
wēn zhōu mì gān
  • satsuma orange
温州蜜柑[wēn zhōu mì gān]
  1. 不同着色度温州蜜柑可溶性固形物含量的研究

    Study on soluble solid contents of satsuma orange with different coloring degree

  2. 硅窗气调帐贮藏温州蜜柑效果的研究

    Storage effects of Satsuma Orange in CA with silicone window

  3. 温州蜜柑果实发育期叶片和果皮吸收~(32)P的研究

    Absorption of 32P by Leaf and Peel of Citrus unshiu during Fruit Development

  4. 本试验旨在研究N、P、K不同配比的肥料对温州蜜柑的效应。

    The experiments are to test the effects of different formula ( N , P , K ) of fertilizer on the Wenzhou tangerine .

  5. 温州蜜柑异常高温下内源IAA和ABA含量的变化

    Changes in IAA and ABA of satsuma mandarin under high temperature stress

  6. 应用RT-PCR检测温州蜜柑萎缩病毒

    RT-PCR detection of Satsuma dwarf virus

  7. 硝酸钙和IAA对温州蜜柑果实钙含量及其品质的影响

    Effects of calcium nitrate and IAA on calcium concentration and quality of satsuma mandarin fruit

  8. 比较分析了环切和叶面喷施GA处理对宫川温州蜜柑的成花数量以及成花过程中一年生秋梢的内源GA和叶片中RNA、DNA含量的影响。

    The effects of GA-spraying , trunk-ringing on number of flowers , RNA content and RNA / DNA ratio in satsuma mandarin were studied .

  9. 菌毒清与2,4-D混用对温州蜜柑保鲜贮藏的研究

    Effectiveness of Jun-du-tsing and 2,4-D in Fresh Keeping Preservation on Mandarin Fruits

  10. 以柚和温州蜜柑为试材,在不同的发育阶段分别测定了DF及其具体组分的含量,总结了不同发育阶段果实DF的变化情况。

    Dynamic changes of the contents of different dietary fiber in satsuma mandarin during different storage period were observed .

  11. 由此可见,糖在温州蜜柑果实汁囊中的运输存在一个需要载体并与ATP酶相偶联的主动运输过程。

    The above results suggested the participation of a carrier-mediated , energy-dependent sugar active transport process in juice sacs of satsuma mandarin fruit .

  12. 本试验以10~11年生枳砧温州蜜柑龟井为试材,以含氮、磷、钾不同比例的五种复合肥和尿素(CK)为处理,进行配方施肥试验。

    Fertilizer test of 5 kinds compound fertilizer including different percentage N , P , K fertilizer was performed for 10-11 years old Citrus unshiu Marc .

  13. 研究了富马酸二甲酯(DMF)对温州蜜柑贮藏效果的影响,其结果是:以水作溶剂来溶解DMF时,1500mg/kg的DMF能极显著抑制温州蜜柑的腐烂变质;

    This test deals with the effect of dimethyl fumarate ( DMF ) on the storage of satsuma orange ( Citrus reticulata Blanco ) .

  14. 3温州蜜柑果实中TDF、IDF含量均随着果实贮藏期的延长而渐渐降低,但变化幅度较小。

    TDF and IDF contents in the peel and pulp of satsuma mandarin decreased slightly during the whole storage period ;

  15. 植物生长调节剂烯效唑(S3307)和赤霉素(GA3)组合使用对温州蜜柑果实的生长具有保果壮果的增效作用。

    The synergistical effect on protecting and swelling fruit of citrusfruity growth is obtained by combined utilization of S3307 and GA3 .

  16. 分离鉴定表明,从日本引进的宫本温州蜜柑感染了萎缩病毒(SDV)。

    The virus in Miyamoto satsuma mandarin imported from japan was identified with satsuma dwarf virus .

  17. 磷和NaHSO3交互作用对温州蜜柑叶片光合作用的影响

    Effects of Phosphate and Sodium Bisulfite ( NaHSO_3 ) Interact on Photosynthesis in Citrus unshiu Marc Leaves

  18. 结果表明:嫁接在不同砧木上的温州蜜柑幼树的净光合速率(Pn)日变化相似,均表现出双峰曲线,首峰出现在10:00时,次峰小于首峰,出现在13:00时以后;

    The results showed that : The diurnal variation of Pn in young tree with different rootstocks was seminar and presented bimodal carve , the first peak occurred at 10:00 , the second peak occurred after 13:00 and the value was lower than the first one .

  19. 试验2部分,采用不同的光强处理温州蜜柑叶片,测定荧光非光化学猝灭的中间相(qNm)、远红外光诱导的状态转换以及荧光快相诱导动力学曲线。

    Experiment 2 . After treating Mandarin Citrus leaves with different light intensity , we determined middle-phase in the non-photochemical quenching of fluorescence , state transition inducted by far-red light , fluorescence induction dynamics of fast-phase .

  20. 高温胁迫对温州蜜柑的热伤害首先表现在细胞膜透性增大,随后出现内源乙烯和脱落酸(ABA)的释放高峰,启动了纤维素酶的活力,从而加速了柑桔花和幼果的脱落速率。

    Heat injury on Satsuma caused by high temperature stress firstly increased the membrane permeability , then the evolution peak of endogenous ethylene and ABA was found , which stimulated the initiation and increase of cellulase activity , and accelerated the abscission rate of citrus flowers and young fruits .

  21. 本文研究了不同栽培条件下不同种类的柑橘光合特性,以及柑橘各类绿色器官C4途径的关键酶活性,主要内容和结果如下:1大棚栽培条件下不同砧木对温州蜜柑光合特性的影响。

    We studied the photosynthesis of different kinds of citrus planted in different environment and the C4 pathway enzymes in different citrus ' green tissue , the main contents and results are as follow : 1 , Effects of different rootstocks on Satsuma Mandarin in photosynthesis under greenhouse condition .

  22. 以随机采样的方式,从湖北、湖南和江西3省10县的柑橘产区收集242份温州蜜柑(CitrusunshiuMarc.)、橘(C.reticulataBlanc.)、甜橙(C.sinensisOsb.))和柚(C.grandisOsb.)样品。

    242 samples of satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marc ), tangerine ( C. reticulata Blanc ), sweet orange ( C. sinensis Osb . ) and pummelo ( C. grandis Osb . ) were randomly collected from ten counties of Hubei , Hunan , and Jiangxi .

  23. 920和鄂T&2对温州蜜柑座果率的影响

    Effect of920andET & 2on the Fruiting Rate of Wenzhou Mandarine Orange

  24. 温州蜜柑施磷效应研究

    A Study on the Effect of Phosphorus Application to Satsuma Mandarin

  25. 不同药物处理对温州蜜柑耐藏性的影响

    Effect of Different Preservative Treatment on Storage Characteristic in Satsuma Mandarin

  26. 温州蜜柑原生质体培养高频再生体系的建立

    Establishing of high efficiency regeneration systerm from Satsuma protoplast culture

  27. 温州蜜柑品质性状及产量的相关分析

    Correlation analysis on quality property and yield in Satsuma Mandarin

  28. 叶面喷硼对胡柚和温州蜜柑生理特性的影响

    Effects of boron on physiological characteristic of two citrus species

  29. 红壤温州蜜柑园连续施石灰的效应

    Effect of Successive Application of Lime in the Red-soil Orchard of Satsuma

  30. 温州蜜柑的保花保果试验

    A Test on Protecting Flowers and Fruits of Satsuma Orange