成热。

    Coal can be turned into heat .

  27. 目前对煤的转化系统和CS2反应炉等接触含硫介质设备的设计,要求提供合金在含硫气氛中的腐蚀数据。

    Corrosion data was required in coal inversion system or CS2 furnace for commercial alloys used in sulfur-containing gas .

  28. 最佳条件为435℃,H2冷压90巴和30分钟,煤的转化率可达80%,其中沥青烯产率50%,油产率28%,气体产率2%。

    Optimum conversion , i. e. 80 % with asphaltene yield 50 % , oil yield 28 % and gas yieid 2 % is given for HO at 435 ℃, 90 bar H_2 cold and 30 min.

  29. 而在煤加工转化过程中涉及到的各种煤基气不可避免地会混有含硫化合物,对其中有机硫化合物(如羰基硫,COS)的转化脱除成为煤基气净化的关键技术之一。

    While some kinds of sulfur-containing compounds are inevitably existed in the transforming process of coal , therefore , the removal of organic sulfur ( carbonyl sulfur , COS ) in coal-based gases becomes a key technology .

  30. 羰基硫(COS)是煤加工转化过程中不可避免的有机硫化合物,因其化学性质相对稳定而较难脱除。

    Carbonyl sulfide ( COS ), as an organic sulfur-containing compound , which is inevitably existed in the coal gasification as well as other coal transformation processes , is much more difficult to be directly removed because of its stability and neutral nature .