
  • 网络ANZAC;Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
  1. 在炮声轰隆、火光冲天的战场上,我们澳新军团的父辈们为澳大利亚高尚的价值观,重重地填写了一笔同情心和人性。

    Amid the glare and noise of battle our Anzac Fathers added Compassion and Human Tenderness to the noble list of Australian Values .

  2. 剑桥公爵与他的弟弟哈里王子及其未婚妻梅根·马克尔一起在伦敦参加澳新军团纪念日活动。

    The Duke of Cambridge joined his younger brother Prince Harry and his fianc é e Meghan Markle at an Anzac Day service in London .