
  • 网络fire behavior
  1. 用ANSYS软件对相变储能混凝土构件的受火行为进行有限元分析。

    The general computation program ( ANSYS ) was utilized to make finite element analysis on the fire behavior of phase-change energy storage concrete members .

  2. 草地可燃物床特性与草地火行为的关系

    Relationship between the Characteristics of Fuel Bed and Fire Behavior in Grassland

  3. 火行为的扩展具有时间性和空间特征。

    Fire spreading has the feature of time and space .

  4. 森林大火中飞火行为的研究

    Investigation on the spotting fire during a large forest fire

  5. 森林火行为的分级或分类标准的研究

    The Study of the Grade or the Classification standard in Forest Fire Behavior

  6. 这三种燃烧方式之间的过渡,正是变坡度情况下火行为发生突变的地方。

    And fire behaviors are discontinuituy at the point where slope is changing .

  7. 关于森林燃烧火行为特征参数的计算与表述

    Calculation and Description of Forest Fire Behavior Characters

  8. 大兴安岭南部春季火行为特征及可燃物消耗

    Fire Behavior and Consumption of Fuel Loadings in Spring Season in Southern Daxing'an Mountains

  9. 而实际调查植被的潜在火行为仅可分为5个类型。

    But the potential fire behaviors of the investigated vegetation are classified 5 types .

  10. 根据火灾科学、流体力学、气象学和地理科学中的一些基本理论以及实际火场经验,分析了山地条件下:(1)坡度对火行为的直接影响;

    The authors analyze ( 1 ) The direct effects of slope on fire behavior ;

  11. 云南松林内可燃物与计划烧除火行为的相关分析

    Analysis of Correlation between Forest Combustible and Planned Burn Fire Behavior in Pinus yunnanensis Forest

  12. 湖北主要森林可燃物类型及潜在火行为研究

    Study on the Type of Forest Fuel and the Latent Five Behavior in Hubei Province

  13. 草地火行为研究

    Study on fire behavior in grassland

  14. 森林火行为计算机模拟的尝试

    Tentative modeling of forest fire behavior

  15. 火行为直接受火环境的影响。

    Fire behavior , flammability and number of the fire spots were also influenced by fire environment .

  16. 秦岭中段北坡主要植被类型潜在火行为划分

    The Classification of Potential Fire Behavior to Main Vegetable Types in the North Slope of the Middle Qinling Mountain

  17. 承德县人工针叶林地表枯死可燃物参数估测及潜在地表火行为评价

    Estimation to Dead Surface Combustible Parameters and Evaluation of Potential Surface Fire Behavior of Artificial Coniferous Forests in Chengde County

  18. 火行为与火灾预防、扑救密切相关,是火灾科学研究的重要内容。

    Fire behavior has a direct bearing on fire prevention and suppress , and it is an important component of fire safety science .

  19. 美国的国家火险等级系统中,可燃物模型分成4个植被组20个火行为可燃物模型;

    In the United States Na-tional Fire Danger Rating System , fuel models are divided into four vegetation groups and twenty fire behavior fuel models .

  20. 模型可以为森林火灾的扑救提供精确、实时、全局的火场发展预测图,并且不受火行为的复杂性和地理要素的复杂性的限制。

    Therefore , it can provide forest fire fighting with precise and overall predicted diagram of fire development in real time , not restricted by complexities of fire behaviors or geographical elements .

  21. 为此,以山火地表火行为数理模型为基础,将模型得出的山火状况作为输入量,引入输电线路可靠性计算中。

    In this article , the forest fire conditions obtained from mathematical model of surface fire behavior are taken as input variables and led into the computation of reliability of overhead transmission line .

  22. 大量研究表明,气候变化将导致森林火险期延长,出现潜在极端火行为的天数增多,森林火灾更加严重,特别是北方森林火灾增加显著。

    A number of researches shows that the climate change will cause a longer fire season and more extreme fire weather , which make more fire activities . Especially fires in boreal forest will increase significantly .

  23. 这一分类结果,可以满足森林火险等级预报的需要,但对于火行为预报,还需要根据林分燃烧性、林分垂直结构及可燃物分布状态进一步分类。

    The results can be used in the forest fire danger rating system , but there is a need for further classification for the fuel with the flammability , vertical structure and distribution in order to make the fire behavior prediction .

  24. 通风不良室内火蔓延行为的大涡模拟

    Large eddy simulation of fire spread behavior in an under-ventilated room

  25. 典型木材表面火蔓延行为及传热机理研究

    Behavior of Flame Spread Downward over Typical Wood Sheets and Heat Transfer Analysis

  26. 首先应用火焰结构显示技术连续观察和记录了木材表面的火蔓延行为和火焰的热结构;

    Firstly , the flame spread behavior and it 's thermal structure of wood surface was observed and recorded .

  27. 季风圣安娜助长(加剧)了大火的蔓延。通风不良室内火蔓延行为的大涡模拟

    Intense wildfires have been fueled by fierce Santa Ana winds . Large eddy simulation of fire spread behavior in an under-ventilated room

  28. 失控着火井天然气喷流燃烧火体力学行为研究

    Study on mechanics of gas jet flow and burning body for loss-controlled wells

  29. 火作用下梁行为的基本原理

    Fundamental principle of behavior of beam under fire

  30. 测定、分析了含水率、可燃物载量等因子,计算了火蔓延速度等火行为参数。

    Moisture content and fuel load were measured by sampling in order to calculate fire behaviors such as rate of spread et al .