
huǒ jiàn jì shù
  • rocketry
火箭技术[huǒ jiàn jì shù]
  1. 在钱学森(TsienHsue-shen)的指导下,中国初步完成了喷气和火箭技术的建立规划。

    Under the guidance of Qian , also known as Tsien Hsue-shen , China finished the blueprint on developing jet and rocket technology .

  2. 混合火箭技术将用于更快地驱动车辆

    Hybrid rocketry will be used to drive faster than ever before

  3. 中国运载火箭技术研究院1994年与1995年的国际商务发射活动

    Review of CALT 's Launch Service in 1994 and 1995

  4. 这是一本关于火箭技术的书。

    This is a book which tells about rocket technology .

  5. 事实上,我想这是火箭技术。

    Actually , I guess it is rocket science .

  6. 固冲火箭技术的发展与展望

    The development and Prospect of solid ducted rocket techniques

  7. 中国运载火箭技术的成就与展望

    The Achievement and Prospect of China Launch Vehicle Technology

  8. 脉冲等离子电火箭技术及其应用

    Technology and applications of pulsed plasma thruster

  9. 但是他因为支持发展卫星和火箭技术而得到赞赏。

    But he has won praise at home for his support for developing satellite and rocket technology .

  10. 爸妈是北京火箭技术研究院的,和我叔一个单位。

    Her parents are working in Rocket Technology Research Institution in Beijing , where my uncle is working .

  11. 该项目与中国运载火箭技术研究院和中国航天博物馆合作。

    The project is in cooperation with the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology and the China Space Museum .

  12. 1997年11月16日是中国运载火箭技术研究院建院40周年。

    It has been 40 years since the establishment of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology ( CALT ) .

  13. 民用航天在应用卫星、运载火箭技术、载人航天等方面取得长足进步。

    Civil aerospace technologies have made remarkable achievements in the applied satellite , carrier rocket , and manned spaceship .

  14. 第二次世界大战后,世界上的所有大国都在争先掌握火箭技术。

    In the aftermath of World War II , all of the world 's great powers were scrambling to master rocket technology .

  15. 我国航天事业的发展正处于需求不断增加,技术也不断进步的时期,而火箭技术是关系航天发射成败的关键。

    With increasing demand of aerospace industry and the development of technology , rocket technology is of great importance in space launch .

  16. 据中国运载火箭技术研究院一位名叫徐建的设计师表示,该无人机可以在消防员赶到之前迅速飞到火场进入现场。

    According to Xu Jian , designer at CALT , the drones can be quickly flown into the fire location to access the situation before firefighters arrive .

  17. 作者认为,随着电磁推进技术的成熟和广泛应用,其历史意义将不亚于火箭技术的应用。

    The author believes that , along with its maturity and wide application , the electromagnetic propulsion technology will have a considerable significance not inferior to the use of the rocket propulsion technology .

  18. 由中国运载火箭技术研究院研制的该无人机,可以通过门窗快速飞入建筑物,搜寻被困人员,规划救援路线。

    Developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology ( CALT ) , the drones can quickly fly into a building via doors or windows , search for trapped people and plan rescue routes .

  19. 促进航天长征火箭技术有限公司重新考虑自己的会计信息化战略和实践方案,有利于航天长征火箭技术有限公司完善会计信息化的建设。

    The promotion of Aerospace Long March Launch Vehicle Technology Co. , Ltd. to reconsider their strategy and practice of accounting information programs to help improve the construction of accounting information of the company .

  20. 介绍了钱学森先生在近代力学和技术科学发展中的贡献,特别是介绍了他为实现超声速飞行和火箭技术在一系列关键问题上所做的贡献。

    The contributions by H. S. Tsien to modern mechanics and engineering sciences , especially his work on a series of key problems in aerodynamics , solid mechanics and jet propulsion , are introduced .

  21. 中国运载火箭技术研究院航天活动部副主任唐亚刚表示,中国长征火箭将会为商业发射市场提供四种火箭,覆盖所有适合太空商业任务的轨道。

    Tang Yagang , deputy head of CALT 's space activity department , said ChinaRocket will offer four types of rockets to the commercial launch market , covering all orbits suitable for commercial space missions .

  22. 中国航天科技集团公司旗下的中国运载火箭技术研究院,正联手国内主要机构共同研制可重复使用运载器,并计划于2020年左右进行首飞。

    The China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology ( CALT ) at China Aerospace and Technology Corp is collaborating with major domestic institutions to co-develop reusable launch vehicles , scheduled to undertake maiden flights by around 2020 .

  23. 在党和人民的关怀和支持下,在中国运载火箭技术研究院的领导下,经过长期的发展,首都航天机械公司已经成为运载火箭的大型总装公司。

    With the care and support of the Party and the people , Capital Space Machinery Corporation ( CSMC ) has become a large scale assembling plant of launch vehicles after a long period of development , and under the leadership of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology .

  24. 本文报道了用来制作近代火箭推进技术中夹心件(Sandwich)的NH4ClO4大单晶的生长。

    This paper reports the growth of NH_4ClO_4 large single crystal used as sandwich in rocket propeller technology .

  25. 从SDI计划重点的转移看固体火箭推进技术的应用前景

    Application Prospects of Solid Rocket Propulsion Technology Seeing through the Adjusted SDI Program

  26. 基于1553B总线的新型运载火箭测试技术研究

    Research of Test Technique Based on 1553B Data Bus for New Generation of Launch Vehicle

  27. WR型增雨防雹火箭作业技术要点及效果

    Technical Key Points and Effect of Hail Mitigation Operation by WR Rainfall and Hail destroying Rocket

  28. CZ-2E运载火箭制导技术

    Guidance Technique of CZ-2E Launch Vehicle

  29. CZ-2F火箭可靠性技术

    Reliability Technique of LM-2F Launch Vehicle

  30. 近年固体火箭推进技术发展趋势

    A Review of the Recent Advancements of Solid Rocket Propulsion Technology