
huá rùn
  • smooth;lubricant;well-lubricated
滑润 [huá rùn]
  • [smooth;well-lubricated] 指物体表面滑溜、有光泽

滑润[huá rùn]
  1. 本产品组织细腻、滑润,口感柔和、纯正。

    The products organization fine and smooth , wellbubricated , a person 's tast soft and pure .

  2. 通过超微粉碎技术获得的绿茶粉,要求原料持嫩性好,同时叶绿素含量高,使茶粉粒度小、口感滑润,且色泽鲜绿。

    The ultramicro green tea powder grinded using superfine grinding technique requests tender raw materials with high level of chlorophylls , by which ultramicro green tea powder with characteristics of small size particles , smooth taste and bright green colour can be prepared .

  3. 制造良好的锻件必须有合适的滑润剂。

    A proper lubricant is necessary for making good forgings .

  4. 可乐也可使烤肠滑润可口。

    Coke also makes a great glaze for baked ham .

  5. 滑润系统我们已经讨论过了。

    The lubrication system has been discussed by us .

  6. 本文讨论了冷锻加工中润滑剂的作用,冷锻加工对滑润的要求,以及根据不同的冷锻加工条件,正确地选择滑润的方法。

    This paper presents effects of Lubricant in cold forging , and the dem -

  7. 她用一种洗剂来滑润她的手。

    She lubricates her hands with a lotion .

  8. 虽然像滑润的月亮一样

    Though nurtured like the sailing moon

  9. 滑润剂对防止工件粘住锻模很有用,还可以作为绝热体帮助减少锻模磨损。

    The lubricant is useful in preventing sticking of the workpiece to the die , and also acts as a thermal insulator to help reduce die wear .

  10. 应用流体润滑理论研究了液力挤压大变形高比重穿甲弹芯钨合金材料的润滑与摩擦,并对液力挤压中形成连续滑润膜的必要条件进行了公式推导。

    Lubrication and Friction were studied by hydraulic extruding big deformation tungsten alloys applying fluid lubrication theory and the formula of forming continuous lubrication film was derived from hydraulic extruding .

  11. 应用于冰淇淋中,使水、脂肪、蛋白质等形成均匀、分散、稳定的混合物并能避免冰晶的出现,同时口感细腻、滑润形成性好。

    For ice cream in the water , fat , protein , such as a uniform , decentralization , a mixture of stability and to avoid the appearance of ice crystals , delicate taste , lubricants and good form .

  12. 成品指标:酒精度0.60%,乳酸度1.05%,口感细腻、滑润,酸度适中,无脂肪及上清液析出,凝乳状态良好,无渣状,乳白色不透明,有较浓厚的醇香味。

    The indexes of final products are as follows : alcohol content 0 . 60 % , acidity 1 . 05 % , smooth taste , mild acidity , no fat or liquid release occurred , good coagulation state , no sediment , ivory-white , non-transparent with specific alcohol aroma .