
  • 网络Channel Length;mscl
  1. 本文在建立国家营销渠道长度测度指标的基础上,借助计量模型对中国营销渠道结构的演进规律和影响因素进行研究。

    Based on building measuring index for marketing channel length and econometrics model , this paper studies evolution of marketing channel structure and it 's influencing factor in China .

  2. 三线和四线市场未来五年渠道长度应该选择一级、二级、三级相结合模式,渠道宽度采用选择性分销和密集性分销相结合模式。

    Channel length of the third line and fourth line in the next five years should choose combination mode with first line 、 second line and third line , and channel width adopt selective distribution and intensive distribution combination mode .

  3. 对称直线收缩渠道段长度的计算方法

    A Calculation Method of Symmetric Linear Contraction Channel 's Length

  4. 然后,详细分析了渠道的长度、宽度设计;

    Then , the length and width of marketing - channels design were be analyzed particularly .

  5. 在此基础上,明确渠道目标,通过对渠道的长度和宽度需求的评价,对市场、产品、公司以及中间商因素的研究,设计出合理的营销渠道结构,在渠道成员之间分配渠道职责。

    With the assessment of channel 's length and width and research on factors of market , products and enterprise as well as intermediate dealers , channel 's goal is made clear and rational marketing channels are designed and channel 's responsibility is allocated among the members of channel .

  6. 我国商业会展渠道结构存在的主要问题是:短腿渠道长度不够;缺臂渠道宽度不够;

    The problems that exist in China 's commercial conference & exhibition channel structure are : undesirable channel length , width , and density .

  7. 第二部分根据营销渠道建设的影响因素、医药市场内外环境的特点分析营销渠道建设的必要性,并从深度营销、渠道长度、渠道宽度和终端优化的角度提出了营销渠道建设的原则。

    Second part analyze marketing channel necessity of construction according to marketing influence factor , medical market internal and external characteristic of environment that channel design , propose marketing channel principle of construction from depth marketing , channel length , channel width and terminal optimization .