
  1. 不可阻挡的是,大芦村的辉煌大气早已不再。

    The past glory and magnificence of the village is irrevocably gone .

  2. 这一特点使得大芦村远近闻名。

    Which makes Dalu village known to all far .

  3. 大芦村也是这样的一个地方。

    Dalu Village is one of such places .

  4. 小颜是大芦村的导游,有着一张这个职业所特有的真诚而黝黑的脸庞。

    A tour guide for Dalu , Xiao Yan has a dark and sincere face characteristic of his trade .

  5. 站在村口一座四层高的房子的屋顶上,整个大芦村尽收眼底。

    Xiao Yan and I were standing on the roof of a four-storied house near the entrance to the village , which commanded a panoramic view of Dalu .

  6. 从第一代落户大芦村的劳氏祖先开始,“风水”这一理念就在他们的头脑中根深蒂固,并巧妙地融合于建筑之中。

    Since the first generation of Laos who settled down there , the idea of Fengshui has been entrenched in their minds and ingeniously incorporated in the architecture .

  7. 第一天刚到大芦村的时候,我们想在那里吃中饭。不料夫妇俩那天刚好“给自己放了个假”,带着小孩出去游玩了。

    The day we arrived at Dalu , we were going to have lunch there , but the couple were having a day off and had taken their child away for an outing .