  • disaster;calamity;adversity;personal misfortune
  • 水、火、荒旱等所造成的祸害:水~。火~。~难(nàn )。~害。~患。

  • 个人的不幸遭遇:招~惹祸。幸~乐祸。破财消~。


(灾害) disaster; calamity:

  • 受灾

    be stricken by disaster;

  • 天灾

    natural calamities;

  • 救灾

    provide disaster relief;

  • 虫灾

    plague of insects


(个人的不幸) personal misfortune; adversity; unluckiness:

  • 多灾多难

    always dogged by misfortune;

  • 没病没灾

    good health and good luck; with one's health all right and luck not bad

  1. 农田遭受严重霜灾。

    Farmland was seriously affected by the frost disaster .

  2. 去年有灾。

    There was a natural disaster last year .

  3. 如果你告诉一个人steponit(“加速;加快”,字面意义“踩在上面”)或者throwonyourcoat(“赶快穿上外套”,字面意义“扔在你的外套上”),他们可能会按字面理解你的话,那就会引起灾难性的后果。

    If you tell a person to ' step on it ' or ' throw on your coat , ' they may take you literally , with disastrous consequences .

  4. 谚]灾来如山倒,灾去如抽丝。

    Mischiefs come by the pound , and go away by the ounce . [

  5. 例句:上天降灾,使我两君匪以玉帛相见,而以兴戎。

    Heaven has struck disaster , bringing our two sovereign lords to face each other , not with jades and silks , but with the instruments of war .

  6. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)驻北京高级经济学家庄健表示,非政府组织不仅能在灾后重建方面提供宝贵的专家意见,还有助于使这些工作更加透明和高效。

    Zhuang Jian , a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank in Beijing , says that NGOs can not only offer valuable expertise in post-disaster reconstruction , they can also help make such work more transparent and efficient .

  7. 在Arc;Info的支持下,将山地灾害图形数据库和土地资源类型图进行空间叠置分祈,得到各土地资源类型的灾害密度和灾发率。

    Under the support of Arc / Info , by overlaping the mountain disasters on the land resource type , the density of disasters and ratio of disaster occurrence are gained .

  8. 利用虚拟现实与GIS技术,实现计算机通风系统管理,巷道的三维显示,瓦斯、风速、温度的实时显示,实现最短避灾路线的算法。

    Through virtual reality and GIS technology to actualize computer management of mine ventilation , the 3D displaying of laneway , the Real-time displaying of the gas , wind speed and temperature and the arithmetic of the optimum escape routes .

  9. 针对沿江灾后EHF疫源地强度的不同,及时采取了综合性防治措施,有效地控制了EHF的发生和流行。

    In order to prevent from pandemic , comprehensive measures had been taken in time in the area and effective control results had been acquired .

  10. 利用GIS和遥感技术相结合的方式进行洪涝灾害灾情调查和损失评估,可以采用一种新的方法&洪涝灾害承灾极限估算法。

    For the investigation of disaster condition and loss estimation of flood and waterlogging damages using GIS and remote sensing , a new method can be used , that is , the estimation method of disaster-bearing limitation ( the EMDL ) .

  11. 在冰灾抢修特殊条件下的OPGW和ADSS施工工艺你需要一件特殊工兵将那块木头修平整吗?

    The Installation Method of OPGW and ADSS in the Special Conditions of First-Aid Repair for Ice Damage Do you need a special tool to point the wood down ?

  12. 同时对于提高公路施工单位的管理水平,都具有十分重要的现实意义。W项目是甘肃陇南重灾区灾后恢复重建物资运输的重要通道,承担着繁重的运输任务。

    Meanwhile , it has very vital practical significance in improving the management level of highway construction unit . W project is an important passage for transporting reconstruction commodity after the disaster in Longnan , Gansu province . It undertakes an arduous transportation task .

  13. 结论将灾难医学救援时间划分为:①早期或应急期(灾后6d内),以外伤/伤口类疾病为主,抢救生命为首位。

    Conclusion Three stages of disaster medical rescue could be well defined . ( 1 ) Early or critical stage ( in 6 days after disaster ): Treatment of injuries / wound and resuscitation was the primary step to deal with .

  14. 湖北省农田承灾力综合评价

    The comprehensive appraisal of farmland calamity bearing capacity in Hubei Province

  15. 古代潮灾预报均是综合预报。

    The forecasts of the tide disaster were the synthetic forecasts .

  16. 我国风暴潮灾的长期变化与预测

    The long-range change and forecast of storm surge disasters in China

  17. 通过分析,提出了相应的抗避灾对策。

    Through the analyse , some corresponding countermeasures were put forward .

  18. 在我帮汉娜的妈妈逃过牢狱之灾后

    After I helped Hanna 's mom get out of jail ,

  19. 灾后重建乡村建筑的生态化探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice at Ecological Reconstruction of Rural Architecture after Disaster

  20. 张掖市震灾预防和灾后重建工作

    Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Reconstruction Work after Earthquake in Zhangye City

  21. 黄河下游河道萎缩致灾机理探讨

    Channel shrinkage and its disaster-causing mechanism in the Lower Yellow River

  22. 福建农业气象灾害的产量灾损风险评估

    Risk assessment of yield losses from agro-meteorological disasters in Fujian Province

  23. 不过,灾后恢复可能是一个长期和艰苦的过程。

    But the path to recovery could be long and hard .

  24. 灾度等级判别方法的局限性及其改进

    The limitation and improvment of the method of disaster situation grade measurement

  25. 福建省历史上潮灾的时空分布及其成因分析

    Tidal disasters in history along Fujian coast with analysis of their causes

  26. 模糊综合评判区域承灾体脆弱性的理论模型

    Theoretical Model for Fuzzy Evaluation of Vulnerability of Regional Hazard Bearing Body

  27. 致灾台风暴潮的长期分布模式及其强度划分

    Long Term Distribution of Disaster-Induced Typhoon Surges and Their Intensity Grades Classification

  28. 观潮文化与潮灾文化密切相连。

    Tiding sightseeing culture related to the tide disaster culture .

  29. 中国铁路水害环境致灾因子分析

    Analysis of environmental factors on railway flood disaster in China

  30. 为灾后目的地的发展提供了一条思路。

    Provide a way for the development of post-disaster destination .