
  • 网络Potential user;Target Group
  1. 基于聚类分析的公共图书馆潜在用户结构研究

    A Research on Public Libraries Potential User Structure : Based on Cluster Analysis

  2. 当禁用JavaScript的潜在用户访问该页面时,会发生什么?

    What happens when potential customers visit the page without JavaScript enabled ?

  3. 本教程的目标读者是构建Web服务,并希望确保其服务的设计能够满足最大潜在用户的使用需求的程序员。

    This tutorial is for programmers who build web services and want to ensure that their services are designed to work well for the largest number of potential users .

  4. 要提高Ajax应用程序的性能,同时避开Web服务漏洞,您的团队需要由开发人员、测试人员、系统管理员和潜在用户组成。

    You 'll need a team of developers , testers , system administrators , and potential users to speed up Ajax applications while dodging Web services vulnerabilities .

  5. 如果在站点的重要方面使用Flash或图形替代文本,那么会对搜索引擎或潜在用户产生不好的影响。

    Using Flash for important aspects of your site or images instead of text isn 't good at all for search engines or your potential users .

  6. Fang在杭州地区做了潜在用户调查,并查询了全国范围内该服务的可能受众群统计数据。

    Fang has done surveys of potential customers in Hangzhou and looked for national statistics on possible uses for the service .

  7. 分析和探索日志中的规律能够确认电子商务中的潜在用户、提高信息服务的质量和提高Web服务系统的性能。

    Analyzing and exploring regularities in web log records can identify potential customers for electronic commerce , enhance the quality and delivery of Internet information services to the end web user , and improve web server system performance .

  8. 在开发和集成Ajaxs应用程序时,对于更好的任务管理的潜在用户需求对项目团队中的开发人员以及其他成员提出了一个新的挑战。

    Potential users'demand for better management of tasks when developing and integrating Ajax applications presents a challenge for the developers and other members of a project team .

  9. 与中国移动的合作为苹果带来了数量惊人的潜在用户,因为中国移动目前拥有1.7亿之众3G用户。

    With that said , this deal gives Apple access to a growing smartphone installed base at China Mobile , which currently stands at 170 million 3G customers .

  10. 为了开发Web服务来补充SIMM,需要由开发人员、测试人员、系统管理员和潜在用户组成的团队进行协作。

    Developing Web services to supplement the SIMM requires collaborative efforts from a team of developers , testers , system administrators , and potential users .

  11. Beta测试为产品提供了一个受控的,真实世界的测试,这样,来自潜在用户的反馈可以用来形成最终的产品。

    A beta test gives the product a controlled , real-world test , so that feedback from potential users can be used to shape the final product .

  12. 组建调研小组,从人种学的角度对IPTV的用户和潜在用户进行了入户调查。

    We have built an investigation team , and conducted home investigations on users and potential users of IPTV from the perspective of ethnology .

  13. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,一些潜在用户被迫在线等候。

    NPR 's Scott Horsley reports some would-be users have been pushed into an online waiting area .

  14. 在一个SaaS产品最终发布前,需要建立Alpha和Beta测试环境来获取潜在用户的反馈。

    Before each final release of a SaaS product , you will need to set up Alpha and Beta testing environments to get feedback from potential customers .

  15. 如果有非JavaScript站点的支持,就可以确保不会阻挡任何潜在用户(和潜在客户!)访问您的内容。

    By having a non-JavaScript site to fall back on , you ensure that you don 't exclude any potential users ( and potential customers !) from accessing your great content .

  16. 只要轻轻一点击鼠标,任何一个商人都可以与一个拥有无数潜在用户的惊人的市场联系在一起。然而,Internet不是救世主,开展网络营销依然需要扎实的营销功底,艰苦的营销工作。

    So long as gently hitting the mouse , any businessman can contact with the striking markets which possess innumerable latent consumers But Internet isn Christ , developing online marketing still needs the well-knit basic skill of marketing and hard work of management .

  17. 因此,我们关注的潜在用户要年轻、富裕、受过良好教育、可能还要懂英语,因为iPhone仍然有一些使用英语的应用软件。

    So the potential subscribers we 're looking at need to be young , wealthy , well - educated , probably English-speaking , since the iPhone still has some English - language applications .

  18. 只有2012年以来发布的iPhone能与这款将于下月上市的智能手表兼容,这意味着潜在用户大约超过3亿。

    Only owners with iPhones launched since 2012 - estimated to be more than 300m people - will find their smartphone is compatible with the Watch when it goes on sale next month .

  19. 通过分析挖掘大量log信息,可以理解用户的反映和动机;或者,通过分析日志中的规律,可以识别电子商务的潜在用户,了解最终用户的兴趣爱好,增强对用户信息服务的质量和交付。

    We can either understand reflections and motivations of users or identify latent users of e-commerce , comprehend interests of final users , and improve qualities of information service via mining amount of log information and analyzing rules of log .

  20. 在一些国家的潜在用户中,苹果可能到达了饱和点。同时,采用谷歌Android操作系统的其他智能手机生产商,持续用性能强大、价格更低的设备对它发起挑战。

    Apple may be reaching the saturation point among potential customers in some countries , and other smartphone makers using Google 's Android operating system continue to challenge the company with powerful , lower-price devices .

  21. RBAC规定每一个资源的潜在用户均对应于一个资源控制方定义的一个Role类型,而控制方为每一个Role类型定义其访问权限。

    In the RBAC model , each intended user for a resource is mapped to a Role type , which is defined by the resources manager . And resources holders can set the access authority for each Role type based on different access control polices .

  22. 南非技术研究公司WorldWideWorx董事总经理戈尔德斯塔克(ArthurGoldstuck)称,2013年2月份微信进军南非市场的时候,许多潜在用户搞混了,阴差阳错地下载了WhatsApp。

    According to Arthur Goldstuck , managing director of South African technology research company World Wide Worx , when WeChat launched in South Africa in February 2013 , many potential users got confused and accidentally downloaded rival WhatsApp instead .

  23. 在因向中国潜在用户推销半无人驾驶技术的方式而收到投诉仅仅几天后,特斯拉(Tesla)曾于上周末把“Autopilot”一词从其中文网站上短暂撤下。

    Tesla briefly removed the word " autopilot " from its Chinese language website over the weekend , only days after receiving complaints about the way it markets the semi-driverless technology to potential owners in the country .

  24. 总体而言,本研究对于竞争激烈、用户流失严重的3G时代,运营商如何维护现有客户,深入开发现有用户的价值,积极开发潜在用户、吸引潜在用户的消费具有一定的指导意义。

    Overall , in the highly competitive and rapidly churn 3G era , this paper well help Operators to maintain existing customers , in-depth development of the value of existing users , and actively develop the potential users , to attract potential users of the consumer .

  25. LinkedIn希望这两种做法不仅能使更多的用户在搜索网上简历式信息时将它作为默认首选,还能通过开发潜在用户基础以求建立长期联系。

    LinkedIn hopes that both moves will not only expand the reach of how people use its site as their default anchor for resume-style information online . And also how it , too , could potentially tap into this user base to begin long-term relationships .

  26. Spotify利用免费服务,吸引潜在用户转为订阅用户,但许多音乐行业人士并不喜欢Spotify,其中泰勒•斯威夫特去年还突然撤下了其在Spotify上的所有歌曲。

    Spotify uses the free service to draw potential customers to its subscription service but many in the music industry - including Taylor Swift , who yanked her catalogue from the service last year - do not like it .

  27. 一种用决策树技术区分许可营销中潜在用户的方法

    Method of Decision Tree to Sort Potential Users in PEM

  28. 为潜在用户及渠道做产品基础演示和介绍;

    Demonstrate Company products and their functions to potential customers and partners .

  29. 电话呼叫中心:帮助设备供应商挖掘潜在用户;

    Call Center : Help equipment suppliers find and catch real leads ;

  30. 否则,可能会疏远许多潜在用户。

    Not doing so could alienate many would-be owners .