
  • 网络depth index
  1. 随深度指数变化的视电阻率解

    Apparent resistivity solution changed with depth index

  2. 项目村贫困发生率、贫困深度指数和贫困强度指数有较大幅度下降,且下降幅度均大于对照村。

    Poverty incidence , poverty depth index and poverty severity index declined significantly compared to control village .

  3. 目的探讨麻醉深度指数(cerebralstateindex,CSI)监测在低温体外循环心内直视手术患者中应用的可行性。

    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of Cerebral state index ( CSI ) monitoring in patients undergoing hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass .

  4. 麻醉深度指数(CSI)用于老年患者喉罩全麻麻醉深度监测的研究

    Cerebral State Index for Monitoring the Depth of General Anesthesia for the Elderly with Laryngeal Mask Anesthesia

  5. 目的:评价麻醉深度指数(cerebralstateindex,CSI)在靶控输注异丙酚麻醉诱导过程中预测患者麻醉深度的精确程度。

    Objective To evaluate the accuracy of cerebral state index ( CSI ) as an indicator of anesthesia depth in patients in the induction of anesthesia with target-controlled infusion of propofol .

  6. 目的对异丙酚靶控输注(TCI)镇静的患者,比较麻醉深度指数(CSI)与脑电双频谱指数(BIS)在无手术刺激条件下监测镇静深度的准确性。

    Objective To compare the accuracy of bispectral index ( BIS ) and cerebral state index ( CSI ) used to measure depth of sedation during target-controlled infusion ( TCI ) of propofol .

  7. 体外循环下心内直视术麻醉深度指数监测

    Cerebral State Index Monitoring in Patients Undergoing Hypothermic Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  8. 麻醉深度指数指导全麻手术麻药用量的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Maintenance Medication of Anesthesia Guided by Cerebral State Index during General Anesthesia

  9. 麻醉深度指数与脑电双频谱指数测定靶控输注异丙酚患者镇静时镇静深度的比较

    Comparison of accuracy of bispectral index and cerebral state index for assessment of sedation depth during TCI of propofol

  10. 芬太尼、舒芬太尼对脑电双频指数及麻醉深度指数的影响与之相对,易读性描述的是排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。

    The Effects of Fentanyl and Sufentanil on Bispectral Index Scale and Cerebral State Index ; In contrast , legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read .

  11. 剪切模量沿深度按指数规律增大的场地土的地震放大效应

    Seismic amplification of sites with exponentially increasing shear modulus with depth

  12. 土壤温度变幅与土层深度成指数关系,且灌溉定额对土壤温度变幅与土层深度之间的相关性具有一定的影响。

    The relationship between soil temperature changed range and the soil depth were exponential and the relativity of them was influenced by the irrigation ration .

  13. 实验结果表明,破碎波压力沿深度呈指数规律变化,但水面上下规律不同。

    The results indicate that the breaking wave pressures are distributed exponentially in vertical direction , with different law below and above the still water level .

  14. 不同植被类型根系的不同径级总含根量与土层深度呈指数函数关系或线性关系。在天然含水量情况下,植被较之裸地能提高土壤抗剪强度。

    There is a exponential function relationship or linear relationship between gross root content including different diameters of different vegetation types and soil depth . At the state of natural moisture contents , vegetation can improve shear strength of soil , contrasted with bare soil .

  15. 在强夯冲击动应力随深度呈指数形式衰减研究结果基础上,提出了砾石土地基强夯加固中单击夯击能的影响深度和有效加固深度的经验公式。

    The empirical formula for the effective strengthening depth and impact depth under the single impacting capacity in heavy lamping-strengthening of pebble-soil foundation has been presented on basis of the study of outcome which the dynamic stress under heavy tamping and impacting attenuates with depth and index .

  16. 同时发现任何处理的剖面土壤温度最大日变幅均有随土壤深度增加呈指数递减的趋势。(3)建立了BP人工神经网络土壤剖面温度预报模型,预测精度较高。

    Furthermore , we found maximal soil temperature at the soil profile changes exponential descending with the depth increasing . ( 3 ) Based on the BP ANN , the forecasting model of soil temperature was founded and takes better forecasting result . 2 .

  17. 不同gB基因型HCMV感染在不同临床附着丧失、探诊深度和牙龈指数的位点中的分布差异均无统计学意义(P>0·05)。

    In chronic periodontitis , no statistical significance could be found between infection of different HCMV gB genotypes and the different clinical parameters of CAL , PD and GI ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 临床附着丧失≥5mm的患牙龈下菌斑标本中Td的检出率高于临床附着丧失<5mm标本(P<0.05),不同牙周袋深度及牙龈指数标本的Td检出率之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    PCR positive rates in the subgingival plaque samples with clinical attachment loss > 5mm were statistically higher than those of < 5mm samples ( P < 0.05 ) . There was no significant relationship between PCR positive rates and different periodontal pocket and gingival index .

  19. 多年生柠条根系虽然可分布到500cm以下土层,但是大部分根量分布在0~150cm土层,根系随深度分布可用指数方程描述;

    Although the brush root penetrates to a depth of more than 500 cm , most of the root mainly distributed in the upper 150 cm soil , the relationship between root and depth is exponential function .

  20. 入渗水分迁移速度随深度增加呈指数衰减。

    Migration velocity of infiltration water is an exponential decline with depth .

  21. 对盐分分布特征进行分析,可建立含盐率和盐分浓度与深度之间的指数函数关系。

    Based on the experimental data of salt distribution , the exponential function of soil salt content and concentration with depth were established .

  22. 植物根系与蚯蚓孔洞等优先流通道发育,随深度变化呈指数衰减。

    The preferential flow paths , e.g. , the plant roots and earthworm holes develop , decreasing exponentially with the depth of soil profile .

  23. 孔隙度随地层埋藏深度的增加按指数规律减小,但是,在异常地层压力井段,孔隙度变化偏离这一规律;

    According to exponential law , the porosity decreases with increase in strata depth .

  24. 各林分不同林冠深度的叶面积指数累积分布变化曲线均呈S型;

    In different canopy depths of all forests , the cumulative distribution curves of leaf areas index were S-shape ;

  25. 峨眉冷杉属于水平根系树种,其根长密度随土层深度的增加呈指数递减。

    Root length density of Abies fabri , whose root system is horizontal , decreased exponentially with increasing of soil depth .

  26. 采用深度精制高粘度指数基础油和进口复合剂,复合陶瓷合金润滑因子调制而成。

    Made of high viscosity index and deeply refining base oil , import composited agent , and the ceramic composite of lubrication factor .

  27. 结果:通过蒙特卡罗模拟得到光损伤随组织深度的增加呈指数衰减的结果,且光子在组织边缘会形成第2个峰值。

    Results : Light damage of Monte Carlo simulation will decay with the depth of the organization increased , and the photons in the organization will form the second peak at the edge of different tissue .

  28. 通过假设土壤饱和水力传导率随着深度的增加呈指数递减和地下水面平行于地表面,推导出了基本方程;

    Its basic equations were obtained based on the assumptions that the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil varied negative-exponentially with the depth of water , and that the water table was parallel to the soil surface .

  29. 随着光子进入组织深度的增加,漫散射光学层析成像的深度敏感性呈现指数下降分布。

    The sensitivity of diffuse optical tomography ( DOT ) imaging exponentially decreases with the increase of photon penetration depth , which leads to a poor depth resolution for DOT .

  30. 内摩擦角的增加值与土层深度呈幂函数关系,粘聚力的增加值与土层深度呈指数函数关系。

    There is a power function relationship between added value of friction angle and soil depth .