
shēn huánɡ sè
  • see also 深黄
  1. 随着KI含量的增加,玻璃外观颜色由深黄色变成浅黄色,结合其可见光谱可知短波吸收限向短波方向移动,由红外透过光谱可知其截止波长无明显变化,为11.5μm。

    With the addition of KI , glass colors ranged from red to tint red , which explained the shore-wave absorption edge shifted towards shorter wavelength combined with the visible transmission spectra .

  2. 我鼻内粘液干掉结成深黄色硬痂。

    The mucus in my nose has dried up and forms dark yellow crusts .

  3. 他在比赛中吃掉69个热狗,赢得冠军奖励10000美元与一条深黄色冠军的腰带。

    He downed 69 hot dogs and took home $ 10000 and a mustard-yellow champion 's belt .

  4. 最出名的贵黄玉有各种颜色,如深黄色、淡棕色、浅红色等。

    The best-known precious topaz gems range in color from rich yellow to light brown or pinkish red .

  5. 但是,家中几乎不采摘,结果柠檬肉最后都渐渐变成深黄色。

    But we hardly take them off , the lemon turn into dark yellow colour in the end .

  6. 通常是大的、多汁、深黄色、圆的、南瓜科植物的果实,夏末或早秋成熟。

    Usually large pulpy deep-yellow round fruit of the squash family maturing in late summer or early autumn .

  7. 此外,若是你的尿液已经呈现深黄色,是时候补充水分了。

    Also , if your urine color is a dark yellow , it 's time for a refreshing drink .

  8. 食用更多橙色和深黄色食物,其中含有有机化合物β-葫萝卜素。

    Eat more orange and deep yellow foods , which contain the organic compound beta-carotene responsible for their color .

  9. 晶种制备过程中其颜色的变化为由灰白色灰绿色黄绿色土黄深黄色。

    The color of seed continuously changes with time from hoariness to celadon to olivine to khaki to deep yellow .

  10. 随着紫外辐射时间的增加,改性环氧树脂表面从黄色变为深黄色。

    With the increase of UV irradiation time , the surface of modified epoxy resin changed from yellow to dark yellow .

  11. 生物柴油是一种比深黄色稍浅的液体,它是生物可降解的、无毒,而且比石油炼制的柴油的排放量更少。

    Biodiesel , a light to dark yellow liquid , is biodegradable , non-toxic and has significantly fewer emissions than petroleum-based diesel .

  12. 与头孢哌酮钠配伍含量下降最大,样品液由浅黄色变成深黄色;

    The content reduced mostly when zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection mixed with cefoperazone sodium and the fluid changed from light yellow to dark yellow .

  13. 自然界在很多深黄色、橙色或深绿色的水果和蔬菜中可以发现,如胡萝卜和菠菜。

    Found naturally in a wide range of fruits and vegetables that are deep yellow , orange or dark green , such as carrots and spinach .

  14. 广泛种植的印度热带植物,花黄色,有巨大芳香的深黄色根茎;辛辣调味品和黄色燃料的原料。

    Widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome ; source of a condiment and a yellow dye .

  15. 粗枝(心材为深黄色)草酸钙结晶含量少或极少,而生物碱含量高。

    The number of calcium oxalate in the thick twigs ( color of heartwood presents deep-yellow ) is lower or trace but the content of alkaloid is higher .

  16. 这位43岁的《泰坦尼克号》明星,在拍摄自己的戏份时,穿着一件棕色皮夹克、深黄色高领毛衣和棕色长裤,这和他的复古造型相配。

    The Titanic star , 43 , matched his retro appearance in a tan leather blazer , mustard turtleneck and brown trousers , as he filmed his own scenes .

  17. 不仅如此,各色衣服穿在他身上都独具风味,不管是深黄色、宝石绿、灰褐色、樱桃红,还是纯黄色、黄绿色、粉色或白色。

    And not only that - he can look equally divine in shades of mustard , turquoise , taupe , cherry-red , yellow , chartreuse , pink , and white .

  18. 说实在话。这是一顿很丰盛的茶点,先是每人一只深黄色的煮鸡蛋,煮得很嫩,接着是沙丁鱼盖烤面包,然后又是奶油面包,蜂蜜拌烤面包,白糖蛋糕,应有尽有。

    And really it was a wonderful tea . There was a nice brown egg , lightly boiled , for each of them , and then sardines on toast , and then buttered toast , and then toast with honey , and then a sugar-topped cake .

  19. 内镜检查时采用1.2%碘液黏膜染色,染色图像分为4类:第Ⅰ类:深黄色,隆起感,边缘清楚嵌入状,退色后呈粉白色;

    Among them , 867 were given endoscopy examination during which mucosal stain with 1.2 % iodine solution was used . The stain images were graded as four categories : Grade 1 , dark yellow , protruding inlay like with clear borders and showing pink after discoloration ;

  20. Ⅱ型胶原蛋白的表达:6周时,胞浆内可见深棕黄色阳性颗粒,基质内有少量的Ⅱ型胶原mRNA表达;

    Expression of type - ⅱ collage showed that , at 6 weeks after transplantation , dark buffy positive granules were observed in plasma and a few of type - ⅱ collagen mRNA expressed in matrix ;

  21. 结果:大鼠全程CNS连续切片各断面上神经元呈深棕黄色,核膜及核仁呈黑色;

    RESULTS : Neurons on each section of the whole CNS serial sectioning in rat were in dark nankeen , which the nuclear membrane and nucleolus were in black ;

  22. 一种介于中等褐黄色到深褐黄色之间的颜色。

    A medium to dark brownish yellow color .

  23. 深金黄色、火红色、红褐色,清澈无暇。

    Deep golden yellow , fire red , red brown , clear and flawless .

  24. 深芥末黄色带铜色亮片。

    Deep mustard yellow with copper sparkle .

  25. 像奥斯汀人喜欢指出的那样,如果上帝不是一只长角牛,为什么落日会是这么壮观的深橙黄色呢?

    As austinites are fond of pointing out , if God weren 't a longhorn , why would the sunset be this spectacular shade of burnt orange ?

  26. 在假手术组中,光镜下仅见到极少量淡棕黄色的细胞;而在模型组可见深棕黄色,数目较多;丁苯酞组见到是棕黄色,数目较少。

    In the sham-operation group , there were only light brown very small cells to be seen under the light microscope . But , a larger number of dark brown and yellow ones could be seen in the model group .

  27. 入秋后,又变为深红色或黄色。

    Leave turned into dark red or yellow after entering autumn .

  28. 深绿色,黄色和灰褐色组合成的皇冠斑叶,一般型叶。迷你型。

    Crown variegated dark green , yellow and beige , plain . Miniature .

  29. 结橡实形果实有黄色果肉的南瓜植物,深绿色或黄色的表皮上有纵向的脊。

    Squash plant bearing small yellow-fleshed acorn-shaped fruits having dark green or yellow rind with longitudinal ridges .

  30. 主要内容有:烤后原烟深黄、金黄色居多,结构疏松,油分多,色度强,化学成分含量适宜,比例协调。

    The content and ratio of the major chemical components were suitable .