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jiàn jiàn
  • gradually;slowly;increasingly;by little and little;little by little;by degrees;successively;step by step
渐渐 [jiàn jiàn]
  • (1) [gradually;increasingly;slowly;by degrees;by little and little;step by step] 程度或数量逐步地;慢慢地

  • 渐渐透出。--《徐霞客游记.游黄山记》

  • (2) 又

  • 渐渐落吾杖底。

  • 路上的行人渐渐多起来了

渐渐[jiàn jiàn]
  1. 这本书开始时情节展开得很慢,但渐渐地就把你给完全吸引住了。

    The book starts slowly , but it gradually draws you in .

  2. 我们望着他们的船渐渐远去。

    We watched their ship moving gradually farther away .

  3. 我们的热情随着夜晚的降临而渐渐低落下来。

    As night fell , our enthusiasm began to ebb away .

  4. 他对自己的律师工作渐渐地不抱幻想了。

    He was becoming disenchanted with his job as a lawyer .

  5. 人群渐渐从事故现场散去。

    The crowd drifted away from the scene of the accident .

  6. 我母亲的住院开销把我的收入渐渐耗光了。

    My mother 's hospital expenses were slowly draining my income .

  7. 警车渐渐逼近犯罪嫌疑人。

    The police car was gaining ground on the suspects .

  8. 卡车的声音渐渐在远处消失了。

    The sound of the truck receded into the distance .

  9. 聚光灯渐渐熄灭,观众席的灯亮了。

    The spotlight faded and the house lights came up .

  10. 天渐渐黑了,又下起雨来。

    The skies grew dark and it began to rain .

  11. 她心里渐渐生出了内疚感。

    A feeling of guilt began to stir in her .

  12. 对于他的这种举止我渐渐不感到意外了。

    I 've come to expect this kind of behaviour from him .

  13. 支持这个党派的人渐渐化为乌有。

    Support for the party has dwindled away to nothing .

  14. 人群一看有麻烦,便渐渐散了。

    At the first sign of trouble , the crowd melted away .

  15. 我渐渐回忆起了那晚的点点滴滴。

    Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me .

  16. 我渐渐地产生了一丝疑虑。

    A slight feeling of suspicion crept over me .

  17. 政府对于税务改革渐渐失去了热情。

    The government is going slow on tax reforms .

  18. 对自己的怀疑渐渐吞噬了她的自信心。

    Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence .

  19. 蒙蒙细雨渐渐笼罩了群山。

    A fine drizzle began to veil the hills .

  20. 车轮渐渐陷进泥里。

    The wheels started to sink into the mud .

  21. 孩子们渐渐开始明白。

    Gradually , the children began to understand .

  22. 太阳渐渐西沉。

    The sun sank lower towards the horizon .

  23. 他们的笑声渐渐消失了。

    The sound of their laughter died away .

  24. 他的两鬓已渐渐斑白。

    His hair was greying at the sides .

  25. 唧唧喳喳的声音渐渐地平静了。

    The chatter of voices gradually quietened .

  26. 消息渐渐传了出来。

    News is starting to trickle out .

  27. 雪渐渐融化了。

    Little by little the snow disappeared .

  28. 雨渐渐停下来。

    The rain is clearing slowly .

  29. 哀婉的歌声渐渐消失了。

    The melancholy song died away .

  30. 他看着她的身影渐渐远去。

    He watched her retreating figure .