
  1. 渠道成本、效率、效益以及可控制性构成生产企业营销工作中最大的困扰。

    And the cost , efficiency , effectiveness and controllability in channel management have become the focus in marketing .

  2. 且有当电子渠道成本大于零售商配送成本时,统一由零售商配送的供应链利润要高于渠道独立配送供应链利润。

    When the electronic channel cost is more than retailers distribution costs , the profits of integrated distribution supply chain than independence distribution .

  3. 并在此基础上,分析了消费者属性及渠道成本属性对渠道策略的影响。

    The influence of the consumer attributes and the channel cost attribute to the channel strategy are analyzed based on the discussion above .

  4. 实施供应商管理的目的主要是降低供应链成本(渠道成本),改善供应链服务,增加公司和链上伙伴的收入,提高合作企业满意度和客户的忠诚度。

    The aim to implementing SCM is to improve SCM service , increase copartners ' earning and enhance the degree of copartners ' satisfaction and clients ' faithfulness .

  5. 关于汽车能否在互联网上销售的争论已然十分激烈。汽车厂商们认为,网上卖车可以大幅降低渠道成本,光是卖一辆车的渠道成本就可减少几百、甚至几千美元。

    The debate over Internet vehicle sales rages , since automakers see it as a way to slash distribution costs by hundreds , and perhaps a few thousand dollars per vehicle .

  6. 存在的主要问题有:渠道成本高、资金流不畅、渠道冲突激烈和网络渠道的发展受到诸多因素制约。

    There are the matters existing : high costs channel , fund flowing slowly , the fierceness of channel conflicts and network channel restricted by a great deal of factors seriously .

  7. 分析表明,若消费者选择买的概率大于渠道成本与产品在两种渠道下的价格差之比,企业将愿意选择直接渠道,反之,企业愿选择间接渠道。

    Research indicates that if the probability of purchase chosen by consumers more than the rate of channel cost and the price dispersion of products under both two channels , enterprises will choose direct channel , otherwise they would like to choose indirect channel .

  8. 模型的主要假设是制造商主导、单一产品、单周期、信息完全且对称、需求量是需求价格的线性减函数,回收量是回收价格的线性增函数,销售和回收的单位渠道成本固定等。

    The main hypnoses of the models are as follows : a leading manufacturer , a single product , a single period , complete and symmetrical information , linear demand function , linear supply function of used products , average fixed cost of channel cost , et al .

  9. 代理渠道的成本不断攀升,渠道效率有待提升;

    The cost of agent channels rising continuously ;

  10. 石油企业筹资渠道的成本效益分析

    Evaluating the Cost - Benefit of Fund Raising of Petroleum Enterprises from Various Sources

  11. 新三板为中小企业提供了融资渠道,成本更低,上市程序更简单。

    The New Third Board offers SMEs a financial channel with lower costs and simpler listing procedures .

  12. 本文针对酒厂的市场困境:一是同类产品的竞争压力日益增大,二是渠道营销成本日益增长,三是投资新产品开发和推广的风险也日趋增加。

    The second , the costs of channels marketing rises . The third , the risk about investment of a new product increases .

  13. 同时为了保持价格的吸引力,PC厂商们都尽量地减少销售渠道的流通成本。

    At the same time for keep appeal of price , PC manufacturers try hard to reduce circulation cost of marketing channel .

  14. 渠道不畅成本高,消费者受损没商量;

    Lacking as smooth Channels and with high costs ;

  15. 第三章主要渠道与交易成本的关系。

    The third chapter tells of the relation between channel and transaction cost .

  16. 通过这种方式,航空公司可以把这些顾客从昂贵的顾客获取渠道转移到成本低得多的电子邮件等顾客保留渠道上。

    This way they could start to move those customers away from expensive acquisition channels to retention channels , like email , which is much cheaper .

  17. 对企业经营者来说,债务资本和权益资本都是外来资本,区别仅在于融资渠道以及融资成本、表现形式不同而已。

    For enterprise operators , debt capital and equity capital are all foreign capital , the difference only lies in financing channels , financing cost and forms .

  18. 结果同时还表明当顾客购买行为的变化程度高时,采用双重渠道是高成本而不明智的决策。

    At the same time , the result shows when the customer buying behavior is changing , it is expensive and unwise to adopt the dual channels model .

  19. 为实施总成本领先战略,可以采取通过管理手段全面控制成本、通过技术手段降低制造成本和利用渠道销售降低成本等策略。

    Cost-leading strategy can be implemented by controlling the total cost through managerial measures , lowering manufacturing cost by technologic measures and lowering marketing expense by using distribution channels .

  20. 首先,为了严密起见,本文对我国地区间经济发展不平衡的现状进行了概括,主要从自然资源分布、融资渠道和融资成本三方面进行论述。

    Firstly , this paper summarizes the present situation about the regional economic development disparity in three aspects : the distribution of natural resources , financing channel and cost .

  21. 随着电子商务的高速发展,使其已日渐成为企业拓宽市场渠道、降低运营成本、提高整体竞争力的重要的有效手段,其中B2B模式的电子商务已经成为企业提高竞争力的最有效方式之一。

    Since e-business has been developing rapidly , it becomes a significant way to help enterprises widen marketing channels , reduce cost , and improve competitiveness . Specifically , business-to-business ( B2B ) mode is one of most efficient ways .

  22. 集团在金融机构的信用等级不高,融资渠道单一,融资成本高昂;

    The group 's credit rank is low in the financial institution ;

  23. 多渠道分销库存系统成本模型

    A Model of Inventory System Cost for Multi-Channels Distribution

  24. 第五部分:从融资的重要性入手,通过分析可利用的融资渠道,以及资本成本和资本结构,进行融资决策分析,并测算项目资金平衡点。

    After that , it infers equilibrium point of capital through illustrating capital cost .

  25. 提供网上信贷预先批核,透过互联网的互动渠道促销及降低成本。

    Offers online loan approval preliminary , driving new sales and cutting costs via an interactive Internet channel .

  26. 服务贸易的放开,有利于企业增加资本融通渠道,降低运营成本;

    The unlocking of service trade will help enterprises to increase finance channels , and reduce the operation cost .

  27. 目前,在企业的营销要素中,销售渠道已经成为节约成本、创造利润的关键一环。

    Now , sale channel has become a key tache , in order to save cost and produce profit among the factors of marketing .

  28. 增加教育经费,优化资源配置,拓宽就业渠道,降低学习成本是解决这一问题的有效方法。

    So increase the funds , optimize educational resources , widen employment channels and reduce costs are are the fundamental way to solve this problem .

  29. 在国内,由于劳动力成本的大幅上升、融资渠道受限和资金成本过高等等突出问题,我国制造业企业的发展同样步履沉重。

    In domestic , due to the rising of labor costs , limited financing channels and the high capital cost , manufacturing enterprises develops at a slow pace .

  30. 功能的执行状况和过程的不同将导致不同的营销渠道的产出和成本,产出和成本是渠道结构形成的内在动力。

    The differences in the state and process of its functions'being carried out result in various output and cost of marketing channels whith serve as inner momentum in the formation of channel structure .