- baking;roasting;cure;dry over a fire

[cure] 用火烘干 [茶叶、烟叶等]
Design of temperature control in process of food cure
Cover with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment .
In the back room of the little bakery , his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders — he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour , butter and sugar .
He also perfected the souffl é— a baked egg dish , and introduced the standard chef 's uniform — the same double-breasted white coat and tall white hat still worn by many chefs today .
Around 1804 , Talleyrand challenged Car ê me to produce a full menu for his personal castle , instructing the young baker to use local , seasonal fruits and vegetables and to avoid repeating main dishes over the course of an entire year .
So instead of eating a piece of yesterday 's bread from the supermarket , you 'd eat something baked just for you on demand .
Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping , they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day .
A fresh brew1 prepared from the roasted beans of Arabica , the high-quality coffee that dominates the multibillion-pound coffee industry .
I used to love playing with whipped cream when my father was baking . You can use it to build cream castles because it holds its shape !
Optimum seeking of wheat flour baking quatity indexes by means of cross fuzzy experiment
Bake in the oven ( 175 ° C ) for 30 minutes .
BBC One show The Great British Bake Off was also named best challenge show for a second consecutive year .
This thesis is based on the domestic baking industry and the conveyor belt market analysis to identify H process in marketing problems .
The demand for German 's baking chocolate skyrocketed , and his name became synonymous with the dessert .
This roasting system bases the MET value on the actual final bean , or drop temperature , which correlates to the degree of roast .
To make an instant magnet , gently press a piece of PVC coated sheet magnet into the LS before baking .
An optimal process of padding & Curing modification and reactive dyeing is conducted based on the synthesis and application researches of modifier CM .
An international team of scientists successfully replaced almost a third of the genetic material in baker 's yeast after creating five new synthetic chromosomes with DNA made from chemicals in the laboratory .
Citric acid ( CA ) can be used as durable press agent of natural fiber fabrics . After during pad-dry-cure technique , ester crosslinking was formed between CA and fiber .
BGT : How about The2006 WBC champion effect Estate coffee ? In business point view , did you think a roaster company should attend WBC ?
With a hand-operated espresso machine , house-roasted single-origin espresso and a delicious Italian blend used for milk coffees , Tong has got all of the basics right .
The coffee provides the first clue that something is different : made with beans from the fashionable Left Bank roaster Coutume , it reveals an attention to detail increasingly common in bistros but still rare in the neighbourhood caf é .
Arabinoxylans ( AX ) played an important role in bread dough and bread baking quality , which attracted many experts in wheat grain to research AX in a wide range .
Todd Carmichael , a founder of La Colombe , a coffee roasting company with cafes in New York and other cities , is not so hung up on the ounce factor .
In the past two years blue bottle has opened a Roastery and caf é in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn .
Joyride relaunched in 2011 as a business that provides cafe-quality equipment to offices and delivers freshly roasted coffee every day .
Chef Claire Ptak , originally from San Francisco and the owner of London based Violet Bakery in Hackney , only uses organic ingredients and is said to be Jamie Oliver 's ' favourite ' cake maker .
Starbucks also announced plans to create roughly 150 jobs by investing nearly $ 180 million to build a new factory in Augusta , Ga. , and to expand an existing roasting plant in Sandy Run , S.C. , to add packaging capability .
Trace lead in baked food is determined by air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry ( FAAS ) with APDC-DDTC-MIBK as the extraction and preconcentration system after cineration process .
More than five years later , she has a thriving bakery business in Winslow , Maine ( her husband 's family has been in town a long time ) .