
  • 【地名】【韩国】Cheongnyangni
  1. 有人建议到清凉的溪水里去洗个澡,大家都欣然接受了这个主意。

    When someone suggested a bath in the cool stream , we all jumped at the idea .

  2. 夏天人们还喜欢在清凉的湖水里游泳和玩耍。

    People enjoy swimming and playing in the cool water of a lake in the summer .

  3. 她在低低的河岸上坐下来,脱掉破鞋烂袜,把一双发烫的脚浸在清凉的河水里。为了凉快凉快,他在海水里泡了几次。

    She sank down on the low bank , and stripping off the remnants of her slippers and stockings , dabbled her burning feet in the cool water . He dipped a few times in the ocean to cool himself .

  4. 道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。

    Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume .

  5. 克罗克说,地雷被埋进土中之后,它的化学物质很快会改变它周围的土壤,从而导致细菌的集结。道林·格雷正把脸埋在大而清凉的丁香花丛里,如醉如痴地摄入花儿的芬芳。

    When a land mine is buried , Krock said , its chemical contents alter the soil very soon around it , resulting in a buildup of bacteria . Dorian Gray was burying his face in the great cool lilac-blossoms and feverishly drinking in their perfume .