
  • Deep-sea fish oil;orange roughy oil
  1. 气相色谱内标法测定深海鱼油中的EPA和DHA

    Determination of EPA and DHA in Deep Sea Fish Oil by Gas Chromatography using Internal Standard Method

  2. 与高脂模型组相比,深海鱼油组仅TG降低,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    At the same time , deep sea fish group only decreases TG and has statistics significance ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 目前,DHA主要来自深海鱼油的分离制备。

    So far , DHA is mainly isolated from the oil of fish in the deep sea .

  4. 目的本文研究国内深海鱼油对摄取高脂饲料大鼠血清总胆固醇(TC)、血清甘油三脂(TG)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)的调节作用。

    Objective The regulating effect on TC , TG , and HDL-C of rat serum of deep-sea fish oil of China was established .

  5. 从深海鱼油中制备提纯二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)乙酯的研究

    A Purification Study of Ethyl Ester of Eicosapentaenoic Acid ( EPA ) and Docosahexenoic Acid ( DHA ) Prepared from Sea Fish Oil

  6. 深海鱼油中两种脂肪酸(EPA和DHA)的生理功效及机理的研究进展

    Research Progress of the Physiological Function and Mechanism of Two Kinds of Fatty Acid ( EPA and DHA ) in the Fish Oil of Deep Sea

  7. 灵芝孢子油加深海鱼油组的小鼠大脑海马NOS阳性神经元与其它组的小鼠比较有显著性增加。

    Compare with other groups of mice , NOS positive neurons of cerebral hippocampus enhanced significantly in the combination of ganoderma spore oil and deep sea fish oil group of mice .

  8. 白皙雪颜焕采精华乳(80ml)主要成份:植物提取物、水果精华(柚子)、维生素C、甘草黄酮、维生素B3、红没药醇、深海鱼油、熊果苷等。

    Snow Face Shining Colour Essence Milk ( 80ml ) Ingredients : Plant combination , fruit extracts ( Grapefruit ), Vitamin C , liquorice flavone , VB3 , red myrrh alcohol , squalane oil , etc.

  9. 结果在Morris水迷宫检测中,灵芝孢子油组、深海鱼油组和灵芝孢子油加深海鱼油组小鼠的逃逸潜伏期明显缩短。

    Results The escape latency obviously shortened on the test of Morris water maze in the ganoderma spore oil group , deep sea fish oil group , combination of ganoderma spore oil and deep sea fish oil group of mice .

  10. 在4种试验温度下,EPA和DHA的总量分别为29.88%、31.74%、35.27%和41.80%,高出美国阿拉斯佳深海鱼油对应总量(28.76%)的1.12%~13.04%。

    Under four temperatures , the contents of EPA DHA are as follows : 29.88 % , 31.74 % , 35.27 % , 41.80 % respectively . It is higher than American ALASKA oil ( 28.76 % ) to 1.12 % ~ 13.04 % .

  11. n-3型PUFA(如EPA、DHA)在深海鱼油中含量丰富,其生理功能已经明确,具有预防心脑血管疾病、增进视觉系统及神经系统功能、抗癌、抗炎等重要作用。

    The n-3 PUFA such as EPA and DHA , which are abundant in fish oil , have significant physiological activity such as prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , enhancing the visual system and nervous system function , anti-cancer function and anti-inflammatory function .

  12. 深海鱼油对大鼠血脂水平影响的研究

    Effects of Deep - sea Fish Oil on Serum Lipid in Rats

  13. 深海鱼油、海豹油脂肪酸组份的分析研究

    The Analysis and Research of Components of Fatty Acid in Deep-Sea Fish Oil and Seal Oil

  14. 氦-氖激光和深海鱼油联合治疗复发性口腔溃疡的疗效评价

    Observation of the clinical efficacy of treating recurrent aphthous ulcer with He-Ne laser and deep sea fish oil

  15. 2-氨基-2-甲基丙醇衍生气相色谱/质谱分析深海鱼油脂肪酸

    Analysis of Fatty Acid in Deep-sea Fish Oil by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry with 2-Amino-2-Methylpropanol Pre-column Derivatization

  16. 研究分子蒸馏富集深海鱼油中ω-3脂肪酸的工艺方法。

    Technology of enrichment of ω - 3 fatty acids from fish oil with molecular distillation was studied .

  17. 液相色谱/质谱大气压化学电离源鉴定深海鱼油中长链不饱和脂肪酸

    Identification of Long-chain Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Deep-sea Fish Oil by Liquid Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry / Atmospheric Proessure Chemical Ionization

  18. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、蛇床子、没药、红参、维生素A醇、熊果苷、深海鱼油等。

    Ingredients : olive leaves extract , common cnidium fruit , myrrh , red ginseng , vitamin A , arbutin , deep sea fish oil etc.

  19. 爱的大天使拉斐尔,感谢您清理我的身体、安利纽崔莱深海鱼油心灵和生活,使我能阔别毒素,开心健康地生活。

    Dear Archangel Raphael , thank you for cleaning up my body , mind and life so that I may happily and healthfully live free of chemicals .

  20. 灵芝孢子油组和灵芝孢子油加深海鱼油组的小鼠平台象限游泳距离有增加。

    The swimming distance of platform quadrant increased in the ganoderma spore oil group , combination of ganoderma spore oil and deep sea fish oil group of mice .